When I start a session, in any level, the TS raise the level up to 8 and stops there.
It cannot go any higher.
Its very hard to relax when the TS stays at the maximum sensitivity without giving any feedback
If I use the TS Interface you can see that the curve is going up for a few minutes.
Sometimes it never goes down, but that is an other problem..
What can I do to start within a range where the TS gives feedback from the begin,
(meaning that there is space for ups directly from the start of a session) . Can it be that my personal skin resistance is not suitable for the TS.
If so can I use a little hand lotion or place the sensor on my fingers, what is the best place (one with a quick response time).
(I had a device called GSR2, where you had to change the sensitivity manually,
It was much more sensitive and directly from the begin of a session it gives feedback ups and downs).
Does someone recognize this problem, and if so, what did you do solve it?
Every help is welcome.
Kind regards