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Thread: New User, Does anyone know how to activate the 14 sessions of the UXX on Proteus

  1. #1

    Default New User, Does anyone know how to activate the 14 sessions of the UXX on Proteus

    Hi folks and Proteus owners,my name is Sami,,and I just received my Proteus in the mail last wk. I have tried a lot of the 50 pre-programmed sessions and have not tried the audiostrobe yet.But I am trying to understand how do you get to the Uxx led and get the 100 session slots (U00 through U99) activated on this unit? Will it erase the 50 pre-program ones? Do I have to download them from the Mindplace website and where on this page, do I find them? I realize I am a newbie to this, but wanted to try the Uxx or 2nd utility memory bank. Would sure appreciate any guidence on these questions,to anybody that is more fimilar to this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: New User, Does anyone know how to activate the 14 sessions of the UXX on Proteus

    Hi Sami and Welcome!

    Congratulations on your purchase!

    The Proteus ships with 50 sessions in the P (Preset) bank and 14 additional sessions in the U (User) bank.
    If you would like to install more sessions, it would be good to familiarize yourself with the Proteus Editor.
    The best way to do that would be to download and read the Proteus Session Editor Manual.

    From here you can download the Proteus Driver and Editor.

    You can find additional Sessions here.

    If you run into any difficulties or have questions, please write back!

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. #3

    Default Re: New User, Does anyone know how to activate the 14 sessions of the UXX on Proteus

    thanks Andy, for the advice and looking forward to exploring more options for Proteus

  4. #4

    Default Re: New User, Does anyone know how to activate the 14 sessions of the UXX on Proteus

    Is there any info on those 14 tracks listed anywhere? I didn't know there were any until I stumbled across this thread.

  5. #5

    Default Re: New User, Does anyone know how to activate the 14 sessions of the UXX on Proteus

    Welcome, Casey! Have a look at the 'Proteus Tutorials' and the 'ThoughtStream controlled Proteus sessions quickstart' here:

    The sessions in the Uxx bank can be run as standard light and sound sessions, but if connected to a ThoughtStream, portions of the stimulation patterns are controlled by your galvanic skin response, which is in turn influenced by the audio visual stimulation. That is, a feedback loop is establed. See the PDF here:



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