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EEG Recording Kasina and DeepVision Eye Open Glasses

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Wondering whether stimulating frequencies during sessions works? I am posting some EEG recordings to demonstrate what this looks like on me personally. Now, I do have 20+ years of meditation experience, so that must be considered. However, with all the affordable reasonably precise EEGs available, it is time for people to start demonstrating the claims that they make. Show and not tell so to speak.

Recorded at FP1 and FP2 on the forehead. Not the usual place to record entrainment. So when you get a noticeable response here, then it is a good session.

This is an 18hz Beta session:

This is a Schumann Resonance session:

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Updated 08-22-2015 at 02:48 AM by neuroasis



  1. Robert Austin's Avatar
    Interesting results, Scott--especially with FP1/FP2, which normally show some of the smallest EEG effects from flicker stimulation. Did you have your eyes open for the entire session in both cases? 18 Hz appeared stronger and a good illustration of how flicker activates frequencies near the stimulation frequency.
  2. neuroasis's Avatar
    I did have my eyes open throughout the first session. In the second session I was using the DV glasses but I had my eyes closed after about the middle of the ramp down at the start (not shown). The strength of the flicker in closed eyes on the DV glasses is not as bright as the regular 'closed eye' Ganzframes, but still quite sufficient. I have especially learned to appreciate the pure white that these deliver.