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Thread: kundalini awakening

  1. #11

    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    I want to further build on that by letting you all know that we exchange energy within our environment on a regular basis. That is why I recommended chakra/soul cleansing daily and if you use crystals to clean them almost every day. Thought's are living electrical impulses and they can go from one form to another. Hence magick.

    There's a difference between awakenning and rising your kundalini. if you prematurely awaken your kundalini it can be extremely difficult. It seems those people who claimed they have gotten schtizofrania from attempting kundalini, most likely awoken it, as it can be difficult to tell.

    You have to awaken your kundalini, then when you are ready, to rise it. When you rise it, that is the wonderful feeling people talk of. I haven't risen mine. If you rise your kundalini prematurely like Gopi Krishna did, it is the most wonderful experience yet more painful than anything. If you are ready for it, it is blissful. The kundalini purifies the chakras, once they are purified and open enough, they can handle the kundalini, this whole process takes your vibration beyond 1,000 Omni Hertz. Most people reside in 900Hz and under. That is why people who have risen their kundalini and did the final touches of their cleansing and healing, live in bliss. And people like buddha appeared to have a 'golden' aura and were so wonderful to be around.

    I feel this is important because everything is vibration and unless you are ready to accept subliminal/unconcsious/hyponotic suggestion vibrationally, your mind-body will reject everything you tell it. So it pays to clear blockages before you attempt to re-pattern the brain. That's just my opinion, but it works, because I had been doing affirmations a long time ago to no avail.
    Last edited by veeaye; 01-17-2010 at 09:58 PM.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by veeaye View Post

    Marissa. I had awakenned my kundalini, after three weeks of meditation. Have you? I speak through experience.
    I no longer follow that belief system so my answer to your question would be irrelevant.

    What appears to me to be more relevant is that you did something to yourself that unleashed a whole lot of anguish.

    Craig. You are right. I had no idea what I was doing when I did the energy and kundalini meditations. One should begin 15 minutes or so and slowly build up to an hour or two. I was doing them all day.
    I'm not convinced that you would have avoided this outcome had you done things differently. I think it would have surfaced one way or another.

    The pain is completely to do with the ego inflating. The ego feeds on the energy. When you open your chakras and awaken your kundalini, your soul takes in much energy from the sun and its surroundings. If you haven't figured out the blockages, its like feeding the shadow within until it tears you apart. And the shadow attracts and feeds on more negative energy so you attract more of those experiences.
    Just out of curiosity - where are you getting your information? You mention Egyptian gods but it doesn't sound like anything from any of the systems of study I've come across (Hermetic, GD, TGD) but it does seem to contain bits and pieces from these schools.

    The pre-warning on the jos didn't seem to outline the true severity of it. If I haven't been seeing a kinesiologist twice a week for two years, as well as doing EFT, mandalas, affirmations, entrainment, paraliminals, guided meditations, crystal therapy and bach flower essences. Im sure I wouldn't have lasted long.
    So where are you at now? Looking back on your experience, you have stated that you would have done things differently?

    The million dollar question is: Once you raise your energy, awaken your kundalini and all that -- what exactly does that get you? Does it get you the illusion of power because you think you can do all these things or does it get you to a place of emotional strength and mental clarity? Does it allow you to achieve happiness and peace (long term or for a little while). Does it provide you with useful skills and knowledge that allow you to function successfully in the physical world? Does it open you to consider other explanations to phenomina?

    If so, then please explain how your studies have helped you achieve this. I'm not asking to challenge you or your belief system. I am asking because if you are studying something that is that successful, then others would benefit from this learning.

    Perhaps you could make the explanation less esoteric - maybe translate it into terms that the lay person could understand. For example, it isn't enough to say that "ego feeds on energy" because while this statement makes sense to you this statement does not make sense to the lay person (or anyone who isn't involved in the same line of study as you).

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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  3. #13
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Hi Marisa,

    You obviously missed the link to the source a few posts back.

    'Nuf said.


  4. #14
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by CraigT View Post
    Hi Marisa,

    You obviously missed the link to the source a few posts back.

    'Nuf said.

    Just went there and had a look around. Okay, that's a new take on stuff I've seen before. The author of the site seems quite angry and seems to have a bit of a chip on his shoulder about our Jewish friends. It's too bad, I think the "angry" writing detracts from some otherwise valid points.

    In the end, it appears to be another take on a familiar theme - my god is more worthy than your god. My religion is the only true religion way is the only right way ... sigh ... .

    Hey, I believe the Randi Foundation still has it's million dollar payout to anyone who can prove they have psychic powers ... just sayin'

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  5. #15

    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post

    If so, then please explain how your studies have helped you achieve this. I'm not asking to challenge you or your belief system. I am asking because if you are studying something that is that successful, then others would benefit from this learning.

    Perhaps you could make the explanation less esoteric - maybe translate it into terms that the lay person could understand. For example, it isn't enough to say that "ego feeds on energy" because while this statement makes sense to you this statement does not make sense to the lay person (or anyone who isn't involved in the same line of study as you).

    I am basically talking about what I have felt and experienced. Many people including me, can physically feel energy and feel their chakras pumping energy through their astral body. So what I said about energy is literely true. Through meditation you unlock the parts of the mind which give you access to it. You can also unlock astral smell, sight and sound. The difference is, that your moving your registry up, the human ear for example can hear up to 20,000hz but when you unlock your astral hearing it goes much higher, same with other senses.

    How does this benefit you? I'm not really sure. I assume that it enables you to be a director of your fate and gives you access to profound intuition and 'knowing' so you can make better choices. I've learned that about 99% of what we experience including what we were born into, has to do with our choices and our thinking. if you purify your system through kundalini, you make better choices. As well as burning the soul up higher, it also has an effect on the brain.

    By the end of it you have a background feeling of blissful knowing. You know how you can be happy whilst having a background feeling of sad or depression? Well kundalini is what helps us become true players. true players in the sense that we have a deep grounding of the illusion of life, and whilst taking part in our part, we don't get overly attached to any outcome and remain in a permanent peaceful and happy state. That is in the later transformational stages of the process.

    If you take out as much as the ego first then awaken your kundalini it can be more of a pleasant experience, but for everybody, rising the kundalini is a bit painful, it's like a re-birth. Take my kinesiologist for example, because she channelled my energy through her, she got a kundalini awakenning and within two years she had completely risen hers. She went through the heat exhaustion phases, but didn't suffer like I did because she dealt with most of her ego before she did it. But when she rose it, she had to take a few day's off. If you want to understand the biology of kundalini. Gopi Krishna also writes extensively about his kundalini experience if you want to google him.

    How does this benefit people? Tremendiously. Your energy acts on your environment, self and others, so in terms of manifestational and emotional, kundalini can make you a very wise, powerful and understanding person. By powerful I mean someone who can manifest what he wants quicker and has much more bio-electricity.

    Now Im not saying im some powerful and wise master as yet, but I am saying that it forced me to change and look at myself, it eradicates emotional problems and the painbody by pushing them up to the surface to be dealt with - things I never even knew I had, became revealed to me so I could deal with them.

    As far as childhood memories are concerned, most of them have already come up - things that I never even knew bothered me. AVS and other forms of brain entrainment dont do allot in terms of pushing stuff up compared to kundalini, that's what I mean about the suffering. Memories and beleifs have just as much as an effect as blockages and also are felt and pushed up to be dealt with. The difference is that blockages are more intense negative experiences which get locked up in the body, mental stuff are negative beleifs formed from past experiences which lie in the mind.

    How one deals with the blockages is entirely up to them. But I find im guided allot by intuition. People also experience strange thing's on kundalini. I've had memories of past and future lives, although the future lives memories are fading and I can't seem to be able to see what lies ahead of me anymore. I've also communicated with my son from my last lifetime and held hands with my husband whilst having a semi out of body experience (being in the astral while in the body - ive had many OBE as well). I was shocked when I first got memories of my last life as a woman named Edna Rymes. That is why I talk allot about past lives because my last life I remember it like it were my childhood and many of my hangups seemed to have originated from there.

    The energy stuff is real but not easily recognised because it doesn't fit into the standard of what people expect to hear or can easily recognise, but it is as real as flesh and bone, even physics is beginning to prove that. It's delightful to talk to you Marissa even you seemed to be a little hard on me on this subject to begin with.
    Last edited by veeaye; 01-18-2010 at 07:29 PM.

  6. #16

    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post
    Just went there and had a look around. Okay, that's a new take on stuff I've seen before. The author of the site seems quite angry and seems to have a bit of a chip on his shoulder about our Jewish friends. It's too bad, I think the "angry" writing detracts from some otherwise valid points.

    In the end, it appears to be another take on a familiar theme - my god is more worthy than your god. My religion is the only true religion way is the only right way ... sigh ... .

    Hey, I believe the Randi Foundation still has it's million dollar payout to anyone who can prove they have psychic powers ... just sayin'


    I thought the same thing as well when I went there. But then I asked myself... is my life working for me? So I decided to give it a go. A pretty big thing to try I know, but I was desperate and if what she said was true then I could be in for a very good life. But I was very afraid to begin with. And at the start, I was very angry too!

    Well turned out much of what she said is true - and ive had some pretty phenominal experiences to back that up. But she isn't 100% right on everything. Nobody is 100% right and nobody knows it all, but you can take from something what you want. I personally feel religions were just created by very aware people who thought that their same set of beleifs could be shared and benefit the world - most likely under a false pretense and lack of trusting in the natural process of evolution. I sense that all religions will eventually be wiped out and replaced by shared insight. I could have done those meditations without dedicating, but I decided to do it because of the extra love and protection I get. I won't let one persons opinions dictate how I perceive being's who are far wiser and more benelovent than I can even imagine. No singular person can be a true representative of the unseeable. But she did a damn good job of getting the point out there, and even if you don't dedicate, you will benefit immensively by reading her site.

    I don't think that you have to have that beleif system to do those meditations, they seem to stem from ancient egypt with some modern twists - they are very effective however and nothing like the common meditations you hear about in this day and age. But if you want to dedicate it can be most beneficial, the dieties are extremely loving, wise, helpful and evolved beings. Some of those beings, have been channeled by everyday people under the guise of egyptian gods. - they want to help regardless what you beleive in. For example there is a lady who channels Isis, she created the Isis Mystery School some time in 2001-2002. 2000 is when dieties like Astaroth who is said to be Isis, have been freed. It's beyond co-incidents that suddenly these meditations have appeared and people are channeling them and making big money - shortly after the goetic demons have been freed. You can look into that if your curious, this is just something to consider.
    Last edited by veeaye; 01-18-2010 at 07:28 PM.

  7. #17
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening


    As the unit "Omni Hertz appears to exist only in your post, could you please provide a definition, particulary its relationship to the common "Hertz.



  8. #18
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    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by veeaye View Post
    I am basically talking about what I have felt and experienced. Many people including me, can physically feel energy and feel their chakras pumping energy through their astral body. So what I said about energy is literally true.
    I would have to say that it's more of a perceived truth than a literal one. A literal truth would have to be backed with some evidence and testimony is not evidence.

    The problem here is that the human mind is notorious for its ability to see, hear and experience things of its own creation. So things like god, ghosts, demons, crystal energy, past lives and so forth fall under the category of "belief" and belief is not synonymous with truth.

    This doesn't take away from your experiences. I think they are useful.

    Through meditation you unlock the parts of the mind which give you access to it. You can also unlock astral smell, sight and sound. The difference is, that your moving your registry up, the human ear for example can hear up to 20,000hz but when you unlock your astral hearing it goes much higher, same with other senses.
    While I believe that various methods can be very useful in unlocking parts of the mind and I'll give you that we are able to hone our senses somewhat ... but "astral hearing" ... how would that be useful?

    How does this benefit you? I'm not really sure. I assume that it enables you to be a director of your fate and gives you access to profound intuition and 'knowing' so you can make better choices.
    Critical thinking skills are much more useful than intuition. At least with critical thinking skills one has mind enough to question the questionable. When one relies on intuition one is prone to making mistakes because we can easily form the wrong conclusion about a feeling. Intuition can alert you that something is amiss but many make mistakes when determining what that "something" is. Critical thinking skills, on the other hand, allow you to analyze and make sense of what is going on.

    I've learned that about 99% of what we experience including what we were born into, has to do with our choices and our thinking. if you purify your system through kundalini, you make better choices. As well as burning the soul up higher, it also has an effect on the brain.
    I agree with the first part. The second part, I would have to say that your system of kundalini raising is one of many methods to achieve the same goal. Lots of ordinary things affect the brain.

    By the end of it you have a background feeling of blissful knowing. You know how you can be happy whilst having a background feeling of sad or depression? Well kundalini is what helps us become true players. true players in the sense that we have a deep grounding of the illusion of life, and whilst taking part in our part, we don't get overly attached to any outcome and remain in a permanent peaceful and happy state. That is in the later transformational stages of the process.

    If you take out as much as the ego first then awaken your kundalini it can be more of a pleasant experience, but for everybody, rising the kundalini is a bit painful, it's like a re-birth. Take my kinesiologist for example, because she channelled my energy through her, she got a kundalini awakenning and within two years she had completely risen hers. She went through the heat exhaustion phases, but didn't suffer like I did because she dealt with most of her ego before she did it. But when she rose it, she had to take a few day's off. If you want to understand the biology of kundalini. Gopi Krishna also writes extensively about his kundalini experience if you want to google him.
    With all due respect for your journey, the study of kundalini is not in my realm of interest. For myself, I've found much better results through studying the mind (NLP, Hypnosis, behavior). Some people do prefer ritual - I'm not one of those people.

    How does this benefit people? Tremendously. Your energy acts on your environment, self and others, so in terms of manifestational and emotional, kundalini can make you a very wise, powerful and understanding person. By powerful I mean someone who can manifest what he wants quicker and has much more bio-electricity.
    Hmmm I think the proper use of knowledge and understanding are what makes one wise. I suppose though if the process you speak of has led you to a place that causes this to happen ... it just seems like the scenic route.

    Now Im not saying im some powerful and wise master as yet, but I am saying that it forced me to change and look at myself, it eradicates emotional problems and the painbody by pushing them up to the surface to be dealt with - things I never even knew I had, became revealed to me so I could deal with them.
    That is a positive outcome.

    As far as childhood memories are concerned, most of them have already come up - things that I never even knew bothered me. AVS and other forms of brain entrainment dont do allot in terms of pushing stuff up compared to kundalini, that's what I mean about the suffering. Memories and beleifs have just as much as an effect as blockages and also are felt and pushed up to be dealt with. The difference is that blockages are more intense negative experiences which get locked up in the body, mental stuff are negative beleifs formed from past experiences which lie in the mind.
    So you have found peace with your past?

    I've had memories of past and future lives, although the future lives memories are fading and I can't seem to be able to see what lies ahead of me anymore.
    To accept that the future is predetermined would be to also accept that you do not have free will. I think that the beauty of life is the chances we take and the choices we make in life. What is the point of actually living a life though if it is already determined how it will play out. I do not like the idea that something else has power over me and that I am not the one in full control of my destiny.

    As for past lives ... if they do exist, I do not think they are relevant to this life because they are past ... over. What is important is this life - the here and now - not the future, not the past ... now.

    I've also communicated with my son from my last lifetime and held hands with my husband whilst having a semi out of body experience (being in the astral while in the body - ive had many OBE as well). I was shocked when I first got memories of my last life as a woman named Edna Rymes. That is why I talk allot about past lives because my last life I remember it like it were my childhood and many of my hangups seemed to have originated from there.
    Not sure what to say here. I want to be respectful of your experiences but I do not agree upon their origin or cause.

    The energy stuff is real but not easily recognised because it doesn't fit into the standard of what people expect to hear or can easily recognise, but it is as real as flesh and bone, even physics is beginning to prove that.
    Oh you start talking "the secret" on me and I'll send you lightening bolts to the head ... hmmm which would definitely raise your energy level ... don't you think?

    The reason it is not recognized by science is because they (scientists) can not find any supporting proof of the existence of these things and they have looked and continue to look ... nada.

    It's real on the inner plane (in the mind). It is not real on the out plane (here) as cool as it would be if it was.

    It's delightful to talk to you Marissa even you seemed to be a little hard on me on this subject to begin with.
    Hard on you? Maybe a bit ... but it does make for interesting debates/discussions.

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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  9. #19

    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Let me back up. This thread is so old I had to reread what was posted to see where all of this came from. To clarify: You can enter into Kundalini using any number of religious disciplines but there is a risk to doing that without proper training. I was simply warning you about potential side effects.

    As I said in my original post:

    >>It has been documented in a number of sources that improper or poorly developed minds attempting such a state have met with various levels of insanity. << Ref: Kundalini, Evolution and Enlightenment Edited by John White ISBN: 0-385-14095-9

    You have clearly validated the above by what you posted. Because of your poor preparation you have reaped the results through all the negative effects that you state below. There are far easier transitions with proper structures applied, in effect, you triggered the event and are now forced to deal with the many side effects you have listed. Thanks for the verification of your rash action.

    Quote Originally Posted by veeaye View Post

    This was a very big mistake. Because I suffered a great deal with heat exhaustion, fevers, night sweats, physchitzofrania, paranoia, depression, fear paralysis, pain, you name it. So you must never awaken kundalini unless you are very prepared for it mentally and physically and have already done allot of healing.

    The pain is associated with past life, genetic and childhood trauma that lies dormant. The procyon system, as it is directly tied to the eyes, helps one to see the truth and thus move on. Kundalini does not open you up to awareness. It forces all the bad shit painfully to the surface for you to deal with, takes your vibration up incredibly high and allows you to channel much more source energy to meet your needs, its also a pre-requisite for using the rest of our brains, harnessing 'super natural' powers and being able to completely open yourself up to the etheric realms.

    Awareness is the most important thing in all of existence, and it comes from procyon, brain entrainment and doing work with your crown chakra. Awareness is the most important thing, because once you are aware of what is holding you back and what you are doing to make your life harder, you can now work to release it. Procyon, isochronic tones and binaural beats are some of the most powerful forms of awareness increasing tools, they are the greatest asset you can ever invest in. When you don't have awareness you repeat mistakes, hence human nature.
    So the question is why did you bring all of this on yourself? I don't see this as anything someone randomly looking through this forum would want to bring on themselves, if anything they would rather want to avoid based on what you posted. You don't need to experience Awareness through Kundalini. From my experience you have badly garbled a variety of elements for the purpose of using meditation to create the truely negative result that you posted. At best you show the forum that you had better understand all the elements of what Kundalini will expose before you attempt it or they have the potential of experiencing the same results.

    As I said in my original post, do your research or the results will not be what you want, or maybe the results were what you wanted.

    Richard Smith
    Last edited by Richard Smith; 01-19-2010 at 06:33 AM.

  10. #20

    Default Re: kundalini awakening

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post
    With all due respect for your journey, the study of kundalini is not in my realm of interest. For myself, I've found much better results through studying the mind (NLP, Hypnosis, behavior). Some people do prefer ritual - I'm not one of those people.

    I have also followed this path: NLP, Hypnosis, Vibrational Medicine by Gerber, The Divided Mind by Sarno, I am now researching Holographic Imagry by Baum

    Interesting parallel.

    Richard Smith CH RMT

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