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Thread: Body asleep, mind awake state

  1. Default Re: Body asleep, mind awake state

    Bloody annoying trying to get AudioStrobe set up to work the way I want it to though. My god!

    I hate the fact that the functioning of AudioStrobe is dependent on volume - makes it very hard to get the balance right. I can't remember having this problem with Brainwave Generator though.

    I'll get the session done eventually - I've taken to only exporting 5-10 minute segments for the moment because the process of exporting 60 minutes and then burning it to MiniDisc - finding out the balance wasn't optimal and then doing it all again was killing me.

    If I could get SynchroMuse to work on my Procyon I wouldn't give a shit about AudioStrobe, but as I can't - I'm stuck with AudioStrobe for the moment.


  2. Default Re: Body asleep, mind awake state

    About 10 years ago I used the Polysync Pro+ (UK name, aka Nova Pro+, maybe other names) that easily produced dual binaural beats, which is what "Awakened Mind I" refers to, and had a built in session based on the book.

    I will give Marisa the benefit of the doubt, as it has been known for many years that many frequencies/voices (ie dual binaural beats) can have profound effects on the mind that simple binaural beats cant produce.

    Many professional psyco-acoustic cds/tapes have been produced using many opposing frequencies (eg alpha + delta), like Megabrain Zones, Jefferey Thompson, Xmind, etc, etc etc, all based on research, such as measuring brainwaves of experienced meditators, and producing the recordings in the same manner.

    The competitor's model produces dual binaural beats, but, it also well known that the most effect is achieved from the visuals.

    So you get what you pay for, the competitor's model costs more.

    Procyon is therefore focused correctly, and I intend to buy it for this purpose, ie, the visual experience.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post
    Hi Caleb,

    EEK! LOL You could keep it simple and use the terms we are familiar with.

    Let's see ... I don't know a whole lot about how pitch affects the brain other than higher frequencies would be more energizing and lower frequencies more relaxing. I also think of music and there maybe something that is related to musical notes/tones and the brain. I'll have to look into this further.

    Well, only one frequency (range) is usually dominant (in the brain) at a time, while the other frequency ranges are still active but in the background. If you tried to introduce Alpha and Delta, the brain may just pick one of the frequencies to entrain to or it may pick a frequency between the two (Theta). You will never have both Alpha and Delta dominant at the same time. You will not have Delta be dominant while you are awake - if Delta becomes dominant, you will likely have fallen asleep.

    Perhaps the author was looking to just increase the level of either Delta or Alpha in the brain while the other frequency is dominant. What you could do to make that happen is design a Theta/Delta program and after a few minutes inject Alpha for a minute or two.

    When we sleep our brain pattern goes as follows: Alpha, Theta, Delta, Theta, Alpha. Delta is deep asleep and no dreaming occurs. Dreaming only occurs in Theta or low Alpha - which is the frequencies you want to target for Lucid Dreaming and Astral work.

    You could try that and see how it works.

    Well what you are trying to do is get the brain and body in the best state to do this. Asleep isn't the best state so I would think Delta is not what you want. I would play with Alpha and Theta ranges with maybe a little delta just to deepen it for a few minutes and then back to Theta. Theta is the ideal state for this work.

    You have to be the scientist here and objectively report your findings. Who knows maybe you'll come up with something really cool! After all, the route you are going is how scientists come up with their information - they have an idea, and then plan how to make it work, try stuff ... fail, try again ... fail again ...bang their heads ... modify their plan ... try again ... have some results ... tweak the program ...and so on.

    Just remember that the light part is very important because the brain entrains more easily with photic stimulation than sound.

    You can work with dimming the lights. Red is the most energetic and blue is the most relaxing - green is pleasant in the middle. So, when you want the brain to wake up a bit, you can go with a brighter red - too bright and you may wake up and while you want to go deeper, you can activate the red and blue.

    For what you are wanting to do, you can do more with the lights than with the sound - brain wave entrainment wise. For the sound, you can also add a CD. If you can get hold of the audiostrobe title: Requiem, you may find that this alone takes you out of your body.

    It is a freaky (but good) experience. When I used it, I felt like I was out of my body floating somewhere in space.


  3. #13
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    Default Re: Body asleep, mind awake state

    Quote Originally Posted by abre87 View Post
    About 10 years ago I used the Polysync Pro+ (UK name, aka Nova Pro+, maybe other names) that easily produced dual binaural beats, which is what "Awakened Mind I" refers to, and had a built in session based on the book.
    I think Dual BBs were a fad back then. Mindplace even put that function capability into the Proteus. I would wager a guess that it is not in the Procyon because since then research has found that dual BBs are redundant.

    "When Tom Budzynski was running SynchroMed, we tested several kinds of beats: binaural, dual binaural and monaural. The BB's were the only ones which could cause discernible EEG activation. We were surprised that dual BBS did not appear to do so .. the experiment was small, just a few people, so maybe with a larger population we would have seen something." Robert Austin (email )

    Note: Budzynski is one of the leading experts in the field.

    I will give Marisa the benefit of the doubt, as it has been known for many years that many frequencies/voices (ie dual binaural beats) can have profound effects on the mind that simple binaural beats cant produce.
    Wait a minute ... yes, it has been known for years that a range of frequencies (.5 Hz to 75 Hz) can have profound effects on the mind but that doesn't mean that if you expose the brain to frequencies all at the same time, that you'll get profound effects on the brain.

    The reason that exposing the brain to this range of frequencies will affect the mind is because the brain can be coaxed to change which frequency becomes more pronounced or dominant.

    If you expose the brain to more than one frequency at a time, as you would with dual BB's, the brain would likely entrain to either just one of the frequencies or a frequency in between the two. I haven't seen any research that supports this method as superior, so I must respectfully disagree with what you are saying.

    Many professional psyco-acoustic cds/tapes have been produced using many opposing frequencies (eg alpha + delta), like Megabrain Zones, Jefferey Thompson, Xmind, etc, etc etc, all based on research, such as measuring brainwaves of experienced meditators, and producing the recordings in the same manner.
    I'd love to see this research and eat crow.

    Is it possible that you misunderstood what you were reading? What they may be doing is interjecting a different frequency into a session for a short amount of time, in order to stimulate the brain or prevent habitation. So for example, in a deep meditation program (mostly theta), you would interject a few seconds of Beta to stimulate the brain and then let it go back to Theta.

    We do a similar thing in hypnosis, we coax the person into a trance state by slowing down our speech and every now and then we speed up the rate of speech to bring them out of the trance a bit and then slow it back down.

    The competitor's model produces dual binaural beats, but, it also well known that the most effect is achieved from the visuals.
    You mean to say that photic stimulation produces better results than just sound. Yes?

    So you get what you pay for, the competitor's model costs more.
    Oh I don't know about that. The Proteus is capable of Dual BB's and yet it's very inexpensive and extremely well made. We have proven that you can get a good mind machine that does exactly what it's suppose to (brain wave entrainment) at a reasonable price.

    The Procyon is more "high end" than the Proteus because it has upgraded the technology in it's components (digital instead of analog, more capacity for programs, Ganzfeld capability, higher frequency capability and ability to produce more shades of color).

    Procyon is therefore focused correctly, and I intend to buy it for this purpose, ie, the visual experience.
    Ah, but if dual BB's are really important to you, then perhaps you want to buy a Proteus and add programs containing dual BB's? It all depends on what you want in a machine, as both machines will do the required job - it comes down to what features are important to you.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Body asleep, mind awake state

    Quote Originally Posted by caleb View Post
    Hey Lightshow - I just bought the NP2.
    It looks pretty nice.

    FYI - the new OS released for the Procyon is has a new AS mode that works better with NP2.


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