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Thread: Questions from a New Kasina Owner

  1. Default Questions from a New Kasina Owner

    Hello Everybody,

    I recently purchased a Kasina Mind Machine and have a few questions.

    But first, a little background information about myself:

    I purchased my first AVS device - a Synetic Systems MasterMind programmable light & sound machine - from Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson back in the early 1990s. (Some of you might be familiar with Dr. Thompsons deep relaxation recordings such as Egg of Time and Child of a Dream.) At the time, he was helping me overcome some performance anxiety issues. In addition to the tapes provided to me by Dr. Thompson, I used my AVS device with Barrie Konicovs Potentials Unlimited self-hypnosis recordings.

    Now on to my questions:

    Is it possible to back up the data contained on the microSD card that comes with my Kasina onto a thumb drive or DVD-R? (Before I start adding files, Id like to have the means to be able to restore the microSD card back to its original configuration if necessary.)

    Regarding increasing the Kasinas volume from EU standards, is there any particular volume setting that you can recommend? (I dont want to set it too loud.)

    I plan to use my Kasina primarily for goal visualization sessions and in conjunction with motivational and self-help recordings such as those produced by Kelly Howell. Of the pre-programmed sessions that come with my Kasina unit, are there any that you feel would be particularly relevant for what I want to do?

    Being retired, I have the time to work with my Kasina device, learning about its capabilities and how to take full advantage of what it has to offer. If you already own a Kasina, any suggestions and advise you can offer to a newbie will be greatly appreciated.

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    Default Re: Questions from a New Kasina Owner

    Quote Originally Posted by Quondam32346 View Post
    Hello Everybody,

    I recently purchased a Kasina Mind Machine and have a few questions.

    But first, a little background information about myself:

    I purchased my first AVS device - a Synetic Systems MasterMind programmable light & sound machine - from Dr. Jeffrey D. Thompson back in the early 1990s. (Some of you might be familiar with Dr. Thompsons deep relaxation recordings such as Egg of Time and Child of a Dream.) At the time, he was helping me overcome some performance anxiety issues. In addition to the tapes provided to me by Dr. Thompson, I used my AVS device with Barrie Konicovs Potentials Unlimited self-hypnosis recordings.
    Nice to meet you and Welcome to the MP forums!

    Now on to my questions:

    Is it possible to back up the data contained on the microSD card that comes with my Kasina onto a thumb drive or DVD-R? (Before I start adding files, Id like to have the means to be able to restore the microSD card back to its original configuration if necessary.)
    The Kasina's micro-SD card works just like an external drive or USB flash key. You can drag/drop, delete, copy files just like on a drive. 2 ways to access the micro-SD card:
    1. Using the Kasina, connect it to your computer's USB port using the included cable. Select the USB tile on the Kasina and press the center button. The Kasina's micro-SD card will show up on your computer as an external drive. Open that drive on your computer and you can copy everything on there to a folder/directory on your computer to back it up. Note that the copying will take a while using the Kasina via USB.
    2. Using the included SD to micro-SD adapter and an SD card reader (either a built-in one on your computer or an external card reader). This method will be faster.

    Regarding increasing the Kasinas volume from EU standards, is there any particular volume setting that you can recommend? (I dont want to set it too loud.)
    Whatever level is comfortable for you is fine. Louder doesn't make it work better, so just find a comfortable volume. Same goes for brightness.

    I plan to use my Kasina primarily for goal visualization sessions and in conjunction with motivational and self-help recordings such as those produced by Kelly Howell. Of the pre-programmed sessions that come with my Kasina unit, are there any that you feel would be particularly relevant for what I want to do?
    Not sure. Have you had a look a the included sessions, and also the user-contributed sessions here? Experimentation is important - try lots of sessions and make note of the ones that work well for you.

    Being retired, I have the time to work with my Kasina device, learning about its capabilities and how to take full advantage of what it has to offer. If you already own a Kasina, any suggestions and advise you can offer to a newbie will be greatly appreciated.
    Take time to work with the device, don't run before you walk. Make sure you're comfortable, try the included sessions and get really comfy with how it works. Then, if you start to get bored, you can look into other more advanced operations.


    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. Default Re: Questions from a New Kasina Owner

    Hi Andy,

    Many thanks for this information.

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