Hey gang,
I am new to the MINDPLACE support website, and have owned my PROCYON AVS for one week now. Lovin' it!
Attached to this post is my first session for the PROCYON: I call it MY BLUE HEAVEN.
It is an hour-and-a-half of profoundest Theta and Delta meditation. It spends much time in Delta, but I envision this session not as a promoter of sleep, but rather a session to be experienced completely waking, though highly relaxed. Seated and with chin and head held up. The session has been programmed not so much for beautiful colors... but to be profoundly hypnotic, profoundly "entraining".
This session takes you down from the cusp of Alpha and Beta-- 12Hz--- where red light flickers alone.... down into Theta where a green light is prominent... all the way into Delta, which is illuminated only by a blue light.... cool, yet warm and luminous somehow.
Your experiences of this session will differ, but subjectively, for me, this is a beautifully meditative, even solemn space... a blue bath which creates a "safe" environment for you to reflect on many things, like your past and your present. In my own case, I find it remarkable for alleviating PTSD: your old "tapes" and "films" will come up, the ones that might bring you feelings of fear, hurt, resentment or shame, and the bath of blue light washes them away... giving you opportunity to re-script old stimuli, use NLP Submodality techniques to de-fang old unpleasant stimuli... The blue light, blue like Mary's headveil in sacred art, lets you vow to start creating new resonances and core beliefs stemming from this newfound peace and clarity.
Hope you'll try it and let me know what you think.
Best, David "rasputin1963"