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Thread: Two Questions re Weird Reactions of Unit

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Montreal, Quebec

    Default Two Questions re Weird Reactions of Unit


    The first question relates to the fact that sometimes at the end of a session when I press stop to find out what the lowest level of stress I reached was, the unit would blink say at level five, then go down and blink at level four, then three, two, and one. Why does it do that? Is it a defect? Should I consider five to be the lowest level reached in such a situation?

    The second question I think I know the answer to. I sometimes cannot get the readings to move beyond the highest level of stress (all red on level 8). I notice that it tends to happen when my stomach is full. Any comments on this?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Montreal, Quebec

    Default Re: Two Questions re Weird Reactions of Unit

    I think I figured out the issues. The instrument is working normally. If I have eaten and my stomach is very full the unit will give me erroneous readings even 1-2 hours after the meal (much longer than what is described in the manual). Also, if I move significantly during the relaxation (for instance to scratch in several places) and my readings are affected, at the end of the session I may get erroneous readings as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Two Questions re Weird Reactions of Unit

    I'm glad you figured it out. I didn't really know why you were getting the strange readings. Thank you for letting us know!

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  4. Default Re: Two Questions re Weird Reactions of Unit

    Quote Originally Posted by charley5 View Post
    I think I figured out the issues. The instrument is working normally. If I have eaten and my stomach is very full the unit will give me erroneous readings even 1-2 hours after the meal (much longer than what is described in the manual). Also, if I move significantly during the relaxation (for instance to scratch in several places) and my readings are affected, at the end of the session I may get erroneous readings as well.
    Wow, I didn't even know about this feature of this device.

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