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Thread: How to hypnotize someone?

  1. #11
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    Default Re: How to hypnotize someone?

    They are great tools in any relationship, not for what appears to be the obvious reason but as a negotiation or communication tool. A "fight" is a difference of opinion and the fight itself is the method of trying to "win" your point. A little skill and language knowledge and you can avert a fight and invite a discussion ... or put your opponent into a nice, deep, relaxing sleep ... ha ha just kidding.
    Do you know Sam Horn's work? Tongue Fu teaches a lot of simple techniques for diffusing arguments and having productive conversation. I wish everyone knew these guidelines. The world would be so much more peaceful. I also like Conzentration and POP from her as well.. Pretty simple stuff but awesome for a mass audience.

    Also, I agree 100% that the art of Critical Thinking is very much in decline (intentionally so?). I have read the work you referenced in the past and it is very good. Personally, I have two sides to my personality: one that practices high degrees of critical thinking and the other the loves to play with its opposite Magical Thinking..

    Yes, this is interesting conversation.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: How to hypnotize someone?

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroasis View Post
    Do you know Sam Horn's work? Tongue Fu teaches a lot of simple techniques for diffusing arguments and having productive conversation. I wish everyone knew these guidelines. The world would be so much more peaceful. I also like Conzentration and POP from her as well.. Pretty simple stuff but awesome for a mass audience.
    The term "tongue fu" rings a bell so I must have heard of it but I did not ever read it. I haven't read any of her work by the looks of it. I also liked "Hypnotic Language" by John Burton and Bob Bodenhamer, though it may be too much on the technical side for the average reader. Another one I really liked and is good for the general public is: "Conversational Power: The Key to Success with People" by James Van Fleet.

    I wish this stuff was taught in schools.

    Also, I agree 100% that the art of Critical Thinking is very much in decline (intentionally so?). I have read the work you referenced in the past and it is very good. Personally, I have two sides to my personality: one that practices high degrees of critical thinking and the other the loves to play with its opposite Magical Thinking..

    Yes, this is interesting conversation.
    I too, had those two sides and Critical Thinking won the debate with Magical Thinking. Ah but, then Critical Thinking got to thinking that there is still a use for Magickal thinking and that has produced a yet third perspective.

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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  3. #13
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    Default Re: How to hypnotize someone?

    The 16cd set from Igor Ledochowski about conversational hypnosis is the best I have come across. Audio is invaluable as you get hear the parsing and structure of commands as they are alternatively concealed and emphasized. It helps you to create a style that fits your preferred modalities of speaking. You will never get anywhere repeating other people's phrases. You have to write your own and learn to weave them seamlessly. Be prepared to practice..a lot. That is why I say stories are easiest because you can make another person in the story say anything and not feel silly about it.

    I too, had those two sides and Critical Thinking won the debate with Magical Thinking. Ah but, then Critical Thinking got to thinking that there is still a use for Magickal thinking and that has produced a yet third perspective.
    I hear you. In the book I just finished the main character related a quip from his mentor/psychoanalyst that said that 'true sophistication is not reached until one hears at least 3 voices in their head.'. I have been influenced somewhat by Marvin Minsky's Society of Mind . Therefore the idea of a multitude of what he terms 'agents' within oneself is comfortable to me.

  4. Default Re: How to hypnotize someone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post

    Everyone goes in and out of hypnotic states many times during the day. A hypnotic or trance state can be as simple as someone not remembering the details of driving the last few miles home. It can occur while you are engrossed in a TV show or playing a video game. A trance state can be a focused state or it can be a passive state (zoning out). Hypnosis occurs if a suggestion is given while a person is in a trance state. Not all "hypnotic" suggestions work despite the eloquence of the speaker or writer.

    So that's what's happening when I walk into the kitchen and forget what I went in there for! I was hypnotized!

  5. #15
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    Default Re: How to hypnotize someone?

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroasis View Post
    Watch a few of the Derren Brown Mind Control shows if you want to see a professional illusionist do it in context.
    As luck would have it, there are some already linked to us by another member!

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  6. #16
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    Default Re: How to hypnotize someone?

    Quote Originally Posted by brewmasher View Post
    So that's what's happening when I walk into the kitchen and forget what I went in there for! I was hypnotized!
    Probably not ... but we can go with that explanation.

    It probably has more to do with working memory and distraction - for instance, you are thinking about something else on your way to the kitchen.

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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  7. Default Re: How to hypnotize someone?

    That's my story and I'm sticking with it!

  8. Default Re: How to hypnotize someone?

    Hi mayer01

    conversational hypnosis is a very powerful technique, he is different from traditional hypnosis. I just saw a website called hypnotize someone guides, you can look at, I hope it will help you.

  9. Default Re: How to hypnotize someone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post
    As I mentioned before, there are many ways to influence someone in a conversation. Like most powerful things, this knowledge and set of techniques can be used to help people (for example, a paramedic at an accident using tone of voice and choice of words to keep patient calm) or to exploit people (a con artist talking a victim into investing money or buying a crappy product or service).

    The word "hypnosis" can be misleading in subjects such as the one that started this thread - a politician using hypnosis in his/her speech. It's misleading in that it leads the reader to believe that something is being done against their will and/or without their knowledge. This line of thought is a gross exaggeration of the circumstance. Sure, the politician is wanting to convince the audience of his point but in this case, it's not hypnosis, even though elements of hypnotic language may be used (deliberately or not).

    All good speeches are designed to influence the listener. A good, convincing speech will likely contain influential language. All advertisements contain influential language and/or images. Your friend trying to get you to buy dessert, if s/he convinces you - has used influential language. A guy trying to pick up a girl is using influential language. Sales, advertising and marketing are industries built around the use of influence.

    Everyone goes in and out of hypnotic states many times during the day. A hypnotic or trance state can be as simple as someone not remembering the details of driving the last few miles home. It can occur while you are engrossed in a TV show or playing a video game. A trance state can be a focused state or it can be a passive state (zoning out). Hypnosis occurs if a suggestion is given while a person is in a trance state. Not all "hypnotic" suggestions work despite the eloquence of the speaker or writer.

    All hypnosis is influential but not all that is influential is hypnosis.

    Awesome explanation! I'd just like to add that the most common strategy I observed in political speeches was scare tactics, and using fear to influence somebody's decisions is not a practice exclusive to hypnosis. Like the last sentence says, "All hypnosis is influential but not all that is influential is hypnosis." Everyone aiming to influence decision-making in others, whether that person is a politician, hypnotist, or marketer, follows the principle of targeting emotions over logic. We are not as rational as we like to think...

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