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Thread: Soundcloud tracks tag idea :)

  1. Default Soundcloud tracks tag idea :)

    Hey guys.... had my Kasina for a week and thoroughly enjoying every session so far... I'm really quite addicted...

    Just a quick idea about the Soundcloud tracks. I have downloaded all of the current spectrastrobe tracks on there and placed them into a folder named "Soundcloud" on the kasina's sd card. I will definitely get around to them after I have finished checking out the other sessions on the unit - however, I just wanted to raise an idea, as I really like how the built-in sessions are categorised - simply and clearly - in such a way that makes it effortless for me to go straight to a session I am looking for, that reflects my purpose of use, time of day, etc.

    All of the current Soundcloud tracks are tagged with the rather vague "meditation" description, along with "kasina", "spectrastrobe" etc. I'm just wondering, as we move ahead with more tracks for us to download in the future - if it would be possible to tag more specifically in terms of entrainment category - so that we can drop these tracks into our well-thought out and clear-cut pre-existing categories, rather than me having a random "Soundcloud" folder consisting of random "extras" that I have no real idea of their purpose as I browse on the Kasina...

    I know that each track has a short description alongside it on soundcloud - but for me at least it would be so helpful if they could be tagged in line with the current category system... rather than me having to guess whether something is meditate, trance, or mind art, for instance. Just a thought anyway - so that it can be a little simpler in terms of simply laying back and enjoying, without worrying whether or not something new is going to actually be the opposite of what I'm looking for at that particular time.

    (And keep up the GREAT work!)

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Tripping the Light Fantastic
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    Default Re: Soundcloud tracks tag idea :)

    Hi Dave,
    Glad that you are enjoying your Kasina! It is easy to get pulled in by the deep experiences. Also, nice that you have found us on SoundCloud and downloaded some of the material there. You are right that our online material could stand more organizing. Have you also downloaded the many great sessions here contributed by Thalassa? They are quite excellent and add much to the Kasina experience.

    Anyway, welcome and let us know what your favorites are and continue with your feedback and suggestions.

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  3. Default Re: Soundcloud tracks tag idea :)

    Ah, great, I will definitely check those sessions out then. Thanks for the heads up Scott!

    On a side note, I have just done "Cheer Up" for the first time today, and although the audio is simply pulses that mimic the flashing hz, I want to say that I found the session really great, and it totally changed my day! I have recently recovered from a long lasting disease and I have been feeling quite disassociated from my past and who I was before it all started. The longer I use the kasina, the more memories I seem to have arising from my past that I can feel myself connecting to mid-session and acknowledging, this is me, this is my life - I am the same person. Cheer up although in "accelerate" also did this for me today - taking me right out of self-pity and into appreciation. What a wonderful gift.

    Lastly, I have enjoyed every session I've tried so far, but incase you are interested to know - the one I use to introduce people to the unit is actually "Sanguine" - at only 10 minutes long and with lights that lull you into a floaty hypnosis, I am really fond of this track. It's actually really surprising how relaxing and hypnotic those mechanical "whoosh" sounds become after just a few minutes...!

  4. #4
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    Tripping the Light Fantastic
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    Default Re: Soundcloud tracks tag idea :)

    That's really nice to hear about the boost you have been getting with the Kasina and how it is helping you to reintegrate. Energy type sessions tend to be fairly simple as the lights are fast. Also, uplifting music could be included too.

    I am the creator of many of the sessions on the Kasina in the Mind Art categories as well as some spread throughout. Sanguine is one of these. I do tend to lean toward 'motion' or 'wash' sounds with a strong drone background. I find these to be the most hypnotizing with little real world relations or melodic hooks that break the trance.

    Thanks for your sharing the Kasina with others as well. Please keep us informed on how you progress with using the Kasina.

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Soundcloud tracks tag idea :)

    Hi daveisthemusic
    Scott Thaaanks for the "Flowers"
    But I would also highly recommend the Sessions of saswing he is a great Musician and has made some beautiful Sessions.
    I had the joy to be his "testdummy" for his soon available Sessions and they are fantastic .He uses real voices and instruments and records them in high energy places like cathedrals.I really love them my favorite is "Sahara" There are two of his sessions Skytrip and Sacred Moment ,plus a 7 sample collection already available and I hope the rest of them will become available soon.
    Cheers Esthy

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