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Thread: Editing Software for Kasina

  1. Default Editing Software for Kasina

    I used the NOVA Pro for a number of years (more than 20 years ago).
    Now after 20 years of non-use, I want to get back into using sound light sessions with the new Kasina that I recently purchased.

    I downloaded the software "Kasina Basic Session Editor" for windows.
    It appears to be user friendly enough for me to recall how to create segments in a session.
    I cannot figure our how to add my voice as a track in the session.

    Formally I used a tape recorder to add my voice in the background of the session (using the audio input on my old NOVA Pro) for the "Script" that I have written for personal development.
    It was difficult (to say the least) to line up my voice on a tape recorder to match the session segments.

    So I seek the advice of this forum for an easy to use software package such that I can creating my own sessions that includes a track for my voice.
    Not so much interested in trying to add a music track - That may come later.

    Your help is greatly appreciated.

    I am also very interested in a training class for the purpose of becoming more proficient in creating my own sessions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: Editing Software for Kasina

    Hello and welcome!

    The Kasina is able to play several different session formats. The KBS Editor creates and edits KBS sessions (Kasina Basic Session) which, while very simple to create, do not have the ability to embed additional audio tracks. To create a session that includes an audio track, you would need to look at creating a SpectraStrobe or AudioStrobe track. These tracks imbed the light control signals within the audio track. There are many threads on this forum regarding those 2 formats so a short search should lead you to information about those other formats and how to create them. If you search and cannot find what you're looking for, please write back and I'll give you a hand.

    A "low tech" way to do this without having to create a SS or AS session would be to use the "AUX" input on the Kasina to send an audio track that can be mixed with the KBS session that you've created. The Kasina has an audio mixer (press the volume + and - buttons together to open it, or go to Settings/Sound) to allow you to blend the 2 signals. If you connect the Kasina to your computer via USB, you can even stream the audio directly if you select "KASINA" or "USB AUDIO" as your sound output device in your playback/DAW software.

    Hopefully that helps!

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

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