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Thread: Beta Testers Needed for Audiostrobe Software

  1. Default Re: Beta Testers Needed for Audiostrobe Software

    I would love to help, but I'm mac only! Good luck though. If you ever get a mac port let me know! I use ableton, logic, max/msp, etc.

  2. Default Re: Beta Testers Needed for Audiostrobe Software

    I use Ableton Live on Mac, but have Parallels running XP. Would like to try your software, since I can D/L a win version of Live.


  3. #13

    Default Re: Beta Testers Needed for Audiostrobe Software

    Hey Folks,

    Andy told me that there has been some renewed interest in this audiostrobe VST software. I figured, if people are still interested, then I ought to post an update.

    It's true that I've gotten back to work on the project. The functionality is pretty much ready to roll. In other words, I've built all the components and am very happy with how it works. What's holding me back is finalizing the visual interface and writing a cursory manual. I feel I must finish the former before I can attempt the latter, as I'll want accurate screenshots to be part of the manual. Without either an interface or a manual, I'm afraid that testers would be completely baffled.

    So while I am still not ready to make the software available for beta testing, I would like to ask if there are any graphics-oriented people out there who might be willing to help out with getting the GUI built solidly. The sooner I can get a GUI buttoned up, the sooner I can open up a round of beta testing. I've been using a freeware package for creating skins called "skinman". I'd be thrilled if anyone on here had some experience with it and could edit and improve on my novice designs.

    In any case, let me know if you are still interested in the project, and we can start a conversation about getting it out of my project box and into the real world where it can get some use.


    Veritas Lux Mea

  4. Default Re: Beta Testers Needed for Audiostrobe Software

    I see this thread is now two years old. I'm a graphics guy and can probably help. Where do you now stand on this project?

    Best, ras

  5. #15

    Default Re: Beta Testers Needed for Audiostrobe Software

    Hi Ras,

    The plugin's functions are all done. In other words, it works and I won't be tweaking its features any further. I'm now trying to get it skinned so that it's usable, intuitive, and pretty.

    I've currently got one volunteer to help out with skinning, but he has other obligations too. If you have experience with skins and would like to discuss it further, please send me a pm.

    Thanks for your interest!
    Veritas Lux Mea

  6. #16

    Default Re: Beta Testers Needed for Audiostrobe Software

    Okay, final stretch...

    I've been on my winter break from teaching, and have resolved to get this thing done before I go back to work on the 13th. I've decided not to go through a formal beta testing stage. Instead, I'm just going to release it, even though there might be some kinks, and even though the skin is not as beautiful as I'd like, and even though I haven't written a comprehensive manual yet. I figure if there are problems, people can write me and I'll fix them as best I can.

    I had also planned on charging for it, but have decided to release it as donation-ware (send me a little something if you want). That in itself cuts my workload down a lot. Besides, I have no idea how to set up a web-store or install copy protection, or any of that nonsense.

    Here's what I have to finish in the next week:

    - Write a *basic* manual
    - Find a place to host it online (anything wrong with DropBox? KVR? Other suggestions welcome)
    - Create several patches so that users can jump right in with some trippy presets.

    If anyone would like to develop some patches for it and can commit to having them ready within a week, please PM me and I'll send you an advance copy of the plugin. I'll credit you for your creations too, of course.

    As a teaser, here's a screenshot:

    To those of you who have expressed interest in this project, please accept my apologies for taking so long. Please wait just one more week.

    Happy New Year,

    -Steve Duell
    Last edited by esteband; 01-04-2014 at 08:30 PM.
    Veritas Lux Mea

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: Beta Testers Needed for Audiostrobe Software

    Looks fantastic, Steve!

    If you don't have a web site, we can host the file(s) here for downloading if you like.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  8. Default Re: Beta Testers Needed for Audiostrobe Software

    LUX looks great Steve looking foward to having fun with this .It would be great to have the download available on mindplace ,they are the best in the AVS world ,the new Kasina has 16 color sets for audiostrobe which is awesome! I am using FL studio 11 for a DAW and using monark for analog synthesis.

  9. #19

    Default Re: Beta Testers Needed for Audiostrobe Software

    Yes, I too like the idea of hosting it here on mindplace.

    FL Studio is awesome. I've used it since 2000. Unfortunately, it's not the best choice for Lux, since it cannot handle hybrid instrument/effect plugins. For some reason, FL only sees VST plugins as EITHER instruments (which only have audio outputs), OR effects (which have both audio in and out). It will work, it's just that you won't be able to route audio into it. You'll still be able to use the built-in WAV player module, though. If you want to use all of the features, I'd recommend a DAW called Reaper.
    Veritas Lux Mea

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Beta Testers Needed for Audiostrobe Software

    Hi Steve,

    Beautiful piece of work. I look forward to firing it up in MuLab.


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