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Thread: Kasina personalized session

  1. #1

    Question Kasina personalized session

    Hi everyone,

    I have bought my Kasina a couple of months ago and I am only using the built-in sessions so far.

    If I want to make my own session with specific frequencies, how can I do it? I have managed to update the firmware in my Kasina and downloaded the Kasina KBS Editor in my laptop, but then Im stuck, I have no idea how to do it at all...

    I want to learn how to do it properly. Can anyone please point me to the right direction?

    Thank you in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Kasina personalized session

    Hi Maxie;

    I assume you're using the v2 Editor? There is a tutorial here on how to use the editor to get you started.
    Let me know if you have any questions and I will try to help.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Kasina personalized session

    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for that link. Yes, I’m using V2.

    May I ask you one more question? For brainwave entrainment, it’s the beats that matter, not the pitch, am I right? Let say if I want to stay in the 0.5-1 HZ brainwave with my Kasina, I should focus on descending the beats from perhaps 10HZ to 0.5HZ, am I correct? (Since we can’t perceive any sounds below 10HZ)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Kasina personalized session

    Yes, it's the beats that matter for isochronic (same beat in each ear) sessions.
    For binaural beats (where the beat is generated from the difference between the left and right pitch) relative pitch matters. E.g. If the left ear pitch is set to 150hz and the right to 151hz, you will be making a binaural beat of 1hz.

    I would suggest the easiest way to get started would be to copy the KBS (Sirus) sessions from the KBS folder to your computer, and open one of them up to see how the sessions are created.
    Note that the sessions on the Kasina are v1, so starting with a v1 session, you can add some more interesting changes by changing it to v2 and working with the colours. Remember to save it with a new name when you're copying it back to the Kasina so you don't over-write a factory session.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Kasina personalized session

    Thanks for your good tips!

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