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Thread: Procyon and ADHD

  1. #1

    Default Procyon and ADHD


    I am interested in purchasing a Procyon for myself but also started to think of it in terms of my son who is 13. He's a bit ADHD and I was wondering if any research or experiences have been done with the Procyon (or other machines) as it realtes to it.

    Also in that respect what pre buold sessions might be viable...

    Thanks for any input


  2. Default Re: Procyon and ADHD

    Hi Bill, I have something similar to ADD, the focus ramping capabilities of the machine is pretty good. The machine itself will not "cure" ADD but it does help. ADD seems to focus on the norepinephrine and dopamine... although, unless he has been truly diagnosed with ADD there is no telling, many kids are wrongly diagnosed...

    "Norepinephrine is one of the main neurotransmitters used by the nervous system. Neurotransmitters are chemicals the body uses to communicate between nerve cells. Although there are many neurotransmitters, the main ones involved in ADHD are dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Ritalin and Dexedrine, the two paradigm stimulant drugs used to treat ADHD both increase the level of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. That seems to be how they work. Strattera very selectively affects only the norepinephrine pathways. It does not influence the function of other neurotransmitters. "

    Many CES machines will up dopamine levels. Fatty acids promote more norepinephrine.

    I'd buy one, even for yourself too. I love my procyon.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Procyon and ADHD

    Hi Bill,

    Quote Originally Posted by BillO View Post

    I am interested in purchasing a Procyon for myself but also started to think of it in terms of my son who is 13. He's a bit ADHD and I was wondering if any research or experiences have been done with the Procyon (or other machines) as it relates to it.

    Also in that respect what pre build sessions might be viable...

    Thanks for any input

    ADHD is one of the conditions that has been researched quite extensively. Neuromedics is one of the companies that is doing research using Light and Sound:

    There are a few books out there that discuss treatment of ADHD with Neurofeedback (which uses similar technology including AVS (audio video stimulation)).

    What has been found in people that have ADHD is that the Theta range of brainwaves is predominant during a waking state when SMR/Alpha or Beta should be the dominant waves. SMR/Beta waves are what is necessary for concentration, therefore, using an AVS machine (such as the Proteus or Procyon) on Beta/SMR based programs should make a difference.

    Of course, everyone is different and ADHD doesn't always affect individuals in the same way as there are sometimes other conditions, for example: depression, bipolar or obsessive compulsive behaviors that can accompany ADHD.

    The key for ADD treatment is going to be suppressing the Theta (4-7 Hz) and increasing the SMR/Beta (12 Hz +). The Procyon and Proteus, both have good preset programs in this area.

    Biofeedback training is also used to treat ADHD though it is a more active process where AVS is more passive. With biofeedback, you are consciously making the physiological changes in your body (the feedback helps you learn how to do this) while with AVS, the machine is doing it to you. One method is not necessarily better than the other - just different.

    Please let us know if you have any more questions.

    Last edited by Marisa; 11-16-2007 at 09:34 AM. Reason: grammer/spelling correction

  4. #4

    Default Re: Procyon and ADHD

    Hi Gang

    Well my Procyon arrived yesterday and I've enjoyed a couple of sessions already. And yes the colors are mezmerizing.

    Question in reagrds to my son. Any idea which Session might be beneficial to ADHD?

    Thanks for any help


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Procyon and ADHD

    Quote Originally Posted by BillO View Post
    Hi Gang

    Well my Procyon arrived yesterday and I've enjoyed a couple of sessions already. And yes the colors are mezmerizing.

    Question in reagrds to my son. Any idea which Session might be beneficial to ADHD?

    Thanks for any help

    How old is your son? Does he have any history with seizures or photo sensitivity?

    If your son is under the age of 10, I don't know if you should use the Procyon on him without checking with his pediatrician first (or the person who diagnoised the ADD).

    If he's clear to go, Program 20 is a 15 minute program that is good to help with concentration.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Procyon and ADHD

    Thanks Marissa.

    He's actually 13...I suspect I'm g0od to go. I'll give it a try.

    Quick question. Just did a long Meditation #22. At the end there was a loud buzz sound. Didnt appear to ne connected to anything in particular. Also the session was this normal?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Procyon and ADHD

    The loud buzz was still there when I put the Procyon back on. I replaced the batteries and that did the trick.

    At first I had rechargeable batteries in there. Could that haveen it? Or does taking the batteries out help to reset the unit?



  8. #8
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    Default Re: Procyon and ADHD

    Rechargeables have a lower voltage than regular alkalines so there may be some side effects to that. They also do not last as long as alkalines in the Procyon.
    If they are working ok for you, then go ahead and use them, you won't damage the unit by using them, but keep in mind you may experience some weirdness (as you did) now and then.


  9. #9

    Default Re: Procyon and ADHD

    Thanks for the feedback...I should also invest in an AC USB adapter for the times I'm just sitting at home (which is almost always)


  10. Default Re: Procyon and ADHD

    I have severe ADD and got a Proteus (later upgraded to Procyon) to help calm my mind. I am in law school and it has helped immensely, no more panic attacks, and I have a new "voice" that negates the Automatic Negative Thoughts that accompany ADD.

    That said, I have not been able to find a session that is good for calming the mind, stimulating it, then getting my brain excited enough to concentrate. It has been frustrating because when under pressure or stress my mind defaults to any kind of emotional drama for a "fix". End result: I dont get work done.

    Can anyone suggest a session? 15 - 20 mins is key since time is so short for me.

    Has anyone had any personal experience with using the Procyon for ADD? Any good tips, tricks, strategies, etc for sessions, i.e. what should i 'dream' about during a session?

    Any help would be HIGHLY appreciated.

    I can unequivocally say that the AVS has saved my life.

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