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  1. Ganzframes Open Eye Cutout Template

    Based on the ideas from the post: for the Kasina and new Procyon frames...

    Attached is a template for you to print and cutout a simple cover for your Ganzframes which will allow you to view them with eyes open. This should work for Procyon, Proteus, last revision Sirius and the extra color frames we sell. Basically, all the ones with purple frames.

    It is not quite as smooth ...

    Updated 11-21-2014 at 03:35 PM by neuroasis

    AVS , Light and Sound
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  2. GNaural SpectraStrobe and AudioStrobe templates

    Attached are templates that allow you to create SpectraStrobe and AudioStrobe in the free GNaural application.

    These templates provide the basic elements for SpectraStrobe: Red, Green and Blue tone tracks and the SpectraStrobe reference track. Do not alter the base frequency of any of these tracks because it is this frequency that creates the light signals. For the reference track do not change anything. Note the volume of light tracks need to be low. ...
    Tags: avs
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  3. MindPlace Mobile - iOS and Android Testing

    Exciting news today everyone... MindPlace is going mobile with our first AudioStrobe app!

    This is our first foray into these waters so we have decided to use a 'shell application' as a testing platform to try out different interfaces and controls. This helps us to avoid the App Stores and the unfun parts of the making mobile apps and get right to the good stuff. It also allows us to switch out things quickly and try new versions.

    The platform is called MobMuPlat - Mobile ...

    Updated 02-23-2015 at 09:40 AM by neuroasis

    Tags: audiostrobe
    AVS , Light and Sound
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  4. Dreaming, Dementia and Hallucinations

    In dreams, our mind pulls information from a variety of sources - what someone said the other day, a segment from a TV show or movie, past experience, something we read and so forth. In our dream, this all seems to flow and make sense. Yet when we awaken, as real as the dream seemed at the time – we know it was only a dream.

    How do we know what is real?

    My mother had a stroke, and often when we hear or think about stokes, we think about the type which leaves ...

    Updated 05-27-2011 at 11:09 AM by Marisa (didn't like font)

    Human Interest , Altered States , The Brain
  5. Podcast: Brain Science

    I like listening to podcasts during my occasional long drives, fitting a bit of learning into an otherwise fairly boring experience. And one of my favorites is the Brain Science Podcast, hosted by Ginger Campbell, M.D. She's covered a wide gamut of topics related to neurophysiology over the 73 episodes released so far. Most of these are in the form of extended interviews with researcher and academic scientists, some of whom discuss recent books they've authored.

    Just a few examples ...
  6. Science and Invention

    Hugo Gernsback is probably best known for launching the world's first science fiction magazine, Amazing Stories back in 1926. He started out in the publishing business in 1908 with Modern Electrics, catering to hobbyists early in the development of 'wireless'. In 1913 he launched The Electrical Experimenter, which became Science and Invention in 1920, covering a broad range of amateur science topics, now often speculative. The oversized (9x12 inch) covers were colorful paintings, and the paper ...

    Updated 06-05-2011 at 06:47 PM by Robert Austin

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