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Thread: kundalini awakening

  1. #21

    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    { Does it get you the illusion of power because you think you can do all these things or does it get you to a place of emotional strength and mental clarity? Does it allow you to achieve happiness and peace (long term or for a little while). Does it provide you with useful skills and knowledge that allow you to function successfully in the physical world? Does it open you to consider other explanations to phenomina? }

    all of the above. Actually when you align your energy, you become aware of situations where you could have gotten thing's which seemed impossible to get. You become aware that literely everything you want is around the corner you just couldn't see it before because the literal appearance of what lies in front of you coats that perception.

    {So the question is why did you bring all of this on yourself? I don't see this as anything someone randomly looking through this forum would want to bring on themselves, if anything they would rather want to avoid based on what you posted. You don't need to experience Awareness through Kundalini. From my experience you have badly garbled a variety of elements for the purpose of using meditation to create the truely negative result that you posted. At best you show the forum that you had better understand all the elements of what Kundalini will expose before you attempt it or they have the potential of experiencing the same results. }

    Agreed, there is no such thing as one way or the highway. Look I want you to understand something. It really is not important how far a person has gone or how intelligent they are. What is REALLY important is that you get into alignment with what life has caused you to become. The spirit within you, isn't beckonning you to reach a state of internal perfection. It wants you to get to a level where you can progressively attain your goals and dreams. For some people this is kundalini, for some people it is not. Since time is not a constant it literely has no relevance how fast you evolve (I realise this now). So if you feel comfortable not doing kundalini and it is working for you, there is a reason for that. My kundalini experience was forced action done out of desperation and delusion, I in no way benefitted from this experience for the first two years, but I have managed to reset my body-mind to a level where I can cope. I will benefit from this in the long term, but I am aware that since time is not a constant, all we have is the moment, and if we are doing something which is causing suffering for ourselves in this moment, we are defeating the very purpose of existence. However with something like kundalini you can't go back - same goes for all forms of increasing consciousness, kundalini is just one way to go about it - a very extreme, yet effective way.
    Last edited by veeaye; 01-19-2010 at 10:13 PM.

  2. #22

    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by CraigT View Post

    As the unit "Omni Hertz appears to exist only in your post, could you please provide a definition, particulary its relationship to the common "Hertz.


    Omni hertz is something a few professionals have agreed on. It is not widely spread or accepted. It's a new term. Vibration goes like this.. Hertz, Kilohertz, megahertz, gigahertz, terahertz, omnihertz... as far as im aware. But vibration can just as easily go beyond omni but theres no term to describe it. I assume it would be something like 2hz, 2khz, 2mhz, and so on... that's just an opinion though. Vibration can also go below 0 Hz.

  3. #23

    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post
    I would have to say that it's more of a perceived truth than a literal one. A literal truth would have to be backed with some evidence and testimony is not evidence.

    The problem here is that the human mind is notorious for its ability to see, hear and experience things of its own creation. So things like god, ghosts, demons, crystal energy, past lives and so forth fall under the category of "belief" and belief is not synonymous with truth.

    This doesn't take away from your experiences. I think they are useful.

    While I believe that various methods can be very useful in unlocking parts of the mind and I'll give you that we are able to hone our senses somewhat ... but "astral hearing" ... how would that be useful?

    Critical thinking skills are much more useful than intuition. At least with critical thinking skills one has mind enough to question the questionable. When one relies on intuition one is prone to making mistakes because we can easily form the wrong conclusion about a feeling. Intuition can alert you that something is amiss but many make mistakes when determining what that "something" is. Critical thinking skills, on the other hand, allow you to analyze and make sense of what is going on.

    I agree with the first part. The second part, I would have to say that your system of kundalini raising is one of many methods to achieve the same goal. Lots of ordinary things affect the brain.


    With all due respect for your journey, the study of kundalini is not in my realm of interest. For myself, I've found much better results through studying the mind (NLP, Hypnosis, behavior). Some people do prefer ritual - I'm not one of those people.

    Hmmm I think the proper use of knowledge and understanding are what makes one wise. I suppose though if the process you speak of has led you to a place that causes this to happen ... it just seems like the scenic route.

    That is a positive outcome.

    So you have found peace with your past?

    To accept that the future is predetermined would be to also accept that you do not have free will. I think that the beauty of life is the chances we take and the choices we make in life. What is the point of actually living a life though if it is already determined how it will play out. I do not like the idea that something else has power over me and that I am not the one in full control of my destiny.

    As for past lives ... if they do exist, I do not think they are relevant to this life because they are past ... over. What is important is this life - the here and now - not the future, not the past ... now.

    Not sure what to say here. I want to be respectful of your experiences but I do not agree upon their origin or cause.

    Oh you start talking "the secret" on me and I'll send you lightening bolts to the head ... hmmm which would definitely raise your energy level ... don't you think?

    The reason it is not recognized by science is because they (scientists) can not find any supporting proof of the existence of these things and they have looked and continue to look ... nada.

    It's real on the inner plane (in the mind). It is not real on the out plane (here) as cool as it would be if it was.

    Hard on you? Maybe a bit ... but it does make for interesting debates/discussions.

    I understand what you are saying. I've had paranoic and delusive thought's to begin with. That phase has passed. I can easily spot the difference.

    There are vibratory sounds about, which are most pleasant, and also spirits can talk using their throat chakra.

    Your right about critical thinking skills. The biggest mistake I made in my life was using fear as a guide. Critical thinking skills work really well. But I don't think critical thinking can guide you as well as intuition, as I am beginng to awaken my intuition and just 'know' what I need to eat and do to increase my growth. Sometimes thing's make sense or are logical, yet they reap terrible results - in my experience anyway.

    You are right about what you said about proper use of knowledge and udnerstanding. It's more important to know how to use the energy. Than having lot's of it. In future I will place more emphasis on mental growth than energy meditation. I feel as though mental growth also increases the energy flow within the body. But energy is everything. I talk energy because our brains send energy signals to our muscles to make them move and energy signals to our organs to make them function in harmony. All of our thoughts are energy. We are energy. We can exist just as energy but cannot exist just as a body.

    I have made peace with most of my past - amazingly. I have for the first time in my life experienced unconditional love for myself and others and hope that this feeling can increase, because with it, comes a sense of freedom and vitality. But I still have allot of work to do.

    No the future is not pre-determined. I promise you that with every cell in my body. Because the day I declared that I will put myself first no matter what and that I denounded my former identity and the relationships I made therein in search of accepting my new identity. That is when everything changed for me and my future became unclear. Our future is changeing every second of the day. Choices? yeah choices play a part, but all choices stem from our way of thinking, and all thinkign stem from our beleifs, and we are guided into beleiving something based on how we feel about the subject.

    Screw science. Science has been around for what... less than 2,000 years? So your assuming that what humanity knows who are scientifcally babies compared to the age of this planet, is the ultimate truth?

    Yes I appreciate your debate, in fact this thread seems to catch your interest allot. I'm challenging your beleifs and you have accepted many of the thing's I said, and because your curious and your a learner your going to discover some new things and then say to yourself.. "gees that crazy fool in my forum, actually really did know what he was saying even though he wrote it in a messy way. Though I don't agree with everything he says. Im glad he said a few things because the interest has caused me to discover this and this and now I am learnin this and having this new experience which is making my life different and more interesting and fundamentally openning myself up to some new things."

  4. #24

    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Smith View Post
    I have also followed this path: NLP, Hypnosis, Vibrational Medicine by Gerber, The Divided Mind by Sarno, I am now researching Holographic Imagry by Baum

    Interesting parallel.

    Richard Smith CH RMT

    I also do a profound amount of NLP. Especially Special Linguistics. I don't do hyponisis but paraliminals have a similar effect.

    After you do NLP on yourself, lie down in bed and dont move a muscle. Do this for anything from 15 minutes to 3 hours *however long your patience calls for). State in your mind or out loud "I am willing to receive love and the energy needed to obtain this quality throughout my entire body". Lie on your back, dont move a muscle unless you are getting too uncomfortable. This might sound crazy. But do it! This enables profound change on a deeper level. Even with Procyon, state this always. If your not open to change on a cellular level, it can be slow and futile.

  5. #25
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by veeaye View Post
    Agreed, there is no such thing as one way or the highway. Look I want you to understand something. It really is not important how far a person has gone or how intelligent they are. What is REALLY important is that you get into alignment with what life has caused you to become. The spirit within you, isn't beckonning you to reach a state of internal perfection. It wants you to get to a level where you can progressively attain your goals and dreams. For some people this is kundalini, for some people it is not. Since time is not a constant it literely has no relevance how fast you evolve (I realise this now). So if you feel comfortable not doing kundalini and it is working for you, there is a reason for that. My kundalini experience was forced action done out of desperation and delusion, I in no way benefitted from this experience for the first two years, but I have managed to reset my body-mind to a level where I can cope. I will benefit from this in the long term, but I am aware that since time is not a constant, all we have is the moment, and if we are doing something which is causing suffering for ourselves in this moment, we are defeating the very purpose of existence. However with something like kundalini you can't go back - same goes for all forms of increasing consciousness, kundalini is just one way to go about it - a very extreme, yet effective way.
    I can relate to what you are saying. I belonged to a "occult" organization for many years and have had similar experiences. While I had a solid foundation, things were not always easy. I can fully understand how someone who is not prepared or who does not have the tools can go crazy. My NLP, Hypnosis and knowledge of psychology helped me a lot. This particular process I underwent involved the Qabalistic Tree and it took me two years to complete. I'd have to say, even now, that it was a valuable experience and when I finished I was a very different person than when I started. There is no way I could have predicted the outcome and you are correct, there is no way back.

    One of the biggest changes was in my belief system. When I began the process, I believed in past lives, psychic powers, astral, demons, spirits and all that goes with it. When I completed the process I was essentially an atheist - and that - took a few more years to adjust to and become comfortable with. Knowing what I know now about the brain, behavior and the basis of these beliefs ... there's no way back. When I say I do not believe in these things, that does not mean that I am closed to the ideas ... it means that my experiences have led me to believe that these things do not exist outside of our minds. Of course if a big fat demon, angel or ... lands on my head and it passed my "reality" check - I'd think it was pretty cool. I would like there to be psychic powers and spirits .. it would make things interesting ... but if such things do exist, they have left no evidence in physical reality and I no longer think that belief qualifies as evidence.

    P.S. That's cool that you got something beneficial out of your experience.

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  6. #26
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    Winnemucca Nevada USA

    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    wow very interesting indeed.

    Hello I am new to this sight and very interested in the devices that are offered and even more interested in expanding the mind. I came to this thread because of its name, "Kundalini Awakening" and I seemed to have stumbled across some disagreements almost along the line of an argument. I don't personally believe that is conducive to learning or expanding the mind. I could be wrong and just misinterpreting your intentions within Said discussion. Witch is likely sense I am far from a perfect being. I am after all, only human.
    With that said I would like to entrain you with a little knowledge I have received during my time as a student of the arcane, professional healer and energy worker.
    I have noticed throughout history that one amazing similarity in witch ALL human life on this planet has been striving for is, Enlightenment. It does not matter where you come from, what color skin you have, or what language you speak in we all are trying to get to the same place. I believe most of you would agree.
    1. Energy is real and all around us no matter what name you give it Chi, Ki, prana, mana, spirit, ether, gas, liquid, solid, plasma ECT.
    2. Everyone has there very own, very personal way of experiencing said energy. And it seems that a greater percentage of the population is limited to the spectrum contained within our five 3 dimensional senses.
    3. The map is not the territory. When you try to use words or pictures to describe your experiences it fails in comparison to the actual experience. Try to describe the color blue to a blind man.
    4. There is only one mountain and at the last count there is 6.8 billion paths to the top. And that is not to count animals (non human), plants, minerals or possible sentient self determined life forms that reside outside of our solar system or dimension. I think to invoke the word infinite would not be to far fetched.
    5. You are on you own personal path. Some paths ARE harder than others. So be kind when walking past someone who seems to be falling behind they may have chose a harder path or your GREAT challenges are yet to come.
    6. tread lightly. For every pebble that falls has the potential to cause a land slide.
    7. Remember that we are but a tiny part of an ever present infinite whole. so be kind to you fellow travelers. And don't be afraid to lend a loving and compassionate to those in need.
    8. Everything happens for a reason. schizophrenia is the diagnosable term for someone who cant proses Divine awareness.
    9. A fact is an opinion agreed upon by the majority.
    I may have fell a little of track here I do apologize if I have. i get a little passionate some times and forget my point. after all I am only human.



  7. #27
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Hi Wolfrey,

    Welcome to the forum

    Quote Originally Posted by thewolfrey View Post
    wow very interesting indeed.

    Hello I am new to this sight and very interested in the devices that are offered and even more interested in expanding the mind. I came to this thread because of its name, "Kundalini Awakening" and I seemed to have stumbled across some disagreements almost along the line of an argument. I don't personally believe that is conducive to learning or expanding the mind. I could be wrong and just misinterpreting your intentions within Said discussion. Witch is likely sense I am far from a perfect being. I am after all, only human.
    I think disagreements are wonderful tools for mind expansion as long as the tone is kept respectful. An argument or disagreement is an expression of a different perspective. How dull the world would be if we all pointed in the same direction and agreed with each other. There would be little to learn because a good argument can inspire someone to examine their reasoning.

    When I say "argument" I don't mean a name-calling, shouting match - that is a fight. An argument is a controversy - a different perspective and an effort to convince the other party that their perspective holds the most merit (that's the fun part of an argument).

    And so with all due respect to your thoughts on the subject ... I do feel it necessary to provide an alternative perspective.

    I have noticed throughout history that one amazing similarity in witch ALL human life on this planet has been striving for is, Enlightenment. It does not matter where you come from, what color skin you have, or what language you speak in we all are trying to get to the same place. I believe most of you would agree.
    I say we all strive for happiness and happiness means different things to different people.

    In what way would you say that enlightenment is similar or different than wisdom?

    1. Energy is real and all around us no matter what name you give it Chi, Ki, prana, mana, spirit, ether, gas, liquid, solid, plasma ECT.
    Gas, liquid, plasma are all things that can be measured and worked with scientifically while prana, spirit, ether and Chi have yet to achieve this standing.

    Energy as chi, spirit or ether is actually a belief not a science. One can work with these concepts metaphorically and achieve goals but they are ideas not things.

    2. Everyone has there very own, very personal way of experiencing said energy. And it seems that a greater percentage of the population is limited to the spectrum contained within our five 3 dimensional senses.
    ... and this is a problem because?

    3. The map is not the territory. When you try to use words or pictures to describe your experiences it fails in comparison to the actual experience. Try to describe the color blue to a blind man.
    I agree with this one.

    4. There is only one mountain and at the last count there is 6.8 billion paths to the top. And that is not to count animals (non human), plants, minerals or possible sentient self determined life forms that reside outside of our solar system or dimension. I think to invoke the word infinite would not be to far fetched.
    I agree here also. There are many ways to fry a fish ... though are all ways equal?

    5. You are on you own personal path. Some paths ARE harder than others. So be kind when walking past someone who seems to be falling behind they may have chose a harder path or your GREAT challenges are yet to come.
    I like this.

    I think kindness is understated and we certainly could use more of it in the world.

    6. tread lightly. For every pebble that falls has the potential to cause a land slide.

    7. Remember that we are but a tiny part of an ever present infinite whole. so be kind to you fellow travelers. And don't be afraid to lend a loving and compassionate to those in need.
    I agree.

    8. Everything happens for a reason. schizophrenia is the diagnosable term for someone who cant proses Divine awareness.
    Well, everything happens for a reason only if you put reason to everything that happens.

    Okay on the schizophrenia diagnosis --- I find this wrong on so many levels and almost offensive. Ironically though, one of the symptoms of schizophrenia is magical thinking ...

    9. A fact is an opinion agreed upon by the majority.
    Uh no ... it really isn't. A fact is something that has evidence to back its truthfulness. An opinion can be a fact but it can also be a belief (which is not synonymous with truth).

    An opinion only holds merit in the eyes of the beholder. A fact will always be provable and therefore true. Fact = truth.

    I may have fell a little of track here I do apologize if I have. i get a little passionate some times and forget my point. after all I am only human.

    On that note: My opinion is that Critical thinking is the key to enlightenment.

    "Question everything" (A.Crowley)

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  8. #28
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    Winnemucca Nevada USA

    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    thank you so much for your reply I appreciate your level of understanding. (I am not sure how to do the quote box so forgive me) I would like to add to some of the things I said and answer some of your questions.

    "In what way would you say that enlightenment is similar or different than wisdom?

    I think that they are more synonymous within each other. As we go through life experiencing our every day events we hopefully learn from them and become wise or enlightened in some way. I also agree with the comment on happiness as well. That may be more true in our similarities.

    "Energy as chi, spirit or ether is actually a belief not a science. One can work with these concepts metaphorically and achieve goals but they are ideas not things."

    The fun part I have with the research that I do is connecting the dots and finding where things fit in the bigger picture. Lets start with Chi. Our ancient eastern brothers and sisters through the art of touch noticed a flow of energy that moves through our bodies in a very distinct pattern. through multiple observations they located what we now know as meridian lines. these lines follow a very repeatable and accurate location throughout the whole body. You more then likely know what I am talking about. they are so sure that they exist that to practice any form of bodywork you are required to go to medical school even to practice the most basic form of shiatsu or reflexology not to mention acupuncture. Thanks to modern science and the ability to dissect the human body our scientist and doctors have found the anatomical equivalent of these lines.
    There is a single all encompassing structure that wraps it self around every cell, every bone and muscle, and every organ in one continues loop it is called fascia. Without it the human body would be a kind of glob of soft tissue and calcium deposits with no shape or structure. If you where to take everything out of the body that wasn't fascia we could not only recognize you as a person. Also as who you are you friends and loved ones would still know who you are. Some of this fascia creates dense lines throughout the body these lines follow the same pattern as the meridian lines of old. Interestingly enough our nerves system blends into this fascial system so it can have access to our entire body. to keep everything alive and functioning.
    Concerning Chi. the denser portions of fascia have less electrical resistance so the nerve impulse can reach its desired location more efficiently. Our eastern brother simply gave the name "Chi" to the electrical flow throughout our body. A real and scientificly mensurable energy source. all living things have this energy running through them without it there would be no life.
    The art of Tai Chi teaches you how to move that energy throughout the body at will (if you find the right teacher).
    Now on spirit. first we need to know what spirit is to understand its scientific validatidy . I like to put spirit and ether on the same pedestal it makes it easier to find and understand its substance.
    Our wonderful people in the scientific comunity have painstakingly chopped matter down to its tiniest parts to try and find the how and why to existence and reality. In this search we have came across and interesting phonominon. Deep within matter it self there is an ever present (for lack of a better word) hum that resonates throughout all relms of reality. it is one frequency that connects every thing to every thing. The Tibetan name for it is Ohm. I know you have herd of it. you remember my statment. "Remember that we are but a tiny part of an ever present infinite whole." that infinite whole is the hum I speak of. that hum is the spirit and the ether all in one. without them there would be nothing. that hum is a lot like the fascia that runs throughout our bodies. it is the connective tissue that holds reality together.

    On the topic of schizophrenia. I do apologize for the insult. Let me try to explain why I feel that way.
    The common symptoms are why I feel that it is an inability to prosses divine awareness.
    But first lets have a look at the science that studies the mind and consciousness, psychology. To begin with consciousness is an intangible substance that cannot be measured by any known means as of yet. As per you statement on energy and belief that would put this respectable science deep in the belief a opinion category. Yet unlike alchemy and magick (just to name a few) it has reached the same place that chemistry and physics has in most scientific circles. How? I don't have the slightest idea. but it has none-the-less.

    anyways schizophrenia.

    some of the symptoms are seeing, hearing, smelling, ECT. things that no one else can. as well as magickal thinking as you said before. I have studied mysticism for over half my life. I see, hear, feel, smell things that no one else can and any one who studies the Arcane Arts can a-test to the same symptoms.
    Schizophrenia is the diagnosis when these so called hallucination and delusions interfere with your ability to function in "normal" reality(AKA inability to prosses divine awareness). In our ancient past these people where held in the highest regard as psychics, sages, medicine men and so on. Great kings and the like would not move forward with any plan before consulting these schizophrenics a they are called today.
    I still hold these special few in the highest regard. I am also appalled by the fact that society medicates and institutionalizes these people instead of embracing there gifts and teaching them how to use them.
    By the way one of my uncles is a diagnosed schizophrenic and heavily medicated. There are Many mental disorders that i think are gifts that we as a people are loosing because of the so called need to medicate and turn them "normal"

    on fact and opinion. I would like you to convince a devout religious person that there "belief" is not a fact. no amount of evidence you have to prove or disprove anything will change what someone believes is true if they aren't willing to change there perspective. that doesn't mean that my statement is any less true or false. I just hope you better understand why i think in that way.

    If it wasn't for critical thinking and questioning everything I would have never come to the conclusions I have reached.

    the fun part I think with all this info is that my knowledge is all ways changing and growing I add and subtract to my data base every day. there have been a many of time I contradicted my self and not bean able to express why. I'd like to think that I am all ways changing like the sands of a beach.

    When we stop learning we stop living.

    With peace and love


  9. #29
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    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by thewolfrey View Post
    thank you so much for your reply I appreciate your level of understanding. (I am not sure how to do the quote box so forgive me) I would like to add to some of the things I said and answer some of your questions.

    "In what way would you say that enlightenment is similar or different than wisdom?

    I think that they are more synonymous within each other. As we go through life experiencing our every day events we hopefully learn from them and become wise or enlightened in some way. I also agree with the comment on happiness as well. That may be more true in our similarities.

    "Energy as chi, spirit or ether is actually a belief not a science. One can work with these concepts metaphorically and achieve goals but they are ideas not things."

    The fun part I have with the research that I do is connecting the dots and finding where things fit in the bigger picture. Lets start with Chi. Our ancient eastern brothers and sisters through the art of touch noticed a flow of energy that moves through our bodies in a very distinct pattern. through multiple observations they located what we now know as meridian lines. these lines follow a very repeatable and accurate location throughout the whole body. You more then likely know what I am talking about. they are so sure that they exist that to practice any form of bodywork you are required to go to medical school even to practice the most basic form of shiatsu or reflexology not to mention acupuncture. Thanks to modern science and the ability to dissect the human body our scientist and doctors have found the anatomical equivalent of these lines.
    There is a single all encompassing structure that wraps it self around every cell, every bone and muscle, and every organ in one continues loop it is called fascia. Without it the human body would be a kind of glob of soft tissue and calcium deposits with no shape or structure. If you where to take everything out of the body that wasn't fascia we could not only recognize you as a person. Also as who you are you friends and loved ones would still know who you are. Some of this fascia creates dense lines throughout the body these lines follow the same pattern as the meridian lines of old. Interestingly enough our nerves system blends into this fascial system so it can have access to our entire body. to keep everything alive and functioning.
    Concerning Chi. the denser portions of fascia have less electrical resistance so the nerve impulse can reach its desired location more efficiently. Our eastern brother simply gave the name "Chi" to the electrical flow throughout our body. A real and scientificly mensurable energy source. all living things have this energy running through them without it there would be no life.
    The art of Tai Chi teaches you how to move that energy throughout the body at will (if you find the right teacher).
    Now on spirit. first we need to know what spirit is to understand its scientific validatidy . I like to put spirit and ether on the same pedestal it makes it easier to find and understand its substance.
    Our wonderful people in the scientific comunity have painstakingly chopped matter down to its tiniest parts to try and find the how and why to existence and reality. In this search we have came across and interesting phonominon. Deep within matter it self there is an ever present (for lack of a better word) hum that resonates throughout all relms of reality. it is one frequency that connects every thing to every thing. The Tibetan name for it is Ohm. I know you have herd of it. you remember my statment. "Remember that we are but a tiny part of an ever present infinite whole." that infinite whole is the hum I speak of. that hum is the spirit and the ether all in one. without them there would be nothing. that hum is a lot like the fascia that runs throughout our bodies. it is the connective tissue that holds reality together.

    On the topic of schizophrenia. I do apologize for the insult. Let me try to explain why I feel that way.
    The common symptoms are why I feel that it is an inability to prosses divine awareness.
    But first lets have a look at the science that studies the mind and consciousness, psychology. To begin with consciousness is an intangible substance that cannot be measured by any known means as of yet. As per you statement on energy and belief that would put this respectable science deep in the belief a opinion category. Yet unlike alchemy and magick (just to name a few) it has reached the same place that chemistry and physics has in most scientific circles. How? I don't have the slightest idea. but it has none-the-less.

    anyways schizophrenia.

    some of the symptoms are seeing, hearing, smelling, ECT. things that no one else can. as well as magickal thinking as you said before. I have studied mysticism for over half my life. I see, hear, feel, smell things that no one else can and any one who studies the Arcane Arts can a-test to the same symptoms.
    Schizophrenia is the diagnosis when these so called hallucination and delusions interfere with your ability to function in "normal" reality(AKA inability to prosses divine awareness). In our ancient past these people where held in the highest regard as psychics, sages, medicine men and so on. Great kings and the like would not move forward with any plan before consulting these schizophrenics a they are called today.
    I still hold these special few in the highest regard. I am also appalled by the fact that society medicates and institutionalizes these people instead of embracing there gifts and teaching them how to use them.
    By the way one of my uncles is a diagnosed schizophrenic and heavily medicated. There are Many mental disorders that i think are gifts that we as a people are loosing because of the so called need to medicate and turn them "normal"

    on fact and opinion. I would like you to convince a devout religious person that there "belief" is not a fact. no amount of evidence you have to prove or disprove anything will change what someone believes is true if they aren't willing to change there perspective. that doesn't mean that my statement is any less true or false. I just hope you better understand why i think in that way.

    If it wasn't for critical thinking and questioning everything I would have never come to the conclusions I have reached.

    the fun part I think with all this info is that my knowledge is all ways changing and growing I add and subtract to my data base every day. there have been a many of time I contradicted my self and not bean able to express why. I'd like to think that I am all ways changing like the sands of a beach.

    When we stop learning we stop living.

    With peace and love

    Wow! I couldn't even bring myself to get to the end of most of those sentences, but I got the overall sense of a challenge as to who has the greater authority to an opinion.

    Subject to the explicit consent of the management of this site, the well respected MindPlace corporation, responsible for the insights behind products that have been a genuine response to requests from those seeking enhanced means of deducing truth from the myriad of fragments made available to any one of us, I would be delighted to play, and I can think of a dozen other contributors to these forums who could run circles around you in arguments about higher truths, and what's more, none of us actually agree on most things.

    Everyone is entitled to an opinion. They are not entitled to the unrefuted opportunity to announce themselves as the arbiter of truth and light.

    A weak defense of the moral high ground is something especially repugnant to me.



  10. #30

    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by thewolfrey View Post
    wow very interesting indeed.

    Hello I am new to this sight and very interested in the devices that are offered and even more interested in expanding the mind. I came to this thread because of its name, "Kundalini Awakening" and I seemed to have stumbled across some disagreements almost along the line of an argument. I don't personally believe that is conducive to learning or expanding the mind. I could be wrong and just misinterpreting your intentions within Said discussion. Witch is likely sense I am far from a perfect being. I am after all, only human.
    With that said I would like to entrain you with a little knowledge I have received during my time as a student of the arcane, professional healer and energy worker.
    I have noticed throughout history that one amazing similarity in witch ALL human life on this planet has been striving for is, Enlightenment. It does not matter where you come from, what color skin you have, or what language you speak in we all are trying to get to the same place. I believe most of you would agree.
    1. Energy is real and all around us no matter what name you give it Chi, Ki, prana, mana, spirit, ether, gas, liquid, solid, plasma ECT.
    2. Everyone has there very own, very personal way of experiencing said energy. And it seems that a greater percentage of the population is limited to the spectrum contained within our five 3 dimensional senses.
    3. The map is not the territory. When you try to use words or pictures to describe your experiences it fails in comparison to the actual experience. Try to describe the color blue to a blind man.
    4. There is only one mountain and at the last count there is 6.8 billion paths to the top. And that is not to count animals (non human), plants, minerals or possible sentient self determined life forms that reside outside of our solar system or dimension. I think to invoke the word infinite would not be to far fetched.
    5. You are on you own personal path. Some paths ARE harder than others. So be kind when walking past someone who seems to be falling behind they may have chose a harder path or your GREAT challenges are yet to come.
    6. tread lightly. For every pebble that falls has the potential to cause a land slide.
    7. Remember that we are but a tiny part of an ever present infinite whole. so be kind to you fellow travelers. And don't be afraid to lend a loving and compassionate to those in need.
    8. Everything happens for a reason. schizophrenia is the diagnosable term for someone who cant proses Divine awareness.
    9. A fact is an opinion agreed upon by the majority.
    I may have fell a little of track here I do apologize if I have. i get a little passionate some times and forget my point. after all I am only human.


    I agree with everything you say here.

    Marissa you do come on a bit strong and a little offensive, it makes my discussion with you not as enjoyable but then I understand you are doing what feels right to you and what makes you happy so that's okay. Plus you do have sound knowledge on procyon and the mind so i can't argue with that. But Im more into the energetic thing, that seems to be working for me more, though I like to combine the whole enchalada.

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