Thomas H. BUDZYNSKI, Phd Dr. Thomas Hice Budzynski passed away quickly from a heart attack on Monday, February 14 early in the morning the way that he wished his end-of-life to be. He was 77. This concluded an illustrious career, depicted by diverse and innovative projects. He started as an electrical engineer developing the inertial navigation component of the Blackbird SR-71 and saw the first Blackbird successfully completed and flying before switching fields to clinical physiologic psychology. Tom developed the first analog-to-digital electromyography instrument in 1968 later partnering, Biofeedback Systems. Tom, a pioneer in the fields of Bio- and Neuro-feedback has taught at numerous universities. Best known for his research and writing in management of stress problems, he explored and developed training for acquisition of 'twilight learning' and, investigated photic stimulation for clinical use and helped pioneer EEG training for cognitive restoration from brain damage. For the past 9 years Tom has been in private practice in Poulsbo, and was a Clinical Professor connected with the University of Washington. His most recent studies have been in anti-aging research. Tom's friends and colleagues stretch across the world, it would be unrealistic to try to gather in one place so we are taking communications from his facebook and by email or mail. There will be a very private family gathering for a memorial service near the water as he wanted. He is survived by his wife, Helen, son Peter and daughter-in-law Helen, and his three grandchildren, Kayla, Sarah and Tristan. Two brothers and their spouses, Doug and Sue, and Jim and Lill, and numerous nieces and nephews live in Michigan. Published in The Seattle Times on February 27, 2011
I didn't get the opportunity to ever meet Tom but through Robert, I became familiar with his work and fantastic contributions to the AVS community. I am forever grateful for all the time and effort he spent in furthering the field of AVS. Yes, he is already missed. Thank you Robert for sharing some of Tom's history with the community. Perhaps with permission from Helen, we can publish more of his research on the forum or provide a link or list of where his books may be purchased.