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Thread: Newbie wants to buy a Light Sound Mind Machine

  1. Exclamation Newbie wants to buy a Light Sound Mind Machine

    Gretings to all,
    I am new here and this is my first post...I have been searching for a long time to buy a Light and Sound Mind Machine and found this forum with full of useful information.After doing a search on the web and reading many topics regarding which Mind Machine i buy,i came up with these 2....Proteus and Procyon.

    Apparently someone will say that Procyon is newer model than Proteus so if you see the specs its a step up.Thats what i figured and maybe i will prefer Procyon.But there are some ''Buts''

    1.First of all many in here by personal experience say that Audiostrobe CD's play better on Proteus.I want to know if Procyon also have a built-in decoder to support these kind of CD's because something like that is not mentioned in it's manual and if the Audiostrobe CD's are as effective in this device.

    2.Apparently Procyon supports Synchromuse technology but I have not found any CD's that has this cappability.In a previous post it was mentioned that they will be in the market the 1st quarter of 2007.Is there a delay?

    3.The last thing that bothers me is the way the procyon/proteus is connected to an external source.Can i use my computer as a CD player and to its output i can connect to device.Does it have a 3.5'' jack for input??

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Newbie wants to buy a Light Sound Mind Machine

    Hello and welcome to the community!
    Quote Originally Posted by Tantalord View Post
    Gretings to all,
    I am new here and this is my first post...I have been searching for a long time to buy a Light and Sound Mind Machine and found this forum with full of useful information.After doing a search on the web and reading many topics regarding which Mind Machine i buy,i came up with these 2....Proteus and Procyon.
    Good choices!

    Apparently someone will say that Procyon is newer model than Proteus so if you see the specs its a step up.Thats what i figured and maybe i will prefer Procyon.But there are some ''Buts''
    Ok, let's see if we can shed some light on the differences.

    1.First of all many in here by personal experience say that Audiostrobe CD's play better on Proteus.I want to know if Procyon also have a built-in decoder to support these kind of CD's because something like that is not mentioned in it's manual and if the Audiostrobe CD's are as effective in this device.
    That's not quite correct. Audiostrobe CDs will play equally well on the Proteus or Procyon, it's merely that the Procyon has further capabilities than can be realized by the Audiostrobe format (in that the audiostrobe format can only address 2 colours). The Procyon can do 100's of colours, but the Audiostrobe cannot access them. So, to be clear, you will get the same result running audiostrobe on the Proteus or Procyon, both work fine within the specifications of the audiostrobe format.

    2.Apparently Procyon supports Synchromuse technology but I have not found any CD's that has this cappability.In a previous post it was mentioned that they will be in the market the 1st quarter of 2007.Is there a delay?
    Yes. That time frame was optimistic. Several other projects and the time required to build CDs has put this effort on hold for now. (I updated that post). FYI - MP does not make the Audiostrobe discs either so this would be a completely new endeavor for us. We're kind of hoping that some enterprising individual or company might like to start building Synchromuse discs to sell as the technology is royalty-free and the discs can be made with free tools.

    3.The last thing that bothers me is the way the procyon/proteus is connected to an external source.Can i use my computer as a CD player and to its output i can connect to device.Does it have a 3.5'' jack for input??
    Both devices have a 3.5mm jack (same as MP3 headphones) for input. You can certainly use your computer as a CD player for a source if you like. There may be some caveats if you decide to use MP3 for the audiostrobe source. Do a little search on the forum for Audiostrobe and MP3 to learn more.

    Let me know if you have any further questions!


  3. #3

    Default Re: Newbie wants to buy a Light Sound Mind Machine


    I just wanted to add an opiinion to what Andy has supplied. I have a Procyon so I may be biased. But the extra color adds a world of difference. I have found the loaded sessions to be great. And combined with my own meditation, music CDs to be extremely effective.

    I did buy a couple of Audiostrobe CDs to see what the buzz was about. They are nice though limited by the 2 colors and their choice of music to match the colors is fine. But I actually prefer the basic Procyon with my externals (my opinion). So in my world I wouldnt make a decision based on the Audiostrobe CDs. The Procyon has more to offer than just that....

    My thoughts.


  4. Default Re: Newbie wants to buy a Light Sound Mind Machine

    Thanks Andy and BillO for your very helpful replies.

    Quote Originally Posted by BillO View Post
    But the extra color adds a world of difference. I have found the loaded sessions to be great. And combined with my own meditation, music CDs to be extremely effective.
    When using you meditation CD's,it only adds the music in the background or it also being synchronized with colours?

    Also i plan to buy a 5V USB Power Adapter AC DC to use it instead of batteries.Should i pay attension to something specific,or a generic adapter will do the job?

    Think i decided that Procyon should be more suitable for me because of the more advanced features it has and the future usability it offers...
    Last edited by Tantalord; 01-05-2008 at 02:29 AM.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Newbie wants to buy a Light Sound Mind Machine

    Hi T

    Yes unfortuunately the meditation CDs I use along with it dont drive the colors. Those are driven by the session.

    I picked up a cheap Colby usb ac adapter for about $6...does the trick.

    Hope this helps...

    Since it sounds like you and I are similar in the usage of the machine (meditation) I was hoping to create a Chakra session ...frequency and color aligned...especially a Ganzfield color alignment....

    See ya


  6. Default Re: Newbie wants to buy a Light Sound Mind Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by BillO View Post
    Since it sounds like you and I are similar in the usage of the machine (meditation) I was hoping to create a Chakra session ...
    There is a program for the PC called Brainwave generator with many presets for meditation,OOBE's and Chakra stimulation...You can see some examples of frequencies people use on their presets for chakra stimulation,they explain pretty much of the frequency range they use and can help u create your own.

    I have used some of them and have had some great results regarding OOBE's...

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Newbie wants to buy a Light Sound Mind Machine

    Quote Originally Posted by Tantalord View Post
    Thanks Andy and BillO for your very helpful replies.
    You're very welcome. I hope it helps in your decision.

    And thanks, BillO, for chiming in! It's great to hear from others about their experiences with the products.
    Also i plan to buy a 5V USB Power Adapter AC DC to use it instead of batteries.Should i pay attension to something specific,or a generic adapter will do the job?
    Any adapter should work, but I would be careful of REALLY cheap ones since they are probably not regulated. The USB port wants to see no more than 5 volts. I have several and they all work fine, ranging from $20 to $50. BillO got the deal of the century!!


  8. Default Re: Newbie wants to buy a Light Sound Mind Machine

    Possibly you should re-think your advertising of "synchromuse" as an advanced feature of the Procyon that sets it above and apart from other units. As you now admit, you have no CD support for this feature after more than a year and do not expect any unless some 3rd party undertakes the process. I am a new owner of a Procyon AVS and am generally happy with it. While synchromuse was not the ultimate deciding factor in my purchase, it played an important part. The failure of the "feature" to be (usefully) integrated, even after a year, is unfortunate and not good business.

    I didn't want my first post here to be negative, but I think your advertising of synchromuse actually borders on deceptive, given its lack of meaningful implementation and your admitted failure to produce anything that uses it. I'm still generally happy with my purchase, but am disappointed in this one area at least. It will certainly give me pause before buying when considering future promised "features" that seem great, but leave me wondering if they are simply marketing or good intentions not carried out. Either way, after more than a year's time, the company should edit the advertising or more fully explain that a feature is extemely limited or not implemented.

  9. #9
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    I'm sorry to hear that you feel let down. I however would like to know know what advertising you saw that claimed that Mindplace offered or would be offering CDs. MP has stated several times that they would like to offer such discs in the future, but no advertising I can find claims that MP offers or will offer CDs now or in the future.

    Please let me know what advertising specifically you are referring to.

    Again, aplogies for any misunderstanding.


  10. Default Re: Newbie wants to buy a Light Sound Mind Machine

    First, "let down" is about as serious as I intended and did not mean to come across as more than that (if I did). As for the advertising, most sites I visited during research used the exact same terminology to describe the features (in other words, not their version of it, but yours) - from the .pdf brochure. A brief quote:
    ...Procyon also has the ability to precisely synchronize audio material on a CD or MP3 with a Procyon program. This exclusive feature, called SynchroMuse, is ideal for use...
    ...We’ve also added a unique new capability: the ability to precisely synchronize audio material on compact disc or MP3 with a Procyon program. This feature, called SynchroMuse, is like an advanced version of AudioStrobe?, but allows full color control ideal for use with color-work, language learning, hypnotherapy, personal growth, music, etc...
    While this does not mention your company making such CD's (though you appear to reference such an attempt in this very thread with the "we were overly optimistic" in your time-frame comment), it does imply that such products do/will exist to be taken advantage of as an "exclusive feature" or that it will "sync" with standard audio as other units currently do. It also says clearly (apparently incorrectly from what I now read here) that MP3 can be used - this is implicitly denied in these forums. If the sole point was an "expectation" that some unknown 3rd party would decide to support this feature (and not you guys specifically), then this should have been more clearly stated, IMO.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy
    I'm sure people have created Synchromuse discs, but so far there aren't any available for purchase or download that I know of...Perhaps as the Procyon gains popularity some enterprising individual will decide to start a business creating/aquiring some music and building SynchroMuse collections...
    This last quote is more in line with reality and would be a better statement of the utility of SynchroMuse to the average purchaser I think, but it exists only in these forums, that I am aware of.

    Yes, I read the manual and I see how, with great time, patience and not insignificant skill, one can "make their own" through Audacity. If THAT was the purpose, then THAT should have been more clear, because there are other choices out there that already have music sync features built-in (I own one, by the way) that do not require such hands-on computer programming by the purchaser (again, IMO). Even with a fair amount of research and prior knowledge of L&S machines, I did not learn of these limitations with Synchromuse until after purchase and joining the forums. Possibly I could be at fault for not doing even more research into this, but I thought the advertising was reasonably clear and a similar, but improved, variation on the other units' music sync. Certainly the wording gives such an impression. That is my only real point. Even the forum mentions how AudioStrobe, which DOES exist, is greatly limited (2 colors only) and touts Synchromuse as so much better. I don't see how, given the current state of available audio.

    I am NOT a dissatisfied customer who is looking to return the unit or start an argument on sales verbiage. I like it and will keep it. I just felt like this whole SynchroMuse thing is overstated and, in reality, not useful to the average person buying the AVS. I was looking forward to its use and was simply disappointed or let down, that it isn't really what it appears to be. But that's just me - you may well receive no other comments on it and I may simply be reading too much into the advertising.
    Last edited by flint350; 01-20-2008 at 06:28 AM.

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