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Thread: Sensitivy & responce time

  1. #1

    Default Sensitivy & responce time

    When I start a session, in any level, the TS raise the level up to 8 and stops there.
    It cannot go any higher.
    Its very hard to relax when the TS stays at the maximum sensitivity without giving any feedback
    If I use the TS Interface you can see that the curve is going up for a few minutes.
    Sometimes it never goes down, but that is an other problem..

    What can I do to start within a range where the TS gives feedback from the begin,
    (meaning that there is space for ups directly from the start of a session) . Can it be that my personal skin resistance is not suitable for the TS.
    If so can I use a little hand lotion or place the sensor on my fingers, what is the best place (one with a quick response time).

    (I had a device called GSR2, where you had to change the sensitivity manually,
    It was much more sensitive and directly from the begin of a session it gives feedback ups and downs).

    Does someone recognize this problem, and if so, what did you do solve it?

    Every help is welcome.

    Kind regards

  2. Default Re: Sensitivy & responce time

    I have the exact same problem with mine. You can adjust the unit manualy though, its in the instuctions, but I thought it was suppose to do that automaticly. I would also like to know the answers to these questions above.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Sensitivy & responce time


    Some people have very dry skin, or calluses from working with their hands, which can reduce the sensitivity of the ThoughtStream. You might try positioning the sensor over the base of your first two fingers, or even your wrist.

    Note that level 8 is the most sensitive level, requiring only a few percent change to move from all red to all green; TS recalibrates automatically to less sensitive levels (towards level 1), allowing you to reach deeper states. Since there are about 32 LED bar color changes per level, and 8 levels, this provides enough feedback for most users.

    I hope this helps!


  4. #4

    Default Re: Sensitivy & responce time


    Thanks for the reply,

    From the beginning I use the sensor on the base of 3 fingers.
    (the 3 big ones).
    Very dry skin is one of the problems. Some little hand lotion helps.

    I did some sessions with the laptop. Often the graphic shows a upwards trend during the first minutes. So the TS calibrating in the beginning while I getting stressed up.. the TS is then going to level 8 and stays there for many minutes, very frustrating and not helping to relax
    Our perhaps the sensor is not adjusted to my skin-temperature?

    Your totally right about the sensitivity levels, but for me its also a handicap.
    Negative thoughts will increase the tone. In level 7-8 a negative thought is easy to recognize.
    But in the deeper state a negative thought will not be recognized because the sensitivity is low. (low response time) But who cares about a negative thought when you are in a deep state relaxation.
    Just relax..

    Sometimes, don't ask me why, I start a session en 25 minutes later I'm on level 3,5?€? So there is hope for me

    Last edited by Andy; 06-02-2011 at 11:53 AM.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Sensitivy & responce time

    Hi, Zathom--

    If you are setting the sensor on three fingers, then it would seem that the sensors are bridging two pairs of fingers--that is, measuring across one of them (the middle one). Much better to place the across just two fingers - the first and middle are most common. Try to keep a bit of space between the fingers, as well.

    If you want to try some cream, be sure it's electrically conductive. If you have some water-soluble cream, you can dissolve some crystals of table salt into it to achieve that goal.

    Since you do reach levels 3-5 during a session, then you really are relaxing and the TS is working properly. Since you've noted the TS interface graph actually trending upwards (more activated) when you start, try delaying the start of your session for a few minutes. Remember that biofeedback training does typically require multiple sessions to work & some effort!

    Happy voyaging!


  6. #6

    Default Re: Sensitivy & responce time

    Hello Robert,

    Thanks, I did use the two finger sensor position.
    (I tried some sessions but level 7 was the best I can get)
    Just keep on trying to relax?

    When I reach level 4 or lower, I give a update.


  7. Smile Re: Sensitivy & responce time

    I've been messing around with a Thoughtstream for the last few days and I thought I'd share what I found works for me.

    As I have fairly dry hands the sensors do not work very well on the palm of the hand or at the base of the fingers. Instead I place the sensor band around the 3 longest fingertips (so that the sensors rest upon the tips of the ring and index fingers),

    also - if you have dry hands (or at least not sweaty hands) then put the sensor on for a few minutes before turning on the Thoughtstream. It really does make a difference.

    This makes for a far less frustrating experience as you are not working against an unrealistic initial reading. Hope you have some more luck with it,


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