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Thread: Colors and shapes with sessions procyon

  1. Default Colors and shapes with sessions procyon

    Hello all,

    When I use my sessions with Procyon 46, 47, 48, 49 I expect to see lots of colors and shapes but I see nothing really particular, is there a problem with my glasses or Procyon? I would like to have your opinion, what you see when you use its sessions?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Colors and shapes with sessions procyon

    Interesting question.

    I suspect everything is just fine with your system.

    I find that what I see varies immensely with the mood I'm in and the extent to which I can let go and immerse myself. It's a case of 'the less I look, the more I see'.

    If you've had experience with hallucenogenics, or read any accounts of hallucenogenic experience, you'll know how close to impossible it is to describe such visuals. The thing is that they are constructs in the mind that cannot be related to or compared with anything external, for which there is common language.

    All I can say is that if you are expecting to see 'solid' imagery, you will be disappointed, but if you open your mind, you will be blown away.

    Vague and obscure, I know, but I hope it helps.


  3. Default Re: Colors and shapes with sessions procyon

    Craigt thank you,
    Your answer confirms what I thought, I'll take the time to open my mind during my sessions rather than expect something specific!

    Thank you for advice!

  4. Default Re: Colors and shapes with sessions procyon

    Karmax, You'll find that some frequencies are much more conducive to 'visuals' than others . I find particularly in the 8-14 hz range. It might be worth hooking your Procyon up to the editor so you can explore the frequencies for visual impact under your own control.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Colors and shapes with sessions procyon

    i still haven't come to terms with how bright i need to make the lights. at what i consider a comfortable level with my eyes closed i can only see red light even if all 3 colors are present. if i turn the brightness up enough to see all the colors it seems way too bright.

    the manual says not to use this thing with eyes open, but is that just a 'cya' line inserted by the lawyers? i think it would be useful on some sessions to dim the lights and watch them like one would watch a candle flame in single-focus meditation. does anyone else do this?

    we place no reliance / on virgin or pigeon / our method is science / our aim is religion ~'uncle al' crowley

  6. #6
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    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Colors and shapes with sessions procyon

    We are the proud owners of an immensely powerful and flexible tool with a virtually infinite range of adjustments.

    Each of has a unique and extraordinary resource between our ears.

    What I have found is that I like some combinations of settings and I don't like others. Some have genuine entrainment value and therapeutic effects, others just please me aesthetically. I read accounts of the successes of others, and try their suggestions, sometimes it works for me, sometimes it doesn't.

    What I do know is that if you are susceptible to entrainment (and it seems most people who can relax even a little bit are), it will occur pretty much as a given, irrespective of how the repetitive sound is generated or how bright or colourful the lights may be. The main benefit of all the nifty toys is to make the experience pleasurable and to add novelty/variety to the experience.

    The thing is that short of stunning stupidity (which would include eyes open at full brightness), the likelihood of harming eyes, ears, brain or machine is roughly nil, so the adventure is in the experimentation.

    While there's heaps of research and documentation on BWE, it is obvious that it's not a hard science. What we gain from the use of this technology is highly dependent upon what we put into its application. Keeping a journal, tracking all influencing factors, monitoring outcomes, that's the scientific method. Plugging in and seeing what happens, that's fine too. I do both and I love my Procyon and I love NeuroProgrammer. I've had spectacular therapeutic results and I've had some really nice fun and/or relaxing times.

    I think it's really easy to get hooked into pseudo-tech mumbo-jumbo and miss the simple pleasures that this little gizmo can deliver.


  7. Default Re: Colors and shapes with sessions procyon

    Quote Originally Posted by gteague View Post
    at what i consider a comfortable level with my eyes closed i can only see red light even if all 3 colors are present. if i turn the brightness up enough to see all the colors it seems way too bright.
    I find multicoloured perception happens more in after- images and that is when I have it turned up bright. I actually see more senstaion of blues and yellows in my Proteus and that is at certain frequencies, and I think its becasue they are brighter and the light beam footprint is more condensed on my eyelids.

    Many of the Procyon programs have RGB overlapping and this to me creates just a dull red overall...RGB combined gives white light and filtered through the lids gives red....

    I think the blue was a worthy edition can experiment with different pairs of colours in audiostrobe for a start.

    There is no way the lights can harm your eyes even if you have your eyes open IMHO. It could be also that at a brighter settings its the impact on your mind making you uncpmfortable not the literal brightness.

    I believe these glasses have a much more subtle and deep complexity than the blurb on the box. They are a real gateway to exporing our minds and the more you use them the more facinating they become.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Colors and shapes with sessions procyon

    For what it's worth, the red and green are probably fine eyes open at full brightness, but the blue may be problematic - there is information on the web that suggests that short wavelength light even at the intensities that these glasses can produce, may cause permanent retinal damage.

    As I said before, experiences vary, and personally I get the most dramatic visuals in real time with the intensity very low, low enough not to trigger any involuntary eye movement. On the other hand I also enjoy 'blowing my brains out' sometimes. I don't think there is any right or wrong in this.

  9. Default Re: Colors and shapes with sessions procyon

    Quote Originally Posted by CraigT View Post
    there is information on the web that suggests that short wavelength light even at the intensities that these glasses can produce, may cause permanent retinal damage.
    I'd certainly like to see/read that. I would have thought at the true brightness level of these surface mount leds ( 200mcd?) that the intensity of harmful light would be very much smaller than normal daylight without sunglasses.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Colors and shapes with sessions procyon

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