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Thread: Neurophone and Echophone

  1. #1

    Default Neurophone and Echophone

    Sorry if this post is out of line. I'm not doing so well finding information out on the web with this technology.

    I plan to use the Neurophone with the Proteus to ratchet up the sessions. The difference in price between the Echophone and the Neurophone is around $135 and the Echophone comes with headphones and a seperate volume control for the audio signal, I don't get the price difference.

    Does anyone have any ideas or opinions about the differences between these 2 units?
    Is the technology the same?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Neurophone and Echophone

    Hi Jerome, and welcome!

    I guess the first question I would have to ask is why you believe it's better to drive the sound into your skull than just let in in through the ears like we're naturally built.

    I am not being cynical or sarcastic. This is a question I ask myself. The sales pitch for these gizmos is really compelling, and it sounds like a real buzz having your cranium buzzing and making the brain jelly quiver.

    My own conclusion is that it would make an awesome toy, and my friends would love it, and I would try to buy the best model I could afford. As a useful tool, I very much doubt it will be any better than the standard headphones. Entrainment is simple, it just works.

    I'd certainly love to hear how you get on.



  3. #3

    Default Re: Neurophone and Echophone

    Ok, I'll cut right to the chase. I built a booth in my basement out of plywood. I put a stool in it, some electric and ventilation. I have sub-woofers on either side of my head and board with LEDs mounted on it that I can swing in front of my face. I have rotary switch that allows me to select 1 of 5 colors. I also have an mp3 player in there with different sound tracks (ocean surf, jungle, rainstorm....).

    The sub-woofers can only be so loud before my ears hurt and if the lights are too bright I get sick to the stomach. I thought with the Neurophone I could intensify the whole experience, even if it only makes the waves or the raindrops more intense.

    I've been a busy boy since my last post. I really appreciate your response.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Neurophone and Echophone

    Ahhh, the secret is out!!! How unbelievably way cool!!!

    My suggestion would be that you look into the Bass Shaker Transducers. There's quite a few brands out there and they're used on therapy tables and by avid gamers to add full-on vibration without much noise. Most seem to want a standard 20-50W RMS amp. I have no opinion on the one in the link - it's just to show what I'm talking about...

    The neat thing about what you've built is that it's wireless - it would be a shame to have to wear or attach anything at this stage.

    Please keep us infromed of your progress!!!


  5. #5

    Default neurophone

    hi i am really curious to know if any one has ever used neurophone ??do thy really hear music inside there head?? i know many people here have a lot of experience and knowledge about the brain ... it is going to cost 99 dollars instead 800 .. cud i use kasina with it ?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Tripping the Light Fantastic
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    Default Re: Neurophone and Echophone

    I've always been curious. I just know that it is way,way,way overpriced and well beyond my 'fordahellofit" range. Now, $99 I could probably stomach. I have seen circuits that claim to reproduce the effect but have never built one. Really, I think it is not at all dissimilar from a bone transducer although the claim some other organ is doing the decoding. Fascinating but I just put it out my mind when they cost that much. CraigT pretty much echoes my feelings on the subject.

    However, again for $99 if it is a true Neurophone (and digital?) then maybe. It should work with the Kasina if it takes a standard audio feed.

    Let us know if you get one and how it works for you.
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  7. Default Re: Neurophone and Echophone

    I have used a Neurophone. If you crank it way up, as a newbie, you can "hear" through the pads. I never had a chance to work with it much after the first week and a helpful family member packed it away... in a box headed to another continent!

    I will be getting a next-generation model when they come out.

    I intend to use it for things like affirmations while I have to be in 'hearing mode' and can't wear headphones and for streaming other data for self-programming.

    Given the reputed healing nature of ultrasound waves, bombarding my brain with them might not be a bad idea.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Neurophone and Echophone

    is the pads make any noise with out touching the skin ?

    did you try some session like isochronics tones?
    do you think makes any diference?

    I would like to try with Kasina

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