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Thread: Hypnosis with L/S machines

  1. #1

    Default Hypnosis with L/S machines

    Hi all,
    I did one hypnosis session with L/S machine which has option to input audio from IPod. After 5 minutes, my family noticed I was snoring. I woke up in last 10 minutes. Session was one hour long. Do you think hypnosis work this way also? Only after effect was more relaxed. Please share your experience about hypnosis with L/S machines.

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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Hypnosis with L/S machines

    It is not uncommon to fall asleep at first when attempting deep meditation or hypnosis by a guide. This is a case where a real hypnotist working with you would prevent this from happening. Depending of the level of sleep you entered you most likely missed the effect of most of the hypnotic suggestions. I couldn't really say without knowing the full circumstance and content.

    5 minutes also is a pretty quick time to go asleep. You should probably adjust the time of day that you do the session. One of the challenges of beginning meditation is to overcome the natural inclination to fall asleep when still and quiet. This is a common hindrance for many people.
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  4. #4

    Default Re: Hypnosis with L/S machines

    Thanks. I will use Hypnosis session after using Procyon session and will remain active. I will share how it goes.

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroasis View Post
    It is not uncommon to fall asleep at first when attempting deep meditation or hypnosis by a guide. This is a case where a real hypnotist working with you would prevent this from happening. Depending of the level of sleep you entered you most likely missed the effect of most of the hypnotic suggestions. I couldn't really say without knowing the full circumstance and content.

    5 minutes also is a pretty quick time to go asleep. You should probably adjust the time of day that you do the session. One of the challenges of beginning meditation is to overcome the natural inclination to fall asleep when still and quiet. This is a common hindrance for many people.

  5. Default Re: Hypnosis with L/S machines

    I notice that most of the hypnosis or meditative sessions bounce around quite a bit from theta to delta or higher. It seems to me that if one wants to get into a suggestive state, to listen to pre-recorded suggestions or affirmations for example, that the session would ramp down to theta over 5-10 minutes, stay in theta for as long as the suggestions last, say 15 minutes, then ramp back up to an alert state. However, I can think of two reasons for the session leaving theta, 1) to help avoid the listener from going to sleep, and 2) to insert short ramps from higher states back down to theta to snag any faster brain waves and keep bringing them down into theta. Are these the reasons the sessions don't just stay in theta? Are there other reasons? Would you expect a session that ramps down to theta and stays there to be the best for self hypnosis? Thanks for your input and any recommendations for specific self hypnosis sessions (to use with prerecorded suggestions).

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    Default Re: Hypnosis with L/S machines

    Generally yes you are correct and the reasons you site are valid.

    However, there are several factors to consider. The primary one is the content of the suggestions. Affirmations imply active involvement. Hypnotic suggestions are usually using guided imagery or are passive or instructive in nature. Active involvement implies relaxed alpha, delving into borderline theta. Passive implies a deeper theta state.

    Another factor to consider is, are you making the session for yourself or is it 'professionally' produced. The reason that this matters is if you are making it for yourself then staying within a known frequency band has the added benefit of 'pre-supposing' or 'pre-programming' yourself to enter that state. Self designed sessions that jump all over the place can be a distraction because you are tracking and following these shifts to some degree. Randomness within a band can help if you use advanced software able to create it. (Mind Workstation specifically)

    Now, professionally produced sessions tend to follow along a locus of attention. It is a fact that human perception drifts all over the place and rarely settles into a sure pattern. Our attention span is especially prone to boredom. The content of the suggestions often lends itself well to submersion and immersion sections. You describe the process somewhat in 'snagging faster brain waves'. Although I would tend to say that it is mirroring a more natural contour of brainwave patterns. More in line with current understanding of how our brains most likely operate.

    So as with most things in this field, the best answer is, it depends. You must experiment, log your results, and if available have a few priming sessions from an actual hypnotist.

    We would love to hear your results and maybe then we could provide more detailed information. But honestly anyone that makes statements implying universal applicability, is wrong in a large number of cases.

    Simply stated, though, yes, sessions in which you want to absorb information at a subconscious level are best targeted to the theta band.

    Hope this is helpful,
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