I would have to say that it's more of a perceived truth than a literal one. A literal truth would have to be backed with some evidence and testimony is not evidence.
The problem here is that the human mind is notorious for its ability to see, hear and experience things of its own creation. So things like god, ghosts, demons, crystal energy, past lives and so forth fall under the category of "belief" and belief is not synonymous with truth.
This doesn't take away from your experiences. I think they are useful.
While I believe that various methods can be very useful in unlocking parts of the mind and I'll give you that we are able to hone our senses somewhat ... but "astral hearing" ... how would that be useful?
Critical thinking skills are much more useful than intuition. At least with critical thinking skills one has mind enough to question the questionable. When one relies on intuition one is prone to making mistakes because we can easily form the wrong conclusion about a feeling. Intuition can alert you that something is amiss but many make mistakes when determining what that "something" is. Critical thinking skills, on the other hand, allow you to analyze and make sense of what is going on.
I agree with the first part. The second part, I would have to say that your system of kundalini raising is one of many methods to achieve the same goal. Lots of ordinary things affect the brain.
With all due respect for your journey, the study of kundalini is not in my realm of interest. For myself, I've found much better results through studying the mind (NLP, Hypnosis, behavior). Some people do prefer ritual - I'm not one of those people.
Hmmm I think the proper use of knowledge and understanding are what makes one wise. I suppose though if the process you speak of has led you to a place that causes this to happen ... it just seems like the scenic route.
That is a positive outcome.
So you have found peace with your past?
To accept that the future is predetermined would be to also accept that you do not have free will. I think that the beauty of life is the chances we take and the choices we make in life. What is the point of actually living a life though if it is already determined how it will play out. I do not like the idea that something else has power over me and that I am not the one in full control of my destiny.
As for past lives ... if they do exist, I do not think they are relevant to this life because they are past ... over. What is important is this life - the here and now - not the future, not the past ... now.
Not sure what to say here. I want to be respectful of your experiences but I do not agree upon their origin or cause.
Oh you start talking "the secret" on me and I'll send you lightening bolts to the head ... hmmm which would definitely raise your energy level ... don't you think?
The reason it is not recognized by science is because they (scientists) can not find any supporting proof of the existence of these things and they have looked and continue to look ... nada.
It's real on the inner plane (in the mind). It is not real on the out plane (here) as cool as it would be if it was.
Hard on you? Maybe a bit ... but it does make for interesting debates/discussions.