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Thread: Spectrastrobe, Kasina & Mind Workstation

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Tripping the Light Fantastic
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    Default Re: Spectrastrobe, Kasina & Mind Workstation

    Yes, do post the MatLab files. I use EEGLab with it for analysis of EDF files I am obtaining from OPI TrueSense hardware. So I would be interested in your designs. I agree that you can get good data, it is just not in a form that most people expect. (ie specific frequency information) When treated as relative units and evaluating band power change then yes. I do the same trick as you, that is turning the headset around for O1 data. I have the MindSet so I can also turn it to get CZ,FZ or PZ data. A little surgical tape stabilizes it but with care it is fine.

    I wish MWS supported OpenVibe directly and have requested this. I can share some of my Neurosky MWS designs with you if you would like. I have some formula engines that do some relative calculations and with the Graphing engine you can get a useful data set as well.

    Thanks so much for sharing your results. I hope my earlier posts didn't leave you a wrong impression. I was simply trying to inform about what the 'raw' stream actually was.

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  2. Default Re: Spectrastrobe, Kasina & Mind Workstation

    Sorry this took so long. I have included a Matlab file <plotFFTb.m>. As well as the source (below in text). Have fun if you can use it.
    You will need OpenVibe to collect the raw data stream. The only module that works for Neurosky is for the non-mobile units. In OpenVibe
    you only need to use the display EEG and write CSV to disk routines. Make sure you specify in OpenVibe that you want it to write
    a comma delimited file (it defaults to semicolon delimiters). After you have written the data file, open it with Excel and remove the
    first header line (you must delete it). Then save the file with a .CSV extension. Run Matlab and run the plotFFTb function. When it
    asks for a file name type the saved data file without the .CSV extension. The program will then plot the power/frequency data as well
    as the proportion of the total power in each relevant frequency band.



    % plotFFTb.m
    % Christopher DiMattina & John Rossi III
    % Florida Gulf Coast University
    % Brief Description: This program loads an EEG data file and plots the FFT
    % and PSD. It also calculates the signal power in the
    % alpha, theta, delta beta and gamma frequency bands
    % as a proportion of overall power
    % Version: 2.0 Beta
    % Created: 9-24-2014
    % Copyright (C) 2014 Christopher DiMattina & John Rossi III
    % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    % (at your option) any later version.
    % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    % GNU General Public License for more details.
    % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    % along with this program. If not, see <>.

    Fs = 512; % Sampling frequency = 512 Hz
    fmax = Fs/2; % Nyquist frequency

    % Get Filename

    filename = input('Filename to load? ', 's');
    filename = strcat(filename, '.csv');

    M = csvread(filename);

    % M = csvread('test.csv');

    t = M(:,1);
    y = M(:,2);
    y = y-mean(y); % Remove DC component

    N = 4096;
    FFTy = fftshift(abs(fft(y,N)));
    faxis = linspace(-fmax,fmax,N-1);

    plotInd = (N/2):length(faxis);
    FFTy_temp = FFTy(2:end);

    faxis = faxis(plotInd);
    FFTy = FFTy_temp(plotInd);

    FFTpow = (FFTy.^2);


    deltaInd = find( (faxis > 0.1) & (faxis <=3));
    alphaInd = find( (faxis > 8 ) & (faxis <= 13) );
    betaInd = find( (faxis > 13) & (faxis <= 30) );
    gammaInd = find( (faxis > 30) & (faxis <=100) );
    thetaInd = find( (faxis > 3 ) & (faxis <= 8) );
    junkloInd = find( (faxis < 0.1) );
    junkhiInd = find( (faxis > 100));

    deltaFrac = sum(FFTpow(deltaInd))/sum(FFTpow);
    alphaFrac = sum(FFTpow(alphaInd))/sum(FFTpow);
    betaFrac = sum(FFTpow(betaInd))/sum(FFTpow);
    gammaFrac = sum(FFTpow(gammaInd))/sum(FFTpow);
    thetaFrac = sum(FFTpow(thetaInd))/sum(FFTpow);
    junkloFrac = sum(FFTpow(junkloInd))/sum(FFTpow);
    junkhiFrac = sum(FFTpow(junkhiInd))/sum(FFTpow);

    disp(sprintf('alpha = %.3f',alphaFrac));
    disp(sprintf('theta = %.3f',thetaFrac));
    disp(sprintf('delta = %.3f',deltaFrac));
    disp(sprintf('beta = %.3f',betaFrac));
    disp(sprintf('gamma = %.3f',gammaFrac));
    disp(sprintf('lowout = %.3f',junkloFrac));
    disp(sprintf('hiout = %.3f',junkhiFrac));
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