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Thread: ESP - session?

  1. Default Re: ESP - session?

    Hello Excuse me I'm probably not quite correctly understood from the fact that I do not know English very well. It seemed to me that you will do even what that session that can help me. Once again I'm sorry.

  2. #22
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    Default Re: ESP - session?

    Okay. My point is that there is no session or technique in existence that will help with ESP or any other Psi capability. Disciplined contemplation and meditation using any of the trance or meditation type sessions will help you to use the higher functions of your mind to the maximum extent of your mind's capability. Try all of the sessions of these types - you should find one or more that change the way your mind feels during use.


  3. Default Re: ESP - session?

    Thank you. I could not find the book Ingo Swann in Russian but found books on remote viewing Russian surname Popov. Now I began to read it. I'm still waiting for the session to help remember dreams. neuroasis promises to make such a session.

  4. #24
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    Lightbulb Re: ESP - session?

    Alright my friend, here is your track. It has been tested by me and one of my close friends and we had good results. It is an AudioStobe track so play it through the Aux connector on your Proteus. It will also play on the Procyon, Sirius, Kasina and other mind machines. Although I designed it for the Proteus and need to test more (and get feedback on how well it transfers to those).

    You obviously want this track badly so I hope it achieves your desires. Quality takes time. Especially a 90 minute session..

    Here is the SoundCloud link for download:

    The embedded streaming player from SoundCloud is only 128kbps.. so the AudioStrobe won't work streaming.

    I have used a lot of interesting ideas and would like to get people's feedback on the session.

    Best regards,

    Track Description on SoundCloud

    Dream Recall is a brainwave entrainment track with AudioStrobe light encoding embedded. It is designed to help with recalling your dreams.

    It is 90 minutes in length. To use, set aside some time to take a nap and let the beginning of the session lull you to sleep. It ramps down to Delta waves to facilitate this.

    At brief intervals roughly corresponding to 'sleep' spindle stages, quick ramps of theta frequencies are introduced with light flashes to raise your awareness. At the close of the session tibetan blows slowly wake you up as the frequencies ramp back to theta and then alpha.

    The idea is to take a nap consisting of a full sleep cycle of 90 minutes and gently awake. Lie still and consciously seek to recall your dreams. Vividly try and revisit them.

    You can download the track as a high quality 320kbps MP3. This preserves the AudioStrobe light encoding

    Please share your results.
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  5. Default Re: ESP - session?

    Thank you very much for this session. Today I will try to include this session. I wanted to ask whether this work is to promote sustainable session memorization skills sleep without Mind Machines - in the ordinary dream?

  6. #26
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    Default Re: ESP - session?

    It would seem logical to me that once you overcome any barrier to recalling your dreams then it will be much easier to do so consistently. The magic is not in the mind machine. It is just a tool to help you create an ideal environment to aid in recall.

    Unless there are psychological reasons for repression of dreams, the most common cause in not recalling them is the 'artificial' sleep schedule modern life imposes on people. Usually, they wake up to an alarm with too little sleep to begin with and then are immediately in a hurry to start their day.

    First make it a goal to recall your dreams. Think about them and try to remember. Write down anything you can recall. Tell yourself before you go to sleep that you will remember your dreams in the morning. Make it a priority in your life and you will succeed.

    The session just gives you a structured way to get started. Often a nap is a better way to start because it is outside your normal routine, often at a time when your mind would normally have been more active. Also, you would have experienced only one sleep cycle (as defined by sleep researchers).

    Happy dreams,
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  7. Default Re: ESP - session?

    Great session . Yesterday I tried to listen to this session. I happened to see one dream I remembered it - the dream was short , and then I woke up at half of the session was to continue I could not sleep. But what were then the images . I think this is due to the fact that I was not very comfortable to sleep on your back , I usually sleep on your side . And on the side prevent sleep earphones and goggles. Today I will try other headphones - ear . I wanted to ask - have the votes in the session in English - whether you want to listen to them and translate into my native language or is immaterial.
    I know English is not very good.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: ESP - session?

    Hi krosskin,

    I am glad that you are having some progress.

    I think it would be common to not sleep fully through the session the first times, for reasons that you mention.. different sleep position, headphones and glasses, and also now you are 'listening' to something while you sleep and maybe are not used to that. But the session is not really designed for restful sleep, in fact, just the opposite. It is designed to keep you in a half awake state, and to push your consciousness back up in the middle parts. This is conducive to having a lot of vivid dreams.

    The voices in the mid section are 'dream food' ... They are unrecognized garbled speech that I processed... generally snippets of positive affirmations... words like 'I am dreaming', 'I remember now', 'awake and remember'.. things like that. But they are garbled to be unrecognizable to provide 'difficult' content for the brain to process. The conscious mind just gives up and the unconscious simply 'paints' impressions.. in the form of dreams. So your native language won't matter.

    The headphones I recommend for sleep are these:

    Maybe they are available in your country. I have slept in them at different times for many years.

    Keep dreaming,
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  9. Default Re: ESP - session?

    Hello I have a few more questions for this session - Do carry out the procedure first session of relaxation? What should be the brightness? At what level do you need to listen to the sound session loud or quiet?

  10. #30
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    Default Re: ESP - session?

    Hi Krosskin,
    These are all personal choices for what makes you most comfortable. There is no definitive rule on the volume and brightness. Experiment and do what works best for you.

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

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