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Thread: Information on how to produce my own sessions

  1. #1

    Default Information on how to produce my own sessions

    I just ordered a Kasina and will hopefully receive it next Monday.
    Cymatics were so nice to supply me with the registration info for the betatesting of the prism plugin and I am very routined with Ableton Live.
    Now I am having some questions regarding the brain entrainment.
    1. Does it make any difference if I layer music on top or listen to binaural beats etc on their own?
    2. I see that I can use the audio input of the plugin to modulate certain parameters. With regards to light I suppose I can "extract" lightpulses out of my music. Does that make any sense as the frequency extracted isn't very likely to be in the range of brain waves.
    3. From my understanding mind machines use to just have a strobe effect and the Kasina / Limina have additional colours as well as the possibillity to flash asynchronously. Are those nice addons or does that have any additional therapeutic value or enhances the possible variety of visuals? Is there any documentation about how to best use those features?
    4. Is there a documentation on how to use audiostrobe / spectrastrobe in general / which settings make sense or is creating sessions more lucky guessing?
    I will map a midicontroller to the parameters of the plugin and start turning knobs anyway but it would be great if there were some guides on what works well and what doesn't.
    5. The plugin allows for many different modulation waveforms - could anyone tell me how those differ regarding their effect?
    Tons of questions - help greatly appreciated.

    I just played with the plugin a bit and it is pretty amazing. I could easily mask the audio (e.g. binaural beats by setting the carrierfrequencys to the root note of the scale or chord (even automateable), set the lightoutput to 0 and have a second plugin which I feed the drumbus into to modulate the light. Super exciting. From my understanding the spectrastrobe modulation signal is added on top of the audio in realtime. Really cant wait to have the Kasina at home
    Last edited by yentzee; 02-20-2024 at 07:25 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Pacific Northwest, USA

    Default Re: Information on how to produce my own sessions

    Welcome to the forum! There are people on here that are much more knowledgeable than I and can answer your questions. JoeV is even now working on templates to make PRISM easier to use in Reaper. You should be able to translate that over into Ableton. Yes, you can indeed use audio to add some effects to the light pulses. This may somewhat reduce the entraining effect but can make the session more interesting and immersive. You can mix the two together and find the right amount of both that suits you.
    "Doubting not
    I give My Blood,
    So I May Enter Hall Up High,
    The Sky Belongs To Asagods,
    As Long As The Raven Flies!"
    Amon Amarth

  3. #3

    Default Re: Information on how to produce my own sessions

    I finally got the Kasina.
    Now I mapped the prism parameters to my hardware controller (not too easy to dial in parameters wearing googles but it is possible), started catching snapshots of good setting and use a max 4 live plugin to smoothly fade between the snapshots.
    My girlfriend is here so I can't get too nerdy over the weekend.
    I also started mapping LFO's. For the frequencyparameter it didn't seem to be the best idea ever as it seems the brain needs some time to accomodate to a certain frequency and a constant change didn't look good so far (might have to dial in offset and modulation depth a bit more carefully). I might try to modulate seperate colour channels instead.

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