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Thread: New to Light and Sound. How can I tell if I have a defective unit?

  1. #1

    Default New to Light and Sound. How can I tell if I have a defective unit?


    The Procyon is my first Light and Sound machine. I have a few questions.

    1. how do you calibrate the LCD brightness levels? I noticed I could get different effects and colors by changing the intensity setting of the LCD. What is the proper setting?

    2. How do I know if I have a "dud" or defective unit?

    3. Is the procyon the first mindplace product to allow for mixing of external audio with binarual beats?

    4. The manual that shipped with my procyon talked about software, why was the software not shipped with the unit?

    5. When will the bio-connect interface become available?

    6. The manual talked about the Procyon being able to control led light arrays. What are LED light arrays? How do you connect to them and use them? Why use led light arrays? (what is the purpose of them?

    Please respond, thanks.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: New to Light and Sound. How can I tell if I have a defective unit?

    Hi Dave! Welcome to the forum! Let me try and help if I can...

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave View Post

    The Procyon is my first Light and Sound machine. I have a few questions.

    1. how do you calibrate the LCD brightness levels? I noticed I could get different effects and colors by changing the intensity setting of the LCD. What is the proper setting?
    You should set the brightness so that it is comfortable for you. Brighter can be more effective, but many people (like me) get irritated by the light be being too bright. It's totally personal preference, IMHO.

    2. How do I know if I have a "dud" or defective unit?
    Do you feel that there's something wrong with your Procyon? Let us know if you do.

    3. Is the procyon the first mindplace product to allow for mixing of external audio with binarual beats?
    No, the Proteus had that capability too.

    4. The manual that shipped with my procyon talked about software, why was the software not shipped with the unit?
    As software can change quite often it makes more sense nowadays to put the software on a support site for people so they can always have the latest software with their product. Ours is at but at the moment does not include the usb driver. That will be remedied shortly.

    5. When will the bio-connect interface become available?
    My understanding is that bio-connect is a protocol for data transfer. At some point in the future this will allow others to write interface software for the Procyon to enhance it's capabilities and also allow for different sensors. This is for future enhanced functionality and there is no set date for such products.

    6. The manual talked about the Procyon being able to control led light arrays. What are LED light arrays? How do you connect to them and use them? Why use led light arrays? (what is the purpose of them?
    An array would be multiple lights on a panel or other surface. This again is a future enhancement and more details will come as products are produced.

    Thank you for your support!


  3. #3

    Default Re: New to Light and Sound. Question about Seizure and frequency

    In designing presets, are there any frequencies that you should not use, that are associated with potential seizure or have been known to cause adverse effects?

  4. #4

    Default Re: New to Light and Sound. How can I tell if I have a defective unit?

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Hi Dave! Welcome to the forum! Let me try and help if I can...


    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Do you feel that there's something wrong with your Procyon? Let us know if you do.
    This being my first machine, I do not have the experience to know if a machine is operating correctly. I guess light and sound machines generate different patterns given different levels of audio and lcd brightness, so calibration of light and sound machines are not really possible, it is more of a range of effects, personal preference and visual effects generated are different depending on what lcd brightness and audio settings.

    Are there any plans to allow external audio to generate sync'ed patterns, so that the lcd's flicker to the beat and flow of music? That would be very ahem, cool.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    An array would be multiple lights on a panel or other surface. This again is a future enhancement and more details will come as products are produced.

    I noticed that they are selling lightbulbs with multi-led arrays, I guess there will be a future expansion to enable you to flash white, red, blue and green lights in a darkened room. Allowing for whole room Light and Sound Machine experiences.

    On a side note, I wonder if you could achieve the same effectiveness with white and colored strobe lights if you could control the flash duration and frequency for whole room effects.

    Thanks for your quick response!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: New to Light and Sound. Question about Seizure and frequency

    Hi Dave,

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave View Post
    In designing presets, are there any frequencies that you should not use, that are associated with potential seizure or have been known to cause adverse effects?
    This is a good question. Thank you for posting it.

    For the general public, those who do not have a seizure disorder, all frequencies are safe.

    For those who have a seizure disorder, any "frequency" could be a problem as the seizures are triggered by the flickering of light - any flickering of light - it doesn't just happen with a sound and light machine. In some cases some people with a seizure disorder are so sensitive to the flicker response that their TVs or video games can bring on seizures.

    I have also come across some information that discusses using Neurofeedback (EEG driven - uses target frequencies) to treat seizure disorders. This, of course, should only be done by a doctor or someone the person's doctor recommends.

    On a somewhat related note concerning seizures: There are many things that can cause seizures to those who are prone to them. Some people get seizures when they drink alcohol. Some people get seizures when they eat certain foods. Some violence and odd behavior is also the result of a seizure. Seizures are not always obvious either - such as in the case of some deviant behavior.

  6. #6

    Default Re: New to Light and Sound. Question about Seizure and frequency

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post

    For the general public, those who do not have a seizure disorder, all frequencies are safe.
    I read that 17 hz may be a problem frequency. So for the general public, there is no problem with the machines.

    One final question, at what age should kids and children put on the glasses?

    I personally think before age 14 is too young, any consensus in the light and sound community on under age 14 use?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: New to Light and Sound. Question about Seizure and frequency

    Hi Dave,

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave View Post
    I read that 17 Hz may be a problem frequency. So for the general public, there is no problem with the machines.
    I respectfully disagree. I've never come across anything that ever mentioned any particular frequency being problematic. Keep in mind that our brains generate all frequencies 0.5 to 24 naturally. At certain times of the day or night, certain brain wave frequencies are more predominant. A problem would occur when there is not enough of a certain frequency at certain times or too much at other or inappropriate times. For example, a Beta frequency while you are sleeping, would wake you up. A Theta frequency while you are suppose to be alert would make you day dream or create ADD in some cases.

    One final question, at what age should kids and children put on the glasses?
    Children under the age of 4 spend pretty much all of the time in Delta so brain entrainment on a child under 4 would be inappropriate. If a child has been diagnosed with ADD, with the consent of his physician L&S treatment may be beneficial. I doubt any child would want to use a machine for more than a minute anyway. Biofeedback and other brain games may be a better modality for entrainment in children.

    I personally think before age 14 is too young, any consensus in the light and sound community on under age 14 use?
    Well ... there is something called photosensitive epilepsy which has it's onset in early teens - usually initially occurring while watching TV or playing a video game. PSE is a pretty rare condition - affects 1/4,000 people. Not all people with PSE will have a seizure when using a light and sound machine. I think when it comes to children, you are best using a L&S machine under the guidance of their doctor or at least getting the okay from their doctor. There certainly is no harm in being careful.

    If anyone is interested in reading more on this. I found an interesting article ["L&S Systems & Seizures by Ray Wolfe"] in the AVS Journal.


  8. #8

    Default Re: New to Light and Sound. How can I tell if I have a defective unit?

    Thanks, it clarified some issues. Good to know.

    Keep in mind that our brains generate all frequencies 0.5 to 24 naturally.

    I will assume you ment frequencies 0.5 hz to 24 hz naturally.

    Interesting on the connection to ADD.

    A problem would occur when there is not enough of a certain frequency at certain times or too much at other or inappropriate times.
    It would be great if you could elaborate more on this topic.

    Perhaps several general guidelines could be created on when and where to use certain presets, if that would be helpful.

  9. #9

    Default Re: New to Light and Sound. How can I tell if I have a defective unit?

    Just a bit of further elaboration:

    --We've been producing machines which mix binaural beats with external sound since the MindsEye Pro, released 1989.

    --BioConnect will be implemented in an OS update once the PreSage biofeedback system is released early in the year--we've had it ready to go for more than a month, but the CPU chips have a long leadtime.

    --Seizures: children can have "nonepileptic" seizures; video games have triggered a number of them, so we strongly suggest not using LS with them (especially early teens, especially girls) without a doctor's supervision. We intend these machines to be used mainly by adults.

    As Marisa pointed out, any frequency can trigger a seizure in those susceptable--higher frequencies are somewhat more likely than lower, if I recall correctly, 18 Hz is more likely than 12 Hz, with below-alpha ones being quite safe. But again, this information was gathered in studies of photosensitive epileptics, not the general public.


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