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Thread: Procyon migration to Kasina (PRw to KBS question)

  1. Lightbulb Procyon migration to Kasina (PRw to KBS question)

    Hi all

    Merry Christmas :P

    I'm from France and I'm an happy owner of a Kasina, received yesterday for Xmas
    I will test it for sure and see how it goes.

    Is there a way to read or maybe I should write transform Procyon (PRw) session to Kasina (kbs) format ?
    I would like to test the PandoraStar session file from an user posted on forum but not only those.

    Thanks in advance,

    Ps: Thanks Andy

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Procyon migration to Kasina (PRw to KBS question)

    One of the issues in converting Procyon to KBS sessions is that the Procyon can have different frequencies for each colour. The KBS format only allows for the same frequency for all colours.
    I took a look at the Pandora sessions, and they do use different frequencies for each colour, so an accurate conversion wouldn't be possible.

    The sessions could be replicated using SpectraStrobe, but that would take some SS creation skills, which I don't have!

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. Default Re: Procyon migration to Kasina (PRw to KBS question)

    Andy, thanks for your answer, so it's possible but not easy.
    Can you explain what tools should we use to try to do that?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Procyon migration to Kasina (PRw to KBS question)

    If you're comfy with DAW software and plug-ins you should be able to get up and running.
    If you don't know what DAW software is, you'll likely have quite a learning curve.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  5. Default Re: Procyon migration to Kasina (PRw to KBS question)

    Again thanks to you, I'm not comfy about DAW software but will try to fully understand it

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