With many thanks to robinhood for supplying us with his PDF scans, and to Neuroasis for cleaning and optimizing them, the complete run of Megabrain Report is now available in our "Articles" section, http://mindplacesupport.com/support-articles/.
These may be 20 or more years old, but the Journal included a host of essays, reviews, interviews, etc. which provided the base from which our current understanding of these neurotechnologies has emerged. The Journal served to update the findings reported by M.H. in 'Megabrain' and 'Megabrain Power', as described primarily by those actively innovating, researching, and developing new tools at the time, some of which became presenters at our Neurotechnology Forum, the videos from which you can find on our Youtube channel, https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMindPlace/videos.
Thank you all for your interest in this historical archive, and to Michael Hutchison for his invaluable contributions.