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Thread: Procyon XP driver

  1. #11
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    Default Re: Procyon XP driver

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave View Post
    I bought a Procyon, and it did not come with any software
    Were you able to find the software on the support site? To be quite honest, when I receive a product that comes with software, I never install that - I always go to the web site and download the latest software. That way I always have the "latest and greatest".

    From reading the manual, if I understand this correctly, you will be able to place sessions on a CD, and then the Procyon machine will load the session into memory. Has the software for this feature been released?
    Not yet, but we hope to have that available soon.

  2. Default Re: Procyon XP driver

    Well hey, since you monitor this forum well, lets tackle my newest little problem. I am a programmer at heart, so I am more deeply interested in what I can make this unit do, rather than what I get out of it. So I am chewing through the editor as we speak. Well, in order to get a feel for what is being tranfered (and in an effort to see if I can manually convert proteus files) I archived the default sessions, then loaded one solitary session, and then archived the unit again. Cool, I start researching the differences in archives, and scanning the solitary session - to see if I can figure things out. So, I get a feel for things, then try to restore archived session. Well, I did not change the orginal archive (to the best of my recollection - I did disable word wrap, all I know is i did not save any changes, so it should have been pristine). Anyway, procyons software claims that the archive is corrupt, and cannot reinstall it. So my unit now has the random 000 pseudo-session, and my test session. Bummer I scrambled to the thread about stuck sessions, and downloaded the archived session file that the OP posted - but it too comes back as corrupted when trying to restore it.

    So there is an issue here, and now my unit is missing the default sessions When the OS gets reinstalled, will it include these sessions? That might be nice....and of course, being able to upgrade the OS would be nice...too.

    Any ideas? I promise not to delete my default sessions again ... if we can get them reinstalled

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Procyon XP driver

    Quote Originally Posted by biosylum View Post
    Anyway, procyons software claims that the archive is corrupt, and cannot reinstall it. So my unit now has the random 000 pseudo-session, and my test session. Bummer I scrambled to the thread about stuck sessions, and downloaded the archived session file that the OP posted - but it too comes back as corrupted when trying to restore it.

    So there is an issue here, and now my unit is missing the default sessions When the OS gets reinstalled, will it include these sessions? That might be nice....and of course, being able to upgrade the OS would be nice...too.

    Any ideas? I promise not to delete my default sessions again ... if we can get them reinstalled
    The sessions I put on the forum (2nd post in that thread) are the original sessions, not an archive. Use "upload album" to install them. Don't use "Restore" for those.

    I too had trouble with the restore function so I wouldn't recommend using it until we get that fixed.

  4. Default Re: Procyon XP driver

    Well interesting...I thought I would test some theory. I wondered if the archive of the single session I made, could be 'reloaded'. When I went to do this, I noticed that I now have all of my default sessions back. So... I am guessing that error message was bogus. I know that at one point there was just the (2) sessions, 000 and 001 (which I made) - so the archives were getting reloaded, even though the software claimed they were not.

    (can we begin a port to linux)

  5. #15

    Default Re: Procyon XP driver

    Thanks, Andy, for explaining this! There was an erroneous version of the software posted for about three days, we pulled it down and replaced it with the proper one, which does transparently incorporate the USB driver. It's available now.

    You won't need to install the driver separately; part of what has happened is, we finished the manual and had to print it months ago, but kept working on the software and firmware right up to release. We'll review both the manual and more importantly the software guide to bring it up to date (always a moving target with intensive ongoing firmware development).

    We really didn't expect such a demand for the programming software immediately upon release, but are gratified by such enthusiasm!

    I don't recommend reinstalling the OS yet--please wait until our first update is available, shortly after the first of the year as our engineer is on a well deserved holiday for the next week!


  6. Default Re: Procyon XP driver

    Just wrapping this issue up. I never did get the one system that did not like the Proycon to ever be stable with it. I went at it from every direction I could imagine. I am done trying to troubleshoot it, as I am tired of having that system continually crash. I have gotten the Procyon stable with two other systems, so there is likely a deeper hardware conflict with the other system.
    The troubled system never installed USB drivers automatically. I always had to manually unzip, and install. The process seemed to go smoothly, but I will add this: I have never seen a USB driver installation go through the motions twice (ie:it went through multiple MS certification warnings upon initial file installation, before the unit was connected, and then again, after the unit was powered on). I just dont remember ever seeing that happen before, and I am a harware nut of sorts. I am very familiar with USB issues, and usually ferret out trouble spots with driver installs. Anyway, the doubling up caught my eye.
    Another thing, during one of my attempts, I installed the driver, powered the unit, got through until Windows was happy, then waited. Then I decided to power down the unit before starting the editor. The familiar 'hardware device has left the building' sound was long in coming, but did eventually sound. I was about to restart the system, when another 'device removed' sound chimed in - it was a serial port. Then Windows hardware recognition popped up, asking about installing drivers for the same serial port that had just died, and been reborn.
    I could only think of other devices that mandate you click a couple clicks to safely remove a device. I also realize that this could be very specific to my hardware, but I have seen others mentioning similar events. I can give system specs if needed, but I am not going to bother myself with trying to get this system to be happy - I have others that work fine. But if I can help with system logs/dumps/error codes, then let me know.


  7. #17
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    Default Re: Procyon XP driver

    Hey biosylum;

    Just FYI - there are 2 devices being installed. A USB to Serial driver, and the TI chip driver. That's why you see 2 certification warnings.
    Many things install with multiple drivers - bluetooth products, capture cards, modems, etc. I get multiple driver installs all the time. It's nothing unusual or anything to be concerned about.

  8. Default Re: Procyon XP driver

    Sorry, but I guess I did not offer complete details. Yes, two devices get installed, and both WHQL warnings show up, but this happened twice.... so a total of four warnings were given me - two when I ran the TUSB3410 setup, and then two when the unit was recognized. I would say the redundancy is rare enough to mention, and that somehow it can be avoided. I would also think that others might have mentioned it, or could substaniate that they did not see the redundancy. My bet is that others are not seeing it, and that it is somehow hardware specific. I do not remember seeing the redundancy on my other systems, so... there ya go. Sorry I confused the issue by not clearly reporting facts.

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Procyon XP driver

    No problem, biosylum!
    As I say, we're a bit at the mercy of the hardware manufacturers when it comes to device driver installs. That being said, we will definitely take the info you've give us to see if we can streamline things better.
    The install has gone fine on several computers that I've installed on, but they were all fairly new hardware. It always seems that the newer the hardware, the better the drivers seem to work, generally.

    Anyway, thanks for your input. We will keep working to try and make things better.


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