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Thread: Proteus Editor Software

  1. Default Proteus Editor Software

    Would you please help me with the Proteus Editor Software. I need to:
    1. Program the Proteus to alternate light from left to right (or right to left).
    2. Change light to green only (actually blue only would be better if
    3. Change sound to constant lower pitch.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Proteus Editor Software

    Hello and welcome to the forums!

    I would recommend that you first follow through the tutorial at

    It walks you through the basics of creating a session, how to upload it and so on.

    I would just be repeating what is already written out there and you will learn much by going through that.

    Of course, if you do get stuck on any of the steps, please post back and we'll do our best to help!

    Good luck!


  3. Default Proteus Editor Software Help Needed

    I did as suggested, Andy, and read the tutorials on the Proteus Editor Software. All of them, even the randomized stuff. The instructions are not clear - at least not clear for me or my husband who is trying to help me do this. For instance, the tutorials say the light frames will show green or blue light instead of red and green, but nowhere could we find out how to do that. No matter how we edited ind inserted and created, when viewed in real time there was no change. Please can you tell us how to get blue (or green) light ONLY and how to modify the sound. You will have my eternal gratitude (and maybe a 7 course meal) if you can help me with this .

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Proteus Editor Software Help Needed

    Quote Originally Posted by tucsontoad520 View Post
    I did as suggested, Andy, and read the tutorials on the Proteus Editor Software. All of them, even the randomized stuff.
    That's a good start.
    The instructions are not clear - at least not clear for me or my husband who is trying to help me do this. For instance, the tutorials say the light frames will show green or blue light instead of red and green, but nowhere could we find out how to do that.
    That may be because the standard LiteFrames are Red/Green (Ruby/Emerald) but you can also purchase Red/Blue frames. (and many others, but those are the main ones) I can see how that might be confusing!
    No matter how we edited ind inserted and created, when viewed in real time there was no change.
    It sounds like you've not got your Proteus connected properly to the PC. Are you using a USB->RS232 adapter? If so, please follow these instructions to get it working:
    Please can you tell us how to get blue (or green) light ONLY and how to modify the sound. You will have my eternal gratitude (and maybe a 7 course meal) if you can help me with this .
    Sounds scrumptious! but I'll settle for the knowledge that you've successfully gotten the darn thing to work the way you want it!

    It really sounds like you haven't got the editor controlling the Proteus. If you're using a USB->RS232 adapter then perhaps it's not installed correctly, or maybe you've selected the wrong com port. Once you have a connection, and have the Proteus in PC mode, you will see the changes as you run segments in "Real Time".

    Let's make sure you've got the connection between the Proteus and Editor working first before we move on to any editing issues you have.

    Keep your chin up! Success is only a little more frustation away!


  5. Default Re: Proteus Editor Software

    In answer to your first question, we are using the connector on the PC with the cable provided with the Proteus. The changes we make show up in the box on the PC monitor screen and things look okay but in PC mode, real time viewing, we get light and sound but it's not what we requested. Even with the computer disconnected from the Proteus, in the PC mode there is still light and sound - a session. Is there supposed to be a session in the PC mode? Shouldn't our changes override whatever is there? I thought the PC mode was strictly for real time viewing and for ThoughtStream. Also, how would I go about ordering red/blue light frames - AND can the Proteus be programmed to alternate (one color, green) flashing from left to right side?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Proteus Editor Software

    Quote Originally Posted by tucsontoad520 View Post
    In answer to your first question, we are using the connector on the PC with the cable provided with the Proteus. The changes we make show up in the box on the PC monitor screen and things look okay but in PC mode, real time viewing, we get light and sound but it's not what we requested. Even with the computer disconnected from the Proteus, in the PC mode there is still light and sound - a session. Is there supposed to be a session in the PC mode? Shouldn't our changes override whatever is there? I thought the PC mode was strictly for real time viewing and for ThoughtStream.

    Sorry for all the trouble.
    A little background as to why this might be so difficult. One of the "problems" with the Proteus (which was solved in the Procyon) was that it doesn't have 2-way communication with the PC. The PC sends commands to the Proteus, but there's no way for the PC to receive information from the Proteus, so it doesn't know whether the commands are being performed on the Proteus or even if the Proteus is connected. You can test this by unplugging or turning off the Proteus and running a "realtime" session on the Editor. The editor happily runs along, oblivious to the fact that there is nothing receiving it's commands.

    So, if the Proteus is not responding to the editor, then I still feel like we're not getting a connection.

    Here is how to determine whether or not the connection is working.

    Connect the Proteus to the PC, (using a BLACK cable, not GREY or WHITE - that's for the Thoughtstream).
    Switch on the Proteus and select "PC" mode.
    Fire up the Proteus Editor and click "View Realtime"
    Click "Run Session" or "Run Segment" and the screen on the Proteus should change to a running display and the glasses should start lighting up, sound should be heard, etc.
    Click "Cancel" and the Proteus should stop running.

    If that doesn't happen, then there's an issue in the connection between the PC and Proteus.

    Things to check:

    1. Correct COM port. A built-in RS-232 connector on a PC could be COM1 or COM2. Occasionally it could be a higher number, but that is quite unusual. Additionally, these COM ports can also be disabled or disconnected. Unless you're a computer wiz, it's tough to tell without some testing equipment and/or pulling apart the PC. A quick check would be to go into device manager and look at the "Ports COM and LPT" line to see whether the RS-232 ports on your PC are active, and if they are, what Port number they are. This number needs to match the number in the settings in the Editor software.

    2. You have the wrong cable or a defective cable. Make sure you're using the black cable. If your COM port is good and the editor is set correctly, you could possibly have a defective cable.

    Also, how would I go about ordering red/blue light frames - AND can the Proteus be programmed to alternate (one color, green) flashing from left to right side?
    You can order them from your dealer or directly from MindPlace. They are called Ruby/Sapphire frames.
    You cannot program one side separately from the other. There are probably ways to achieve the result you are going for without needed to separate the left/right visually.
    Once we've got the Editor/Proteus thing solved, we can start a new thread to discuss how to achieve your goals.

    Let me know how you make out with getting the PC talking to the Proteus.


  7. Default Re: Proteus Editor Software

    You've stated that the problem I'm having is in the data cable or the com-port. However, I'm using the factory supplied black data cable and connecting it to the data port on my computer. My unit appears to be sending properly in the real time viewing mode as the blue status bar moves during each session. I can only assume that the cable is working as I have no way to test it.
    Unfortunately, the Device Manager (for Windows XP) reports that my com-port is #1. Yet the Proteus Software Editor allows me to select only com-port #3. The other com-ports, including #1, are opaqued out and are not selectable.
    What do I do? It appears I may need a separate driver for the Proteus. Can you send me one? And/or do I need to test the cable somehow?
    Secondly, my Proteus, in PC mode, is sending a programmatic signal to the light frames, and red and green lights flash simultaneously on both right and left sides. This occurs regardless of whether the unit is connected to my PC or disconnected from it. It's difficult to see how the com-port issue has anything to do with this problem. Is it possible that my unit is defective or has some other failing? In PC mode, shouldn't my unit have no activity at all until it receives a signal from my PC?
    Thanks for your help.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Proteus Editor Software

    Quote Originally Posted by tucsontoad520 View Post
    You've stated that the problem I'm having is in the data cable or the com-port. However, I'm using the factory supplied black data cable and connecting it to the data port on my computer. My unit appears to be sending properly in the real time viewing mode as the blue status bar moves during each session. I can only assume that the cable is working as I have no way to test it.
    Ok, that's good. I had to be sure since there are 2 types of data cables - one for the Proteus and one for the Thoughstream and people have mixed them up before thinking that they are the same. You have confirmed that the software is trying to send data to the console, and we'll assume for now that the cable is good.

    Unfortunately, the Device Manager (for Windows XP) reports that my com-port is #1. Yet the Proteus Software Editor allows me to select only com-port #3. The other com-ports, including #1, are opaqued out and are not selectable.
    Well, it seems that we have discovered why you cannot control your console with the software. They truely are not connected. You need to be able to select the same COM port number in the software that matches the actual COM port number on your PC.
    There is something about your COM port that the software does not like and that is why it is greyed out.
    At this point, we've narrowed the problem down to 2 possibilities (assuming the cable and Proteus are working properly):
    1. There is a hardware issue with the com port on your computer.
    2. There is something wrong with the Proteus editor software.

    Let's see if we can figure out which one is the problem.
    For #1, Would you be able to post a screen-shot of device manager with the "Ports Com & Lpt" branch expanded? See here for instructions:
    For #2, did you download the latest editor from the support site? What OS is your Proteus running? (Tell me the number that flashes on the Proteus display when you power it up)

    What do I do? It appears I may need a separate driver for the Proteus. Can you send me one? And/or do I need to test the cable somehow?
    No driver is required for the Proteus. All you need is the editor with matching OS. I recommend the latest OS and editor. You can find that here: Unfortunately, it may be a a bit of catch-22; You need the software to communicate with the Proteus before you can update the OS. At least try the latest software if you are not already using it.

    Secondly, my Proteus, in PC mode, is sending a programmatic signal to the light frames, and red and green lights flash simultaneously on both right and left sides. This occurs regardless of whether the unit is connected to my PC or disconnected from it. It's difficult to see how the com-port issue has anything to do with this problem. Is it possible that my unit is defective or has some other failing? In PC mode, shouldn't my unit have no activity at all until it receives a signal from my PC?
    Yes, if they were communicating then the Proteus would start and stop on the commands from the editor.
    Pressing "play" on the Proteus Console when in PC mode will run whatever program is in it's buffer, regardless of whether or not it's actually connected to a PC.

    Keep me posted.

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