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Thread: how to select audio pitch when programming

  1. Default how to select audio pitch when programming

    Hello everyone,

    I'm getting ready to design my first session, using the Proteus editor, and I feel somewhat overwhelmed. I just want to clarify one main issue. I understand that if one uses binaural beats, the binuaural pulsation frequency will be determined (set) by the pulsing frequency of LFO#1.
    BUT---How does one choose the audio pitches for the session segments? I am familiar with the different frequencies associated with the beta, alpha, theta and delta states. But the audio pitch frequencies are in the hundreds ranges. Is there a guide to what audio pitches effect what brainwave states? (That is, if one uses different pitches during sessions, rather than just using binaural beats)? Please someone help me.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: how to select audio pitch when programming

    Hello and congratulations on venturing out into the realm of programming!

    Here are some good threads regarding pulse frequencies and carrier frequencies that I think will help you understand:

    Please have a read through and see if that sheds light on the subject. If you're still unclear, please post back!


  3. Default Re: how to select audio pitch when programming


    Yes. I had a read throught the posts. Unfortunately they weren't very helpfull.
    Basically, its the SOUND part of the stimulation that I'm not sure how to design/program.

    Let's assume that I use the familiar frequency ranges for the various brainwave states (beta, alpha, theta, delta) to choose the light pulsation frequencies.
    For the sound, as I understand it, the only way to design sound stimulation that matches these brainwave state frequencies, is to use binaural beats(bbs). But:
    1) since the binaural frequency is determined by the LfO 1 frequency, How do you choose the audio pitch? (I understand that above a certain audio pitch, bbs arent as effective). Does a different audio pitch make any difference at all in the entrainment?
    2) If one chooses not to use bb's, How does audio pitch effect brainwaves (since the audio pitch frequency range doesn't match up with the brainwave frequency range)

    Please help if you can. Thanks.

  4. Default Re: how to select audio pitch when programming

    Choose a frequency that produces a clear binaural beat. The lower frequencies don't work so well and high frequencies can be annoying. Perhaps use higher frequencies for more energising programs and lower for meditative. I doubt there is any necessary relation between entrainment frequenct and audio frequency.

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