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Thread: kundalini awakening

  1. #31

    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by thewolfrey View Post
    thank you so much for your reply I appreciate your level of understanding. (I am not sure how to do the quote box so forgive me) I would like to add to some of the things I said and answer some of your questions.

    "In what way would you say that enlightenment is similar or different than wisdom?

    I think that they are more synonymous within each other. As we go through life experiencing our every day events we hopefully learn from them and become wise or enlightened in some way. I also agree with the comment on happiness as well. That may be more true in our similarities.

    "Energy as chi, spirit or ether is actually a belief not a science. One can work with these concepts metaphorically and achieve goals but they are ideas not things."

    The fun part I have with the research that I do is connecting the dots and finding where things fit in the bigger picture. Lets start with Chi. Our ancient eastern brothers and sisters through the art of touch noticed a flow of energy that moves through our bodies in a very distinct pattern. through multiple observations they located what we now know as meridian lines. these lines follow a very repeatable and accurate location throughout the whole body. You more then likely know what I am talking about. they are so sure that they exist that to practice any form of bodywork you are required to go to medical school even to practice the most basic form of shiatsu or reflexology not to mention acupuncture. Thanks to modern science and the ability to dissect the human body our scientist and doctors have found the anatomical equivalent of these lines.
    There is a single all encompassing structure that wraps it self around every cell, every bone and muscle, and every organ in one continues loop it is called fascia. Without it the human body would be a kind of glob of soft tissue and calcium deposits with no shape or structure. If you where to take everything out of the body that wasn't fascia we could not only recognize you as a person. Also as who you are you friends and loved ones would still know who you are. Some of this fascia creates dense lines throughout the body these lines follow the same pattern as the meridian lines of old. Interestingly enough our nerves system blends into this fascial system so it can have access to our entire body. to keep everything alive and functioning.
    Concerning Chi. the denser portions of fascia have less electrical resistance so the nerve impulse can reach its desired location more efficiently. Our eastern brother simply gave the name "Chi" to the electrical flow throughout our body. A real and scientificly mensurable energy source. all living things have this energy running through them without it there would be no life.
    The art of Tai Chi teaches you how to move that energy throughout the body at will (if you find the right teacher).
    Now on spirit. first we need to know what spirit is to understand its scientific validatidy . I like to put spirit and ether on the same pedestal it makes it easier to find and understand its substance.
    Our wonderful people in the scientific comunity have painstakingly chopped matter down to its tiniest parts to try and find the how and why to existence and reality. In this search we have came across and interesting phonominon. Deep within matter it self there is an ever present (for lack of a better word) hum that resonates throughout all relms of reality. it is one frequency that connects every thing to every thing. The Tibetan name for it is Ohm. I know you have herd of it. you remember my statment. "Remember that we are but a tiny part of an ever present infinite whole." that infinite whole is the hum I speak of. that hum is the spirit and the ether all in one. without them there would be nothing. that hum is a lot like the fascia that runs throughout our bodies. it is the connective tissue that holds reality together.

    On the topic of schizophrenia. I do apologize for the insult. Let me try to explain why I feel that way.
    The common symptoms are why I feel that it is an inability to prosses divine awareness.
    But first lets have a look at the science that studies the mind and consciousness, psychology. To begin with consciousness is an intangible substance that cannot be measured by any known means as of yet. As per you statement on energy and belief that would put this respectable science deep in the belief a opinion category. Yet unlike alchemy and magick (just to name a few) it has reached the same place that chemistry and physics has in most scientific circles. How? I don't have the slightest idea. but it has none-the-less.

    anyways schizophrenia.

    some of the symptoms are seeing, hearing, smelling, ECT. things that no one else can. as well as magickal thinking as you said before. I have studied mysticism for over half my life. I see, hear, feel, smell things that no one else can and any one who studies the Arcane Arts can a-test to the same symptoms.
    Schizophrenia is the diagnosis when these so called hallucination and delusions interfere with your ability to function in "normal" reality(AKA inability to prosses divine awareness). In our ancient past these people where held in the highest regard as psychics, sages, medicine men and so on. Great kings and the like would not move forward with any plan before consulting these schizophrenics a they are called today.
    I still hold these special few in the highest regard. I am also appalled by the fact that society medicates and institutionalizes these people instead of embracing there gifts and teaching them how to use them.
    By the way one of my uncles is a diagnosed schizophrenic and heavily medicated. There are Many mental disorders that i think are gifts that we as a people are loosing because of the so called need to medicate and turn them "normal"

    on fact and opinion. I would like you to convince a devout religious person that there "belief" is not a fact. no amount of evidence you have to prove or disprove anything will change what someone believes is true if they aren't willing to change there perspective. that doesn't mean that my statement is any less true or false. I just hope you better understand why i think in that way.

    If it wasn't for critical thinking and questioning everything I would have never come to the conclusions I have reached.

    the fun part I think with all this info is that my knowledge is all ways changing and growing I add and subtract to my data base every day. there have been a many of time I contradicted my self and not bean able to express why. I'd like to think that I am all ways changing like the sands of a beach.

    When we stop learning we stop living.

    With peace and love

    I heard about blockages, but when I oppenned myself up to be able to physically feel energy. I physically felt the blockages. When my healer would hold certain points, I would feel some of those begin to go and I would physically feel the energy flow and tightness be released. I can feel the changes physically as she tunes my chakras, etc. This stuff is real. But people do not accept it because their limited senses can't aknoledge it. Use more % of your brain, then re-avaluate your assumption, I say. What the hell do you think its all there for? We can do so much more than u think.

  2. #32

    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by veeaye View Post
    I also do a profound amount of NLP. Especially Special Linguistics. I don't do hyponisis but paraliminals have a similar effect.

    After you do NLP on yourself, lie down in bed and dont move a muscle. Do this for anything from 15 minutes to 3 hours *however long your patience calls for). State in your mind or out loud "I am willing to receive love and the energy needed to obtain this quality throughout my entire body". Lie on your back, dont move a muscle unless you are getting too uncomfortable. This might sound crazy. But do it! This enables profound change on a deeper level. Even with Procyon, state this always. If your not open to change on a cellular level, it can be slow and futile.
    Let's back up for a minute. Where the others have defined their background clearly I have not and that may lend a greater light on the subject. I started meditation and martial arts in 1968. I’ve examined all forms of meditation from Hindu through Zen. I am versed in Wicca and shamanism and have worked with elders in all the above structures. I have also gone through not less then 20 books on the following religions: Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Druid, Wiccan, and shamanic and a few more remote religions such as Ogham. My profession for 25 years was as a Consulting Technical Computer specialist (I analyze things for underlying structures at, according to a college I attended, the doctoral level of complexity. The degree was outside of my financial reach.). I have posted credentials as a certified hypnotist and Reiki Master Trainer but I have also developed a healing methodology that is not symbolic like Reiki that provides a structure that can easily be replicated. My experience with Kundalini is first hand and I have helped a number of people through the event that have shown marked side effects before being opened to it. I simply eased the transition.

    I am not fighting with anyone, I am simply stating my experience and how it applies.

    >>3. The map is not the territory. <<

    thewolfrey is right in a true NLP sense. Marissa simply seems focused on her map and territory.

    >>I understand what you are saying. I've had paranoiac and delusive thought's to begin with. <<

    veeaye has the right to fling himself into Kundalini and experience all the negative elements of not being properly prepared, I simply do not recommend it for the idle readers of the forum. And why go to that extreme? Is it ego that you can and survive it? What is the point if enlightenment is supposed to be joyous? Your result seems to have missed the point and correct result. I don’t mind if you climb the vertical cliff of intense struggle. But this is not a race. Where is the boundary between careless, reckless, and bold? I’d simply rather examine the map thoroughly and walk upslope to the top of the hill so I can save my energy for the true pleasure enlightenment can bring.

    And what you posted is not crazy, I can understand the mechanics of what it is intended to do, but I don't have to because I am well beyond it.

    Richard Smith CH

  3. #33
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Hi Veeaye,

    Quote Originally Posted by veeaye View Post
    I agree with everything you say here.

    Marissa you do come on a bit strong and a little offensive, it makes my discussion with you not as enjoyable but then I understand you are doing what feels right to you and what makes you happy so that's okay. Plus you do have sound knowledge on procyon and the mind so i can't argue with that. But Im more into the energetic thing, that seems to be working for me more, though I like to combine the whole enchalada.
    Thank you for your feedback. I do want you to continue posting and I do enjoy discussing things with you and everyone else.

    I hope you can understand that my intention is not to be "right" on these matters, only to express a different perspective. Just because we do not agree on everything does not mean that we can't discuss our different opinions. I will however be more careful so that we may do this without my offending you.

    I appreciate your telling me and I do apologise for any offense caused.

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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  4. #34
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by CraigT View Post
    Wow! I couldn't even bring myself to get to the end of most of those sentences, but I got the overall sense of a challenge as to who has the greater authority to an opinion.
    Aww gez, I'm sorry. When it comes to opinion I don't think anyone can be an authority. It's just a statement of thought.

    I think it gets a little tricky when someone claimes a truth about something that is questionable. I think that this opens up the arena to debate. I welcome debate as long as we keep it respectful.

    Subject to the explicit consent of the management of this site, the well respected MindPlace corporation, responsible for the insights behind products that have been a genuine response to requests from those seeking enhanced means of deducing truth from the myriad of fragments made available to any one of us, I would be delighted to play, and I can think of a dozen other contributors to these forums who could run circles around you in arguments about higher truths, and what's more, none of us actually agree on most things.
    Aww c'mon and play. Run circles ... bring friends!

    Everyone is entitled to an opinion. They are not entitled to the unrefuted opportunity to announce themselves as the arbiter of truth and light.
    What? I'm not god. Gez ... now you tell me. On a more serious level - good point.

    A weak defense of the moral high ground is something especially repugnant to me.
    I don't so much care if one thinks they know more than me - maybe they do. Things such a moral high-grounds ... they make me chuckle ...except when it's me that comes across that way .... in that case it's "Bad Marisa!!! ".

    Craig - I really wish you would join in. I've had wonderful conversations with you over email and think that others would benefit from your experiences and thoughts. Please join in. What can I do to make you feel more comfortable to do this?

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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  5. #35
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by thewolfrey View Post
    thank you so much for your reply I appreciate your level of understanding. (I am not sure how to do the quote box so forgive me) I would like to add to some of the things I said and answer some of your questions.
    There is a box that looks like it has writing on it. It's between the box with the picture and the "#" sign. If you highlight the area you want to quote and then press the "quote" box, you'll get quotes. You can also do it manually by typing [quote] at the beginning of the message you want quoted and [/quote] at the end.

    The fun part I have with the research that I do is connecting the dots and finding where things fit in the bigger picture.
    Yes this is fun.

    Lets start with Chi. Our ancient eastern brothers and sisters through the art of touch noticed a flow of energy that moves through our bodies in a very distinct pattern. through multiple observations they located what we now know as meridian lines. these lines follow a very repeatable and accurate location throughout the whole body.
    The problem I have in accepting this as fact is that this energy is not spoken of in any medical texts, nor have I ever seen any research that validates this energy.

    The second problem I have is with "ancient knowledge". Ancients believed all kinds of things that have been found to have no merit ... so why should we believe this particular thing?

    Having said that, some people swear by acupuncture and others by energy healing. In the end, if this is what someone wants to try and if they find benefit in it - I'm not sure how much it matters on whether it's real or not. On the other hand, it would be awful for someone with a life-threatening condition to rely on "ancient medicine" alone.

    You more then likely know what I am talking about. they are so sure that they exist that to practice any form of bodywork you are required to go to medical school even to practice the most basic form of shiatsu or reflexology not to mention acupuncture. Thanks to modern science and the ability to dissect the human body our scientist and doctors have found the anatomical equivalent of these lines.
    In Canada - medical school is not a requirement to practice alternative medicine. There are some medical doctors though that also practice natural medicine but the "natural medicine" isn't part of the medical school curriculum - as far as I know.

    There is a single all encompassing structure that wraps it self around every cell, every bone and muscle, and every organ in one continues loop it is called fascia. Without it the human body would be a kind of glob of soft tissue and calcium deposits with no shape or structure. If you where to take everything out of the body that wasn't fascia we could not only recognize you as a person. Also as who you are you friends and loved ones would still know who you are. Some of this fascia creates dense lines throughout the body these lines follow the same pattern as the meridian lines of old. Interestingly enough our nerves system blends into this fascial system so it can have access to our entire body. to keep everything alive and functioning.
    Concerning Chi. the denser portions of fascia have less electrical resistance so the nerve impulse can reach its desired location more efficiently. Our eastern brother simply gave the name "Chi" to the electrical flow throughout our body. A real and scientificly mensurable energy source. all living things have this energy running through them without it there would be no life.
    The art of Tai Chi teaches you how to move that energy throughout the body at will (if you find the right teacher).
    Now on spirit. first we need to know what spirit is to understand its scientific validatidy . I like to put spirit and ether on the same pedestal it makes it easier to find and understand its substance.
    Our wonderful people in the scientific comunity have painstakingly chopped matter down to its tiniest parts to try and find the how and why to existence and reality. In this search we have came across and interesting phonominon. Deep within matter it self there is an ever present (for lack of a better word) hum that resonates throughout all relms of reality. it is one frequency that connects every thing to every thing. The Tibetan name for it is Ohm. I know you have herd of it. you remember my statment. "Remember that we are but a tiny part of an ever present infinite whole." that infinite whole is the hum I speak of. that hum is the spirit and the ether all in one. without them there would be nothing. that hum is a lot like the fascia that runs throughout our bodies. it is the connective tissue that holds reality together.
    Interesting explanation - thank you. This is beyond my knowledge. I study the mind more so than the body.

    That is an interesting point about the frequency associated with the chant of "Ohm". I recall reading something about this ... I think it falls in the Alpha range - though I can't think of the specific frequency off hand.

    On the topic of schizophrenia. I do apologize for the insult. Let me try to explain why I feel that way.
    The common symptoms are why I feel that it is an inability to prosses divine awareness.
    That's assuming that "divine awareness" exists beyond one's personal belief system.

    But first lets have a look at the science that studies the mind and consciousness, psychology. To begin with consciousness is an intangible substance that cannot be measured by any known means as of yet.
    Consciousness can be measured with EEG. That is, if you are associating consciousness with brain function.

    As per you statement on energy and belief that would put this respectable science deep in the belief a opinion category. Yet unlike alchemy and magick (just to name a few) it has reached the same place that chemistry and physics has in most scientific circles. How? I don't have the slightest idea. but it has none-the-less.
    MRI, PET and EEG scans are all able to detect brain activation due to thinking. We are able to prove beyond a doubt that we can think. Our brain function is soley responsible for our ability to think. Remove the brain and there is no more consciousness or thought ... or life.

    anyways schizophrenia.

    some of the symptoms are seeing, hearing, smelling, ECT. things that no one else can. as well as magickal thinking as you said before. I have studied mysticism for over half my life. I see, hear, feel, smell things that no one else can and any one who studies the Arcane Arts can a-test to the same symptoms.
    We all engage in hallucination frequently. Think about how many times you've looked for something and couldn't find it ...only to find it later right under your nose. That's a negative hallucination. Auditory and visual hallucinations are also quite common. They become a problem when they become too frequent and interfere with one's ability to function in society. In other words, while it's normal to hallucinate some, it's not normal to hallucinate most of the time or for long periods of time. To hallucinate in a way that you lose touch with reality.

    Schizophrenia is the diagnosis when these so called hallucination and delusions interfere with your ability to function in "normal" reality(AKA inability to prosses divine awareness). In our ancient past these people where held in the highest regard as psychics, sages, medicine men and so on. Great kings and the like would not move forward with any plan before consulting these schizophrenics a they are called today.
    I still hold these special few in the highest regard. I am also appalled by the fact that society medicates and institutionalizes these people instead of embracing there gifts and teaching them how to use them.
    By the way one of my uncles is a diagnosed schizophrenic and heavily medicated. There are Many mental disorders that i think are gifts that we as a people are loosing because of the so called need to medicate and turn them "normal"
    Schizophrenia has different degrees of severity. Some people can not function without being a danger to themselves and others and so they need to take anti-psychotic drugs.

    I knew of one girl who had schizophrenia and her appliances would have conversations with her. Not a bit harmful thing. However, the schizophrenia would cause her also to go into cleaning frenzies where she would throw away furniture and house hold items, wash the cat food and paint everything white. Not healthy.

    I didn't know her that well and I don't know if the drugs made her life much better. In some ways it did and in other ways it didn't but there weren't other alternatives because you can't have someone living in a house with no furniture and scrubbing cat food.

    In some of the minor cases of schizophrenia, the person may not need medication but may need some supervision. They may not pay their bills, bath or take proper care of themselves.

    on fact and opinion. I would like you to convince a devout religious person that there "belief" is not a fact. no amount of evidence you have to prove or disprove anything will change what someone believes is true if they aren't willing to change there perspective. that doesn't mean that my statement is any less true or false. I just hope you better understand why i think in that way.
    Just because someone thinks their belief is a fact does not make it a fact. Beliefs are the most difficult things to change. Our unconscious mind is set up to validate and support our beliefs. Still ... it doesn't have anything to do with truth. We are capable of believing false things as well as true things. A belief is a personal conviction of truth not an actual factual truth. There is a difference.

    If it wasn't for critical thinking and questioning everything I would have never come to the conclusions I have reached.
    I took a course on critical thinking in college and the fun thing about the art of argumentation (in critical thinking not fight arguments) is that the argument is all about being the most convincing and to be logically sound. You lose points in the argument if your statement can be shown to be "unsound" because of faulty reasoning. It doesn't mean whoever wins the argument speaks the truth - it just means that they were most convincing and used sound reasoning or didn't get caught using flawed reasoning.

    What it's done for me is make me look at what someone is saying and what support or reasoning they are using. Some statements look like they make sense when you read them or hear them but if you examined the statement, you may find flaws in logic.

    I'm by no means an expert at this, nor are all of my statements logically sound. It's just a good exercise in thinking.

    the fun part I think with all this info is that my knowledge is all ways changing and growing I add and subtract to my data base every day. there have been a many of time I contradicted my self and not bean able to express why. I'd like to think that I am all ways changing like the sands of a beach.
    Me too! I think to have a truly open mind, you have to be willing to consider other perspectives. It doesn't mean you have to believe them but you have to be willing to give up your beliefs if they don't meet your challenge. That - is not an easy thing to do!! Been there ... likely will go there again.

    Thank you for your conversation.

    Last edited by Andy; 01-30-2010 at 06:09 AM.
    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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  6. #36
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Hi Marisa,

    My position is that everything is in doubt. To the newborn babe, everything really is in doubt. As we grow, day-to-day things become less uncertain - it becomes possible to function in society. Once our obligations are met, we have time for our own pursuits. Some of us choose to spend time exploring the realms of "the spirit". It's interesting to see how "beliefs" have transitioned over the ages from an essential mythology to keep the darkness at bay and the community together, to the "points of difference" they are today.

    A difficulty that arises for many is the expectation of finding authority, which leads to literal interpretation of the metaphor and symbolism that makes communicating the uncommunicable vaguely possible, which further leads to the making of statements in the expectation that they will be accepted a priori.

    The realm of doubt diminishes with study and experience. Specialists in any field have far less doubt about how their specialisation works than anyone else - everybody else makes do with an approximation suited to their needs and capacity. It's all very well to have "beliefs", but the foundation on which they are based depends on how effectively the realm of doubt has been reduced in the area of discussion. The study of spirituality will lead a person to very strange places if it is not balanced with practical and academic knowledge of the sphere of interest as well. If anyone wishes to discuss "plasma" or "ether", I will be delighted to engage with an excellent lay understanding of the many meanings of the terms, the lack of which is evident in many opinions.

    Earlier in this thread I asked for a clarification of "omni-Hertz" - surprisingly, Hertz continues to be flexibly interpreted - it is a defined unit created specifically so that there is a fixed reference for the measurement of repetitive events. "Omni" means "all". "All-Hertz" is a stunningly poor term for unfiltered broadband noise. "Omni" is not of the same type as "kilo", "tera", etc. and so cannot exist in such a series.

    I would enjoy learning more about the paths others have taken to get to their present understanding. I have gone to great lengths to "show my workings" so that people can make an informed decision on what to do with what I say. I'm curious how so many people can claim the same sources and arrive at such different places.

    A question I would put is this... Is a "discussion" possible between individuals with substantially different agendas and backgrounds to their views? Communication works best when a "master" is identified in any forum. Defense of a particular view in the face of higher quality information is a definite indication of non-mastery. A bunch of individuals of indeterminate expertise tossing ideas around with no clear means of discrimination is not my idea of a discussion.


    Quick edit to add this link to a strangle little site where a strange little book on magick may be downloaded.
    Last edited by CraigT; 01-29-2010 at 12:43 PM.

  7. #37
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by CraigT View Post
    Hi Marisa,

    A question I would put is this... Is a "discussion" possible between individuals with substantially different agendas and backgrounds to their views? Communication works best when a "master" is identified in any forum. Defense of a particular view in the face of higher quality information is a definite indication of non-mastery. A bunch of individuals of indeterminate expertise tossing ideas around with no clear means of discrimination is not my idea of a discussion.
    Ya but when it comes to matters of spirituality and/or philosophy ... what would qualify one to be a master? I don't think such a creature exists.

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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  8. #38
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    Mastery is recognised in accordance with the documented work the individual has done to satisfy the standard of others of similar grade. In academia it is the system of degrees, in the military it is rank, commerce/promotion, church/title, etc.

    I worked with Adamas, I published his book. I matched his grade. I also published journals that document a significant aspect of the NZ occult scene 1997-2001 - the PDFs and printed copies can be found out in the wild - Circlecaster and The Ecliptic and the Fool.

    Admittedly, that is a very small realm over which to claim mastery, but a realm none the less. Thelemic Law recognises that sovereignty, whilst simultaneously according the same sovereignty to any other individual who may declare that they have "found their way". The wonderful thing is that along the way I had the opportunity to exchange ideas with others who were working with similar goals, and to thereby avoid unproductive research and point others in directions I have found useful.

    If there is not such an animal, then humanity is in far worse shape than even I give credit. I always remember a piece of graffiti on wall of the city approach to the Sydney Harbour Bridge (yes, back when it was THE city approach) - There Is No Keeper of The Key. I was under 12 at the time, and I have forever since been unwilling to accept that statement. There are many Keepers of The Key - everyone who has furthered knowledge and understanding of a particular field - but for just that moment that no-one has taken their lead and advanced. It's a baton race - lots of ways to pick up a baton, but it's much better when you pick one up and drop it off in the same race.


    P.S. The graffiti was just along from "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like bananas" - I had no idea just how much time I would find myself spending on the contemplation of the arrow of time.

  9. #39
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by CraigT View Post
    Mastery is recognised in accordance with the documented work the individual has done to satisfy the standard of others of similar grade. In academia it is the system of degrees, in the military it is rank, commerce/promotion, church/title, etc.
    I can see your point. While degrees & certifications are some form of measurement - the level of knowledge is certainly not equal unless there is a universal standard set. We've all come across professionals who have credentials up their butt and are still dumb as a stump and there are those who don't have a degree and should be awarded one because of their knowledge in the area. In trades, mastery is much easier to discern because their work is a reflection of their knowledge.

    Perhaps with something like spirituality we can judge a person by the way they conduct themselves, level of maturity and wisdom. If their personal life is consistently a mess, then I would say that there is no mastery there. We all have bad days and trying periods - maybe it's how we conduct ourselves during those times. Hmmm you are certainly inspiring me to think deeper on this subject.

    I worked with Adamas, I published his book. I matched his grade. I also published journals that document a significant aspect of the NZ occult scene 1997-2001 - the PDFs and printed copies can be found out in the wild - Circlecaster and The Ecliptic and the Fool.
    Perhaps, like you said, this is only relevant to the person whom this means something to and totally meaningless to someone else who is into something else. For example, someone who is a Reiki master - this doesn't mean anything to me because I don't study that discipline but to someone who is into Reiki - this is a big deal. Or my certification in NLP, to another NLPer this is something (yay me) but to many psychologists it's insignificant. I think it lies within the eyes of the beholder.

    Admittedly, that is a very small realm over which to claim mastery, but a realm none the less. Thelemic Law recognises that sovereignty, whilst simultaneously according the same sovereignty to any other individual who may declare that they have "found their way". The wonderful thing is that along the way I had the opportunity to exchange ideas with others who were working with similar goals, and to thereby avoid unproductive research and point others in directions I have found useful.
    That's a good point.

    If there is not such an animal, then humanity is in far worse shape than even I give credit. I always remember a piece of graffiti on wall of the city approach to the Sydney Harbour Bridge (yes, back when it was THE city approach) - There Is No Keeper of The Key. I was under 12 at the time, and I have forever since been unwilling to accept that statement. There are many Keepers of The Key - everyone who has furthered knowledge and understanding of a particular field - but for just that moment that no-one has taken their lead and advanced. It's a baton race - lots of ways to pick up a baton, but it's much better when you pick one up and drop it off in the same race.
    If it's a person's personal belief system - I say fine .. live and let live but when it starts involving others and creating "truths" from made up crap ... arg! I think much of this has more to do with greed and ego than actual spirituality.

    Not to mention the danger of pseudoscience often getting mistaken for real science .... ooo I feel a tangent coming on .... restrain yourself Marisa ....

    P.S. The graffiti was just along from "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like bananas" - I had no idea just how much time I would find myself spending on the contemplation of the arrow of time.
    Ya sure, get me thinking about it now. Thanks.

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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  10. #40
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    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Hi Marisa,

    The qualification factories of today have certainly diminished the value of undergraduate degrees - there's no shortage of batchelors and masters that aren't worth the paper they're printed on. I think "classical" academia is still to be found in the post-grad world - I've met a good few very strange Doctors and Professors, but never one I would consider "dumb as a stump".

    Absolutely - "walking the walk" is the ultimate indicator, and not just when it's all going your way. The tough bits are the good bits where you can really put it all to the test.

    The question of "what you're into" is an interesting one. There are some techniques and traditions that I can only recognise as play-acting - there is no discernable substance to their system or practices. Being master of a system that provides no legitimate mechanism whereby Will can be made manifest is pretty pointless. Out of their original cultural context I would say most energy practices fall into this category. NLP is a slightly different case. The mechanism is there, but the assumptions about how the mind works, and how it responds to word games is dubious ("Friend or Foe")

    Pseudoscience - an ever opening vista! I can imagine a group of professors in the same field sitting over a few beers and laughing at the foolishness of one of their young colleagues, "You know he still thinks you can transpose lambda and mu in order to limit delta" - what is recognisable as folly depends on what you know. Rather than attempting to know everything in detail it is sufficient for a generalist to understand the basics so that when a detail doesn't seem to fit, an informed determination can be made as to whether it's just this piece that doesn't fit, or whether no such piece can fit. In pseudoscience there are many attempts to put together pieces that can never fit. (Before anyone goes nuts trying to work out if you can profitably transpose lambda and mu, the example is nonsense).

    Ultimately I'm pretty pragmatic about the whole thing - if it's doing it for you, and the price is acceptable, just keep doing it. It's only if you think it might be a good idea to release your ideas into the world at large that you really need to ensure that your system is consistent with the nature of reality.


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