AVS Topics
One of our regular Forum users - SteveMod, wrote a post where he talked about how he used the Procyon for weight loss. Below is his response to what programs he used and how he did this. I'm so pleased that he shared this information with all of us. Thank you Steve. Originally Posted by SteveMod Thanks Andy, thanks Marisa. The programs I used varied but the ones that worked best for my needs were : I relied heavily on the Peak Performance programs. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 The Mind Sauna ...
I have used the Procyon (and Proteus) for many years (off and on) to help me get to sleep. While I don't use the machine every day, I learned the hard way that if I don't keep it in my room, where I can access it easily, I will find myself awake and thinking about using it but don't want to get out of bed to go find it. I have a sleep disorder (Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and so falling asleep and staying asleep is a challenge. I do take a sleeping pill and even with ...
Updated 05-27-2011 at 11:03 AM by Marisa (had to add category)