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Thread: Pyromania!!!

  1. Default Pyromania!!!

    Last edited by faceoff; 08-15-2009 at 03:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Pyromania!!!

    Hey there;

    Glad you are enjoying your Procyon!

    Try some of these:

    I'm sure you can get them at your local pharmacy.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Pyromania!!!

    It's always good to hear of someone having FUN!!!

    Seems I'm blessed with a generic face - everything seems to fit just fine. Hope the nose pads work out for you.


  4. #4

    Default Re: Pyromania!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by lampoonland View Post
    Just back from one hell of a journey WOW!!
    Just wish the glasses were more comfortable - i start to become fully immersed (actually feel movement and amazing 3d expanses)but every so often i'm aware of the centre point of the glasses digging into the bridge of my nose Need to affix some strips of foam sponge or something.
    So pleased with The Procyon
    How long did it take for you to achieve such impressive results?
    I ask, because I'm still waiting (and hoping) for the magic to happen.

  5. Default Re: Pyromania!!!

    Im' guessing that Lampoonland is referring to one of the non-entrainment entertainment lightshows/programs called Pyromania..


  6. #6

    Default Re: Pyromania!!!

    I have taken on board what you said.
    I think my main problem is that I am in general, a personal control freak and find it hard to just "let go".
    Thanks again, for your reply.
    Last edited by Andy; 08-16-2009 at 08:43 AM.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Pyromania!!!


    For me it's not so much 'letting go' but more 'just going with the flow'. That is, and I think that CraigT summed it up best in an earlier post; it's all about brain wave entrainment which really just need clicks of sound and flashes of light, anything more than this is just entertainment (which can be very nice as well of course). In my opinion you just need to let the light/sound machine take you there and it will do this most of the time no matter what.

    I've been using light/sound machines for ~20 years now. I started with an Interquest Tutor+, then a Proteus ~6 years ago (after my good old Tutor+ stopped working). I also got a Thoughtstream Bio machine soon after the Proteus and ~4 months ago got a Procyon. I also bought a copy of NP2-pro (transparent corp) ~3 months ago.

    I have not used the Thoughtstrean unit much but it was useful in helping to verify that the Proteus relaxation/meditation sessions took me into much lower relaxations levels than I was able to achieve myself, without the Proteus unit. I have played with the Thoughtstream Mental Games a few times in the thought that this might help my golf game but this has never helped much.

    I tried Holosync 5 years ago for 9 months but I did not get anything more out of this than my Proteus so I sent it back (and got a refund, which I thought was pretty nice of them). The main reason I don't think this worked for me was that HS was purely audio entrainment and I was more used to the audio/visual entraiment. I also recently tried the LifeFlow program which is also audio based and had the same result. In my opinion, once you experience the added joult of light entrainment, it's pretty hard to go back to just sound entrainment. This does not mean that sound entrainment does not work, but for me, they work better together.

    NP2-Pro has been a great add-on and has allowed me to experiment a lot easier than with the Proteus or Procyon editior.

    The main things I've gotten out of these L/S machines is relaxation, help in getting to sleep, and as a good jetlag remedy. I also have found that some of the AudioStrobe CD's are very relaxing and a entertaining as well. I cannot honestly say that they have 'changed my life' but they certainly have helped.

    I don't see any really vivid eye-closed colours, even with my RGB Procyon, but I do ocassionally see some faint ones, mainly red. green, blue, violet and yellow. With tru-white glasses on my Proteus I often see a rainbow of colours at the tips of these flashes.

    I do see a few nice light patterns as long as I don't have the brightness level set too high. Too high and it's just a white/bright grey blur to me, and not very good for entrainment either. Generally, I will see little votexes (mini black holes?) and also vertical, and sometimes horizontal blinds/planes of light. I can see these within the in-built Procyon session #20. This is a good session to experiment with light/brightness effects in my opinion (and it's only 15 minutes long).

    Anyway, just my $0.02 worth.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Pyromania!!!

    Wow, I'm not used to seeing myself quoted Seriously, my favourite saying is "see without looking and hear without listening". Make yourself comfortable, reassure yourself that everything's taken care of and that you have 'free' time, and then let everything just 'be' around you. The quickest way I find of shattering any illusions is to attempt to name them - when I'm 'seeing' geometric shapes all I have to do is try to formulate a description so I can tell people about what I saw and it all turns to mush - I start 'looking' again and all I see is colored lights. Once you're 'in the zone' and outside considerations are no longer an issue, you can then use the prepared mind state to do whatever work you were intending - stimulation, meditation, introspection, hypnotic suggestion, whatever the session was intended for. It's when I am thinking least about the visuals that I suddenly realise something spectacular is going on and get a glimpse before I overanalyse it into pretty colours again. Part of the ongoing allure of these machines for me is the desire to see and feel again some of the things I've seen and felt, gain greater control and repeatability, and. ultimately, be able to achieve the same mind states without aid.

    Tom, interesting to see your comments about the Thoughtstream. Of all the recently arrived goodies, the Thoughtstream has definitely been the most valuable addition to my collection. In conjunction with Mind Workstation it is absolutely brilliant - theta relaxation is amazing with feedback. I had the opportunity to compare it to a LightStone and while the LightStone was very cool, and had some extra features, the Thoughstream was consistently much easier to get to give stable, coherent readings. As I'm impatient and lazy the Thoughtstream is my idea of the ideal instrument - it just works.

    As for the practicalities of seeing cool stuff, it's really worth while spending time finding optimum brightness settings dependent on ambient lighting - if you have the brightness set too high in a dark room, persistance of vision will wash out most of the dark period - turning the brightness down will result in a higher contrast flash.

    Best wishes to each in the search for the perfect session


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