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Thread: Just got my Kasina......LOVE IT!!

  1. Red face Just got my Kasina......LOVE IT!!

    Hi All,

    Just got myself a Kasina and absolutely love it, haven't had an anxiety attack for over a month now, and have stopped taking anti-depressants and anti anxiety meds altogether.

    Meditation is my new medication, and it's all thanks to Kasina!

    Love & Light to all X

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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Just got my Kasina......LOVE IT!!


    That is great to hear. Congratulations. Please do consult with your doctor though before stopping any prescribed medications. There can be side effects from stopping "cold turkey".


    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. Default Re: Just got my Kasina......LOVE IT!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post

    That is great to hear. Congratulations. Please do consult with your doctor though before stopping any prescribed medications. There can be side effects from stopping "cold turkey".

    Thank you so much for your concern Andy 🥰

    I really appreciated that. My youngest child was diagnosed as being on the spectrum 2 months ago after a horrendous few years of them self harming.

    I started to experience severe physically debilitating anxiety attacks as a result of this,I reached out for counselling and basically discovered that I had been misdiagnosed with depression and anxiety for 33 years,and that I am more than likely on the spectrum myself.

    This was a transformative moment for me,which led to me beginning my meditation journey to quiet the "monkey mind"

    I did immediately come off of my "meds" and with meditation becoming my new "medication" I have had no ill effects whatsoever since stopping the "Big Pharma" meds.

    I'm sleeping better than I have done in years,my general health has improved,my familial and friendship relationships have improved.

    In short my life is as it was meant to be, I have even left my job to start my own business, and I have no fear of the future anymore.

    I am so happy and excited all the time now,my creativity is flowing once again (currently working on 2 books which I'll illustrate myself)

    And this is all down to being made aware of my misdiagnosis and then my (very early days yet!) meditation journey.

    Thank you though, I do really appreciate the concern (I try to radiate positivity,love and light at all times now,and its paying dividends! &#128513

    Kind regards,

    evilkensdad ✌️❤️✨️

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