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Thread: convert standard cd?

  1. #1

    Default convert standard cd?

    i'm slowly working my way through all the associated posts and documentation and got the editor installed today. i haven't gotten to the audiomuse tutorial yet and thought i'd ask this question first.

    i'm really not that keen on filling in dozens of little gray boxes one by one inside a cramped window (i did buy this machine for relaxation and working on windows in any capacity shoots my blood pressure sky high!) and would prefer just to be able to load sessions created or converted by others or perhaps be able to delete (after archiving) unwanted sessions from the procyon.

    but there is one thing i'd like to do and i'd do the homework if i knew it was possible ... to add a header or wrapper that would let a plain cd (or mp3 or wav file) control or activate the lights based on sensing the audio without having to be running a session. in other words, nearly exactly like the visualizer in itunes.

    is this possible for a semi-geeky consumer to do given available software and no extra hardware other than a cd burner perhaps? i'm even willing to do parts of it on windows if necessary ... [g]


    Last edited by gteague; 09-24-2008 at 10:42 PM.
    we place no reliance / on virgin or pigeon / our method is science / our aim is religion ~'uncle al' crowley

  2. #2

    Default Re: convert standard cd?

    bad form to reply to my own post, i know.

    but nevermind answering the question ... i completely lost interest in this project when i saw the phrase 'mark the wavelength segment boundaries' on page 4 of the tutorial.


    i know any dunce or slacker can create a visualizer for an mp3 player because i have dozens of them created by said dunces. why is it so hard to create a software interface that will react to music and drive the lights?

    anyway, thanks. and i'm sure i'm missing something here that invalidates the comparison to a mere visualizer.

    we place no reliance / on virgin or pigeon / our method is science / our aim is religion ~'uncle al' crowley

  3. #3
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    Default Re: convert standard cd?

    Hi Guy;

    The purpose of the product is for mind entrainment. To that end the built-in programs (and some that have been supplied by kind forum members) do a great job.

    Many people enjoy music with their entrainment, but the frequencies and timings of the tones and pulses are critical in getting any kind of results from the console. That's why people spend a lot of time and effort to make the music "work" with the proper frequencies needed for brain entrainment.

    Using the console as a "color organ" i.e. flashing to the beat of the music is not really what the product was intended for. It would likely not produce any brain-entrainment effects and would merely be a entertainment device. Since there are many other products that can do this (like the MindPlace Sirius) it doesn't make a lot of sense to add this sort of feature to a product that is designed for a different purpose.

    If I have misunderstood what you are looking to do with the product, please let me know.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: convert standard cd?

    The "Mind Art" programs (P 46 to 49) do not have any entrainment value and are for entertainment purposes as the machine goes through a variety of ranges and it is quite fun to do with any music.


  5. #5

    Default Re: convert standard cd?

    whether it has any real value or not, i've found that it seems to help me. previous avs machines i owned would only do this method i think. and i didn't really mean just flashing to a 'beat', i meant that it should also react to the frequency of the music and activate lights assigned to that frequency range.

    useful info that the sirius machine uses this method. i might get one of those just to be able to do this.

    thanks guys!

    Last edited by gteague; 09-25-2008 at 01:15 PM.
    we place no reliance / on virgin or pigeon / our method is science / our aim is religion ~'uncle al' crowley

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