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Robert Austin

New content on SoundCloud: Craig Tice

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Craig Tice (CraigT) has given us permission to share some of his AudioStrobe-encoded audio tracks, which you can find at He's taken a different approach to AS encoding than Scott Hendrickson: Scott wrote his own audio software plug-ins for this purpose, while Craig uses Mind Workstation (and these tracks are great illustrations of how you could use MWS to create your own content). Craig uses modulated noise to make the AS tracks, lending them a somewhat 'fizzy' or shimmery effect. Give them a try--they're free--and let us know what you think of his work, and Scott's, and what you would like to see and hear in future free and for-sale offerings.


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  1. Feebo's Avatar
    Exellent ! I look forward to trying this one out. It is suitable for the Procyon I take it? If you're watching this thread Craig, would you mind posting a walk through of the workflow? I'm just starting out and could do with the insight. No worries if it's a bit of a fuss....
  2. Feebo's Avatar
    Well I had go with it last night and was very impressed! I had lots and lots of paqrticularly beautiful and unusually detailed patterns going on which was great My only negative comment would be that I found the sound a little distracting but then I'm used to just the binaural beats.... Really nice though that! I'll be giving it a whirl again tonight I think
  3. neuroasis's Avatar
    Hey Feebo until we get more training things in the pipeline (which is in progress) you might want to check out NeuroProgrammer3 from Transparent. It is a really awesome program to start creating brainwave audio.
  4. Feebo's Avatar
    Oh cool thanks I'll do that! I was having a bit of a push button look around last night on the programer and I did start to remember little bits from when I first started trying to familiarise myself with it all. It's all quite exciting really because this will tie in with my music making software I've been learning for the past few months The two will come together to make a very enjoyable few hours here and there I'm really into my very unusual music aswell so the two should come together nicely....
  5. Feebo's Avatar
    Just had a look at it and it does look like a good program to have, it's just a shame it costs more than I can afford to pay I don't even want to start using the trial version, I might like it ! lol Bummer.
  6. Marisa's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Feebo
    Just had a look at it and it does look like a good program to have, it's just a shame it costs more than I can afford to pay I don't even want to start using the trial version, I might like it ! lol Bummer.
    Wait, don't bum out yet. They have a more affordable version that is pretty powerful - Neuro Programmer 3 and that is pretty affordable. MWS is incredible in that it can do so much but the NP3 is a really good program on its own to create AS sessions.

  7. Feebo's Avatar
    Ooh that sounds promising I'll search it and see what I can find
  8. Feebo's Avatar
    That seems to be what I've already got here, np3 ? Odd... I have a trial that then wants ?60 ($80) For the full software. Can't stretch to that at the moment, all my very little money is going into getting the workshop off the ground.... There's still the original free one though I suppose, that's capable isn't it Just a little baffling but I'll learn it I'm sure
  9. danlights's Avatar
    how do you transfer these audio files onto your procyon?
  10. neuroasis's Avatar
    These are mp3 audio files so you cannot transfer them directly to the Procyon. You play them with either a digital media device like a mp3 player or smartphone, or you play them on your computer. You hook up an audio cable from the player device to the AUX jack on the Procyon. These files have an AudioStrobe signal in them, so you would want to select the AS mode on the Procyon (press middle button 5 times)
  11. Feebo's Avatar
    Yep, and then it works a treat I was really pleased to see my new phone was upto the task as it's quite a bit less bulky than my laptop! lol