Defining Magick
, 06-14-2011 at 10:04 AM (47139 Views)
Magick is the art and science of mastering the mind. There is no religion in magick, though there is heavy use of symbolism (often confused with religion or the occult). The symbolism is useful, it helps direct the mind and associate ideas. The key is not to get caught up in the symbolism and mistake it for reality.
The infamous Aleister Crowley was the first person to coin the term "Magick" and his definition is: "Magick is the Science of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will."
What I've always liked about Crowley is that things are never as they appear with him. I can't say that I totally understand everything that Crowley talks about, there is a way to look at his work from a perspective outside of religion or occult theory - that makes some of it rather practical and brilliant. Take for example the following paragraph:
"The sincere student will discover, behind the symbolic technicalities of this book [Magick in Theory and Practice], a practical method of making himself a Magician. The process described will enable him to discriminate between what he actually is, and what he has fondly imagined himself to be. He must behold his soul in all its awful nakedness, he must not fear to look on that appalling actuality. He must discard the garments with which his shame has screened him; he must accept the fact that nothing can make I'm anything but what he is. He may lie to himself, drug himself, hide himself; but he is always there. Magick will teach him that his mind is playing him traitor."
Of course, not all of what Crowley writes is useful but that can be said about anything.