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Thread: Download problems - please help

  1. #1

    Unhappy Download problems - please help

    Ok, i got my new Proteus this week and decided to try downloading some user sessions. I tried two times and now my Proteus is all messed up .

    I have a new Proteus Ver 2.8 and i'm using Session Editor 2.30 (I realise now this is not the latest version of the editor - maybe causing a conflict?).

    Wednesday: I connected Proteus to PC (Since the Proteus configuration has subsequently changed i assume the connection is working).
    I set Proteus to dl mode (I now realise it should have been PC mode with editor Ver. 2.3) In editor i opened the session i want to download, then click "Session Manager", click "new album", select the session in the bottom left hand box and pressed "send to utility area" (i don't think the file was showing in the right hand box, but not sure). However, when i looked at the utility area there were 14 sessions loaded; U01 through U14.
    I have no idea where these came from or what they are. They do not seem to be the one i wanted to dl, and some of them may be dulpicates - U01,02,03 are 15 min and seem to be similar.

    Thursday: After some more reading i realise that Proteus should be in PC mode with Editor 3.2 and the sessions should show up in the right hand box before i dl, so i tried again. I set Proteus to PC, opened editor, Session Manager, new album, select files, transfer to right hand box, select "download to utility area. Editor seemed to try to dl but Proteus did not flash. I still have 14 Uxx sessions but now when i play a session the Proteus screen goes blank - no display at all, but the session seems to play normally. The same thing happens when i play a Pxx session. The display works normally when not playing a session, but if i play any session it goes completely blank.

    So my questions are:

    What are the mysterious 14 Uxx sessions?
    How can i dl user sessions?
    How can i get back the Proteus display?
    How can i select the session number to store a new dl? ie. if i want to keep U01-14, how do i get Proteus to save a new dl as U15?

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Download problems - please help

    Hi Lucy;

    First thing - download the latest Proteus Editor. You need to use the latest editor with the latest OS.

    I think the Proteus ships with 14 Thoughtstream-enabled sessions loaded into the Utility area.

    Once you have the correct editor and proper connection to the Proteus, all should be well.

    If you're using a USB to RS-232 adapter on your computer, please read this thread:

    Let us know how it goes.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Download problems - please help

    Andy, i just tried to dl session editor Ver. 2.5.1 from here

    If i save the file, when i try and unzip it i get an error message "insert the LAST disk of this archive set" and the file will not unzip. If i try and open the file i get an error message, "bad zip header".

    Can i get the editor somewhere else? OK just found it. Seems to download ok, will try it this weekend.
    Last edited by Lucy; 09-24-2009 at 08:52 PM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Download problems - please help

    Hi Andy, thanks for your help. I downloaded the latest editor and can dl sessions ok now. I still have a minor issue where the display on the Proteus goes blank as soon as i start a session - it then returns when the session ends. Is there a way to fix this without re-installing the software?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Download problems - please help

    Hi Lucy;

    Glad to hear you got things working again!

    Try pressing the bottom key (select) to toggle between having the display on or off.


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