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Thread: Can Kasina play AudioStrobe sessions ?

  1. #1

    Default Can Kasina play AudioStrobe sessions ?

    Hello everyone

    I was wondering if the kasina can play AudioStrobe sessions from procyon, other machines and online stores that sell AudioStrobe CDs including the the CDs that is sold at mindplace?

    I found this statement in a website :
    " Does the Kasina replace the Procyon? No. There are things the Procyon can do that the Kasina cannot, like precisely sculpting visual waveforms, and ultra-high light pulse range."

    what do you guys think if this statement?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Can Kasina play AudioStrobe sessions ?

    Hello Ali;

    Yes, the Kasina can decode AudioStrobe, so it will play AudioStrobe tracks. However, you asked about "AudioStrobe sessions from procyon". The Procyon does not internally store any AudioStrobe sessions, so there are not any that can be taken "from" the Procyon.
    AudioStrobe sessions come typically on a CD or are downloadable media files that get decoded by the Procyon (or Proteus or Kasina).

    I'll let Scott answer the question about the Kasina vs Procyon, since I believe that was a statement he made.

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  3. #3

    Default Re: Can Kasina play AudioStrobe sessions ?

    I really appreciate your answer , what I meant are the sessions that has been made for procyon or other AudioStrpbe devices, for example the ones here in form under procyon sessions?
    I'll be waiting Scott to answer the part about the statement Kasina vs procyon.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Can Kasina play AudioStrobe sessions ?

    Actually that is a statement on an affiliate site. It is accurate in this sense:

    Our mind machines up to (and including the Kasina) play back sessions as digital instructions that are stored in session files. This allowed for very small files to use in the limited internal memory of past releases. It also allowed for very accurate playback as the files sent instructions directly to the onboard microcontroller on each machine. The Kasina has a form of this digital session called a KBS file and it is very accurate even at very high frequencies. This format doesn't address all of the lights in the same way that the Procyon does for instance. Yet is has some excellent tricks that we use to configure the light displays 'on demand'. That is, you the user set the colors as the file plays back. The KBS format is in continuing development, so its capabilities will grow.

    All of our machines process AudioStrobe files too. AudioStrobe files have the light signals embedded as audio in the music files beyond the range of hearing. They can be very accurate depending on the method/software used to create the AS pulses. Also, it depends on how good the decoder is. MindPlace makes the best decoders in the business. Kasina can not only play all AudioStrobe, the user can reassign colors and pan positions to the AS signals as they play back. No other mind machine can do this (well technically on the Procyon you set the mapped colors in the software but not switch them in realtime)

    Kasina also introduces SpectraStrobe which is an expansion of the AS format. It maps the full range of colors (instead of only 2 at time like AS). It is an amazing advance and the things you do with it to control the light display is unprecedented and the fulfillment of our wildest dreams.

    Again though for SpectraStrobe to be really accurate it depends on how 'clean' the signals are and how well they are encoded. Fortunately we have also partnered with the industry leader, Transparent Corporation, to use their clinical grade software NeuroProgrammer 3 and especially Mind Workstation.

    One thing that should be mentioned that is relevant is that because the decoders in the machines are 'tracking' the pulses in the AS and SS files, very high speed pulses are not quite as crisp as with pure digital instructions.

    So the above statement has validity. It is true that the Kasina doesn't replace the Procyon. The Procyon has a unique character to the lights. At this point I think it is an ideal 'second purchase' to expand your kit.

    Whereas the Kasina is a major all around expansive and excellent machine, and should be considered by all as the first purchase and probably will be your primary machine.

    Hope this helps,
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Can Kasina play AudioStrobe sessions ?

    A Procyon session (a file with a .prw ending, or the files in the Sessions/Procyon Sessions forum) cannot be played on the Kasina, but ANY AudioStrobe file (which is an audio file) can be decoded on the Proteus, Procyon or Kasina. The Kasina can play an AudioStrobe file directly, while the Proteus and Procyon need an external audio player to play an AudioStrobe file into the device.

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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Can Kasina play AudioStrobe sessions ?

    Each of our machines has its own session format. Some can be 'converted' to others, although really each machine still stands alone in the overall picture as each has features that others do not. MindPlace is a company that caters well to experimenters and aficionados as we don't put out simple limited machines.

    The Proteus sessions could be 'converted' to Procyon sessions but the Proteus has many great realtime functions and a different LED configuration as well as biofeedback capabilities. The Sirius (now discontinued) sessions were all converted to the KBS format and included free with Kasina (whole extra mind machine). The Sirius however had a live mic for flashing along with concerts and such. The Kasina has a ColorOrgan function that started in the Sirius with just one light color and is not in any other mind machine.

    Procyon sessions cannot really be converted nor Proteus ones to the Kasina KBS format (yet?) However they can approximated using AS and SS. Work on that is ongoing.

    However, I do want to say that there is a massive amount of content on the Kasina which will keep you busy for months and years. The content offerings will only grow as well.

    Last edited by neuroasis; 08-02-2014 at 05:04 AM.
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

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