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Thread: Kasina MWS Session - Schumann Thunderstorm

  1. #1

    Default Kasina MWS Session - Schumann Thunderstorm

    Has anybody already created any SpectraStrobe sessions on Mind Work Station and would share them here?
    I have attached a short 15 ninute Schuhmann SP Sessuin (my first try)

  2. #2

    Default Re: KASINA MWS Session

    Here's the above Session in mp3 for those who do not have MWS.Again this Session is a "First Try" so don't expect too much....
    Originally I made this Session with Bohamian Rhapsody by Queen but due to copyrights I exchanged it with the Ambience Generator file.
    And here's a short explanation how I created the Spectra-Strobe track on MWS so you may experiment yourself and post some first trys !!!
    Also If you have other methods to do it I^ll be happy to hear your suggestions.
    So here is how I did it: I connected the Kasina device via usb to my computer and then in MWS choose Playback / Play on Kasina then I just changed the color
    waveforms by adding a lot of nodes and watched on the Kasina Glasses live what happened.thats it sounds easy but actually takes a lot of time cause you have to do
    all the colers seperately.Maybe one of you has an easier way to do this?????
    Ps: Sorry for my bad english its not my first language but I hope you^ll understand me anyway...
    Did not succeed in uploading the zipped mp3 file yet it might be to big 35MB I will try again later
    Last edited by Thalassa; 12-19-2013 at 12:47 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Kasina MWS Session - Schumann Thunderstorm

    Hi Thalassa,

    Awesome. Great start and hopefully a great encouragement to others to get right in there!

    There's a few things in MWS to can speed up "colorising" - randomize track and the randomize function, the ability to synchronize tracks either directly or by formula and the ability to create amplitude modulation by modulating an audio track with a complex waveform and synching the SS tracks to the modulated audio track. Some color following the main beat with random flickers or waves of color can be very effective. In fact, lose the main beat and just enjoy rolling and flickering colors!

    Keep playing and keep posting!


  4. #4

    Default Re: Kasina MWS Session - Schumann Thunderstorm

    Hi Craig
    Thanks for you answer.
    It would be great if you could explain these methods for colorising you mentioned step by step especially the thing with the amplitude modulation.
    I could not find any Texts or tutorials on how to create SpectraStrobe files on MWS, especially not how I can syncronize the Spectrascope colortracks with amplitude or pitch of a music file.
    Cheers from Switzerland

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Kasina MWS Session - Schumann Thunderstorm


    Controlling the Kasina with the amplitude and pitch of music is not something MWS can do. Fortunately we have MuLab to deal with such things. If you would care to download MuLab FREE from MuTools and have a look at the MuLab presets available for download from MindPlaceSupport, I believe you will find The Kasina Effect (TKE) to be just what you want.

    MWS has a lot of effects available to audio/beat tracks that are unavailable to the light control tracks. By creating dummy audio tracks and setting the frequency (pitch) to SS color control frequencies (R=18.7kHz, G=19.2kHz, B=19.7kHz + Ref) you can then use all of the audio effects - modulation, echo, 3D positioning, etc. - to create color effects.

    Let me know what it is exactly that you want to achieve, what you think of the MWS or MuLab approach, and I'll see what more specifics may be of use.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Kasina MWS Session - Schumann Thunderstorm

    Thanks This sounds very promising.I do not yet undderstand the trick with the dummy audiotracks all the way but I will try it out tomorrow and find out, now I have to get some sleep.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Kasina MWS Session - Schumann Thunderstorm

    Good Morning
    Thank You very much I^aprechiate your help a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    First what I actually want to create is a Session with music the light-flashing controlled by BW- Entrainment
    and the colorchanges by the music.
    Well the randomisation is a good thing i tried it first with all 3 colors but there were some
    long dark phases so I left one color out and adjusted it manually.Great this way its only
    a third of the work and gives quiet nice colorchanges.
    Then I tryed your other suggestion with the Dummy audiotracks to use the audioeffects for light control
    but I did not get it.
    Here^s what I did til now step by step
    -Open a "Spectra-Strobe default" Session
    -Add 3 tracks "Tones 1. 2. 3.(no beats)"
    -go to "Tone Options" and "Frequency" enter in Tone 1R. 187 in Tone 2G.192 Tone 3B. 197
    -Added Sound effect in Tone 1 Surround "3D Position" Preset "Rotation Clockwise"
    and now????????

    Well have to do some work now but will be back tonight
    Attached Images Attached Images

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Kasina MWS Session - Schumann Thunderstorm

    Pleased you're having some fun!

    To control a color with an audio track in MWS you need to also have a SpectraStrobe track to provide the reference. So start with this...

    1x SpectraStrobe track with brightness set all to zero. 1x Tones track, pitch set to 18.7kHz (18,700Hz), volume sets brightness, all other effects will act on the light pattern as if it were audio. Setting an echo, for example, of 100mS will add a 10Hz component after each beat. Stereo left/right controls left/right frames.

    You can use the SpectraStrobe track for control at the same time. When setting brightness with multiple SS sources it's important to ensure that at the brightest you can't hear the control tones - set brightnesses to the minimum that gives the brightness you require (there are specifications that MWS deals with itself when only the offical SpectraStrobe channels are in use, the MuLab presets also address this).

    Once you've got some red light action going, then you can add the other colors.

    This gives you awesome beat and flash and generally complex session creation, but still does not provide synchrony with music. There is one little thing that is required - an audio envelope follower. I asked for this feature in MWS five or six years ago. Anyway, I have subsequently used various tools to provide direct sound-to-light. At present my favourite is MuLab.

    Kasina also has the color organ feature. If the audio you're playing contains a beat, then it will certainly be conspicuous in the lightshow. Creating audio, beats plus your own music, in MWS and playing with color organ might be all you need.


  9. #9

    Default Re: Kasina MWS Session - Schumann Thunderstorm

    Great Ill try this.
    Thank you very much for your time and patience to explain this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: Kasina MWS Session - Schumann Thunderstorm

    Is this "15min SP-random blue Schumann Resonanz left right flashing Thunderstorm.mws" on your ftp site?

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

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