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Thread: Sessions for an OOBE

  1. Default Sessions for an OOBE

    Hi all. What is the best track on the Kasina to bring on an OOBE.

    Also if you have z link to any other sessions I can download for this purpose that would be great.

    I owned a Procyon years ago and managed to have a couple.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Sessions for an OOBE


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  3. #3

    Default Re: Sessions for an OOBE

    This session provides a different, although equally impressive experience eyes closed, or eyes open using the deep vision Ganzframes.

    Description: a unique alpha/theta/gamma program utilizing photic entrainment with rapidly changing color segments presenting different colors to each eye. Dissociation techniques, Harmonic Box X tones, music tuned to 432 Hz Solfeggio frequency, and metal/ crystal bowls are also used. It starts at 11 Hz alpha, the flicker frequency noted to produce hallucinations more than any other, as well as Schumann Resonance frequencies, the frequency that is has been noted to produce paranormal activity more than any other. At its very core this session will be a very relaxing session that will leave you energized.

    Objective: induce mental imagery, create hallucinations, and for esoteric interests such as lucid dreaming and out of body experience.


    Lucid Dreaming/ OOBE: set your alarm one hour before you normally get up. Use the bathroom if necessary, then go back to bed and start Vision Quest. Allow yourself to fall back asleep, but try to keep a portion of your awareness either on the flashing light or the sound. With practice, you will be able to tell the exact point where your body will be asleep but your mind will be awake. Experiment finding the line where you can easily cross between consciousness and unconsciousness. When you have achieved this skill, you can start the session repeating hypnotic suggestions to yourself such as "I am weightless and I can fly" or "I am on a sandy beach in Hawaii". As you find the sleep threshold and start dreaming, put yourself in those situations.

    For out of body experience, you can use a suggestion such as "I will break free of my earthly body". Each time the bowls sound, imagine your body vibrating and your spirit being lifted out of the body. By the end of the session when the lights are white and the entrainment is in gamma, visualize your spirit leaving your body and transcending time and space, if you haven't already.

  4. Question Re: Sessions for an OOBE

    Any chance you would make this file available again please? The link no longer works. Thanks

    Quote Originally Posted by JoeV View Post
    This session provides a different, although equally impressive experience eyes closed, or eyes open using the deep vision Ganzframes.

    Description: a unique alpha/theta/gamma program utilizing photic entrainment with rapidly changing color segments presenting different colors to each eye. Dissociation techniques, Harmonic Box X tones, music tuned to 432 Hz Solfeggio frequency, and metal/ crystal bowls are also used. It starts at 11 Hz alpha, the flicker frequency noted to produce hallucinations more than any other, as well as Schumann Resonance frequencies, the frequency that is has been noted to produce paranormal activity more than any other. At its very core this session will be a very relaxing session that will leave you energized.

    Objective: induce mental imagery, create hallucinations, and for esoteric interests such as lucid dreaming and out of body experience.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Sessions for an OOBE

    Quote Originally Posted by aCountryVegan View Post
    Any chance you would make this file available again please? The link no longer works. Thanks
    Try this one

    The link is correct in the original 30 Day Meditation Challenge Downloads thread.
    Last edited by Andy; 05-10-2021 at 01:17 AM. Reason: fix quote

  6. Default Re: Sessions for an OOBE

    Thank you very much. Not sure what the 30 Day Meditation Challenge Downloads thread is, but will have to check it out. Thanks again 🙏
    Quote Originally Posted by JoeV View Post
    Try this one

    The link is correct in the original 30 Day Meditation Challenge Downloads thread.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Sessions for an OOBE

    Quote Originally Posted by aCountryVegan View Post
    Thank you very much. Not sure what the 30 Day Meditation Challenge Downloads thread is

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

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