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Thread: Transparent corp legal action/class action lawsuit

  1. Default Re: Transparent corp legal action/class action lawsuit

    The software alternatives suggested here so far I found not so good
    The best replacement for me is the Audio Brainwave software by saschArt. There are some free plugins, especially interesting is the panoscillator (for creating bilateral sound waves for brainspotting according to David Grand). For Brainwave Entrainment I use the following therapy vst plugins:
    Isochronic tones and goldwavegenerator.
    Please check them out yourself, link:
    I also bought the software BrainwaveProducer from SaschArt, with which you can use the plugins without DAW. Everything works perfect. But without audiostrobe!
    Good luck!

  2. #32

    Default Re: Transparent corp legal action/class action lawsuit

    Have you checked out my post on constructing sessions with a DAW? All that can be done without any special plugins.

  3. Default Re: Transparent corp legal action/class action lawsuit

    The solution for transparentcorp:
    If you need the original transparentcorp software for the differentiated Brainwave programming with AUDIOSTROBE, then you can't get around the original software.
    I have been looking for a solution for a long time and finally found one that works. There is no cracked software for neuroprogrammer or Brainsound-studio or Mindworkstation in the web. Some offers are simply fakes, you get a big zip-file which is encrypted and can't be opened, but costs money.
    The only solution are the trial versions with trial reset which is not easy because practically all programs for trial reset fail. The only exception is the software
    Registry Trash Keys Finder (Version 3.9.4.x) from
    With it the trial reset works perfectly, by simply deleting all found trash-registry keys. There is a free and a full version of trash-reg-finder. If the free version is working I don't know; you have to test it, I bought the full version.
    I just made a test CD with the Brainsound Studio including Audiostrobe. Audiostrobe is correctly captured in the WAV recording, the CD then runs flawlessly with light signals via (for instance) Synergizer.
    I think it then runs equally well with Mindworkstation and Neuroprogrammer.
    So: Install the trials and reset them every now and then. You will have for 15 days a full functioning program.
    The generated sessions can not be saved, but recorded with recording software and used permanently. Recommendation: soundtap recorder from NCH software, very simple, but sufficient and stable. Or Audacity or also GiliSoft Audio Recorder or i-sound-recorder from abyssmedia,
    Good luck.

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Transparent corp legal action/class action lawsuit

    Quote Originally Posted by psychodoc View Post
    If you need the original transparentcorp software for the differentiated Brainwave programming with AUDIOSTROBE, then you can't get around the original software.
    Why do you say that? You can easily create AS tracks using the methods that JoeV and others have suggested and demonstrated, for free.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  5. #35

    Default Re: Transparent corp legal action/class action lawsuit

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Why do you say that? You can easily create AS tracks using the methods that JoeV and others have suggested and demonstrated, for free.
    The only thing you cant do (yet) with a DAW I that you can with MWS is EEG/biofeedback. Actually, a DAW gives you superior sound and much more control. The opportunity for creativity is astounding!

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
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    Default Re: Transparent corp legal action/class action lawsuit

    I second Joe and Andy. The Cymatic plugins in Reaper are working great. I'd say I am doing 90+ percent of what I used to do in MWS. Actually better, because I can produce much higher quality mixes, better sound and complex 3D soundscapes.
    "Doubting not
    I give My Blood,
    So I May Enter Hall Up High,
    The Sky Belongs To Asagods,
    As Long As The Raven Flies!"
    Amon Amarth

  7. #37

    Default Re: Transparent corp legal action/class action lawsuit

    Quote Originally Posted by Darkness231 View Post
    Yes I have try but notice reaper is now new and only for money to get. The most daw are very complex for audio engineers and I feel it's needs a lot of time and knowledge to create files in spectrastrobe. So I have completely change like a lot that I knowing to audiostrobe again and I get a very good feedback to my audiostrobe files from clients. I use sharm studio and rework with a audiostrobe toolkit very easy. For me is spectrastrobe a death format. Brainwave 3d company have change back to audiostrobe too.

  8. #38

    Default Re: Transparent corp legal action/class action lawsuit

    Reaper is customizable to your specifications. You can make it a simple as you want, but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater! There are many creative tools built in that can be used for innovative sessions.

  9. Default Re: Transparent corp legal action/class action lawsuit

    But this software was integrated with so many biofeedback devices. It was so much more than just an audio creator.

    Clearly there is demand for a similar application to be developed

  10. #40

    Default Re: Transparent corp legal action/class action lawsuit

    Quote Originally Posted by gareth View Post
    But this software was integrated with so many biofeedback devices. It was so much more than just an audio creator.

    Clearly there is demand for a similar application to be developed
    The guys developing the Prism plugin are incorporating biofeedback at a later date.

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