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Robert Austin

Procyon Ganzframe output splitter... found!

Rating: 2 votes, 5.00 average.
We've had trouble locating true 4 conductor splitter cables for the Procyon, most such cables take the 4 conductor plug and split into two 3 conductor jacks, as with microphone+headphone outputs from Apple products. But I found someone in Korea who makes these and sells them on eBay, so I ordered one... works like a charm, and is well made. He's charging $9.95 plus $2.50 shipping; mine arrived in about ten days. His user name is acc3658, and he calls it '3.5mm 4 conductor 4 pole 3 ring Male-Female x2 AV Y cable'.

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Tags: procyon


  1. MattM's Avatar
    thanks Robert. that is great news. I tried building my own adapter using a daisy chain of 1x4 pin plug to 2x3 pin socket and then splitting those 2 sockets into 4x 3 pin using headphone splitters. and into those headphone splitters 4x end sockets using 2 sets of 2x 3 pin plug to 4 pin trrs socket adapters. all super expensive at $8+s/h from startech per set.
    it worked only if I had one set of glasses connected at a time. in either of the two 4 pin sockets at the very end of my pyramid daisy chain contruction. as soon as I connected 2 sets of goggles the led lights went out on one of the glasses (both procyon 3 color glasses). using either usb or battery power on my procyon. I will try this korea plug model. ordering now. I thought it is the supplied power not being enough to power the double amount of LEDs. as we talked about indirectly via Regina though your ebay account some months ago.
  2. Robert Austin's Avatar
    Hi, Matt--wow, that was a lot of work on your part! I think you'll like the quality of the Korean adapter, and your Procyon won't have any problem powering two sets of glasses and headphones, as the transistors on the output stages provide robust current limiting and drive. My adapter took about ten days to arrive, so just a bit of delayed gratification is involved.

    Thank you for choosing the Procyon!

    Regards, Robert
  3. Andy's Avatar
    Here is a link to the product. No guarantee this link will stay valid forever...
    Here's another one that might work...
    And another...
    And a flat one...
    And even a triple!

    Looks like they're getting easier to find.
  4. MattM's Avatar
    will this adapter also work with the Kasina to connect 2x Kasina Type Ganzframes?


  5. Andy's Avatar
    Yup! It will indeed.