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Thread: Not feeling it yet

  1. #1

    Default Not feeling it yet


    I've had the Kasina several months now and have done all the tracks that are akin to meditation several times each (except accelerate tracks)
    But apart from most being far too short, I find it does absolutly nothing for me. I'm using better headphones than the ear buds provided (I hate ear buds, too intrucive) and I find the lights in the glasses far too bright, had to tone them down to lowest setting but its still very offputting and the opposite to relaxation. I know I could just not use them, but hey, theyre supposed to do somethng right?

    Having struggled to quiet my mind in 4 years of meditation practice, I hoped this would help. Its actually done the opposite as I now feel like I dont want to try anymore.

    I apreciate the tracks that are with it is a sample, but at the cost, I'd expect them to be of a high standard.
    Wondering if anyone has found adding more tracks beneficial? I've seen a few people link to their tracks so I'll try them but I wonder if there any sites or portals to grab or buy a wide variety of additional tracks?

    Has anyone else found like me, the initial package to be very underwelming? Maybe its my mind lol



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Pacific Northwest, USA

    Default Re: Not feeling it yet

    I think it takes some time for your brain to train itself to respond. You sound a bit over-sensitive to stimulus. Reducing the light would be the way to go, as your brain will probably resist anything it finds glaring and harsh. I think it would be worth your time to make your own custom session, too.
    "Doubting not
    I give My Blood,
    So I May Enter Hall Up High,
    The Sky Belongs To Asagods,
    As Long As The Raven Flies!"
    Amon Amarth

  3. #3

    Default Re: Not feeling it yet

    its the same with me. Not the tiniest impact I feel. Sometimes I think whether its just my brain!! Too rigid to be affected!! ontknow:

  4. #4

    Default Re: Not feeling it yet

    Thanks for replies, yeah - the light is too much but still is on lowest level.

    As for creating my own sessions, I am so far from being able to do stuff like that. I struggle to do basic pc use these days lol
    Hence why I was hoping to be directed to any established resources of such.


  5. #5

    Default Re: Not feeling it yet

    Greetings, Kieron--sorry to read this isn't working for you! Most of the entrainment effect is produced by the lights, so the more intense the lights are typically the larger the felt effect. So being light sensitive isn't necessarily a good match for light/sound stimulation. You might consider returning it for a refund if you still have time (two months if bought from, one month from amazon). Also there is no need for you to create your own sessions, we provide that capability for advanced users. And don't forget that there is a manual frequency mode, you can select Sessions and hold the middle button a couple seconds to open that screen. Then set to say 11.0 (hz, "beat") and it will remain at that frequency.

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