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Thread: How to use the Kasina for anxiety

  1. Default How to use the Kasina for anxiety

    Hi Everyone,
    Thankyou for adding me to this friendly forum. I hope I have posted this in the right section, I'm completely new to the forum world so wasn't sure where to put this post!
    I have had my Kasina for 2 years and used it for a while when I first had it, but then put it away and sort of forgot about it. Recently I've been going through a period of horrible anxiety which is really affecting my life and I remembered my Kasina and have been using it for the last few days in the hope that it will help with my sleep and stress levels. So my questions are:
    Which are the programmes to use for anxiety and which should I avoid? I've gathered from information here in the forum, that high frequency programmes may exacerbate the anxiety and having looked at the different programmes in the user manual, it doesn't give the frequencies on all the programmes and I just want to be sure before I experiment further.
    So far, I have used some of the meditate, trance and night voyage programmes, some have made me feel relaxed and others a little agitated. Am I to assume that if it makes me feel relaxed then Proceed and if I feel agitated, try another?
    With regards to the goggles, I have the Ganzfield ones and I am wondering whether for anxiety it is better to use the color organ settings or the spectrstr or is it simply whatever makes me feel more relaxed each time I use the Kasina?
    I know this isn't going to be an instant fix, the brain needs to be rebooted so to speak and already I am feeling some benefits but what would be the recommended number of sessions per day (or hours of use) and are there any side effects of overuse? I am on holiday this week so have the opportunity to use it as much as necessary, but again I dont want to overdo it, so some guideline on useage would be helpful.
    Is it a case of the more use the quicker the results - if so I'm up for that!
    Finally, I also have a CES device called an alpha stim, which puts the brain into an alpha state, the device delivers a microcurrent via earclips, and I was wondering if anyone else knows about this device and if so would it be a good idea to use it at the same time as the Kasina or to do separate sessions.
    Many thank in advance to anyone who takes the time to read this and offer advice. There are some very knowledgeable people here in the forum and I look forward to learning more about this fantastic device.
    Have a great day and thanks again
    Last edited by ChasJedd; 10-09-2017 at 12:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: How to use the Kasina for anxiety

    Hello and welcome!

    Your questions are common ones that new users have. A little searching and reading on the forum will be very beneficial for you. I'll help you with a few links to get you started:

    All of these links were found further down this page in a section called "Similar Threads". Some are referring to other MindPlace products, but the methodolgy and frequencies apply to all MP devices. Hopefully this information is helpful in your quest!

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. Default Re: How to use the Kasina for anxiety

    Thank you Andy, for taking the time to reply to my post. I noticed on the proteus post, there is a link to a page which details the exact range of frequencies for each programme but I cant find the same information for the Kasina programmes, in the instruction manual - (session list) only some of the programmes state the range of frequencies for example in the mind art list, there is no information on frequencies, and it would be helpful to know the ranges of all the programmes to avoid ones which may be overstimulating.
    I have seen references to adding other sessions to my Kasina and I wondered also if you would be kind enough to direct me to where to access these additional sessions but most importantly instructions how to down load them on to the device, I'm not very Tecchy I'm afraid and I have a MacBook Pro so if there are any instructions or even videos on how to extract the session and add them to my device, I'd be so grateful.
    Some general feedback, So far, I've been using my Kasina every day this week and can report that I do feel I am making progress and am finding it easier to "tune in" to the sessions and relax, but it does take practise, the monkey mind still wants to take over at times!
    Thanks again for your help Andy

  4. #4
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: How to use the Kasina for anxiety

    Quote Originally Posted by ChasJedd View Post
    Thank you Andy, for taking the time to reply to my post. I noticed on the proteus post, there is a link to a page which details the exact range of frequencies for each programme but I cant find the same information for the Kasina programmes, in the instruction manual - (session list) only some of the programmes state the range of frequencies for example in the mind art list, there is no information on frequencies, and it would be helpful to know the ranges of all the programmes to avoid ones which may be overstimulating.
    The manual has most of the frequencies listed for the various SS sessions and KBS sessions. More detail on the KBS (Sirius) sessions can be found here.

    I have seen references to adding other sessions to my Kasina and I wondered also if you would be kind enough to direct me to where to access these additional sessions but most importantly instructions how to down load them on to the device, I'm not very Tecchy I'm afraid and I have a MacBook Pro so if there are any instructions or even videos on how to extract the session and add them to my device, I'd be so grateful.
    Additional Kasina sessions are available on the Session forum here, on SoundCloud here, and at here.
    To download sessions into your Kasina is pretty easy using the Kasina Basic Editor.
    Here are some links to YouTube videos on how to use the Editor.

    Some general feedback, So far, I've been using my Kasina every day this week and can report that I do feel I am making progress and am finding it easier to "tune in" to the sessions and relax, but it does take practise, the monkey mind still wants to take over at times!
    Thanks again for your help Andy
    You're very welcome, and keep on working with the Kasina. You'll get better results as you use it more. You cannot "over use" it.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  5. Default Re: How to use the Kasina for anxiety

    Vitamin B - not one particular kind but a full spectrum vitamin B high strength - just take one per day no need to mega dose or be silly

    theta/delta 3 hz 30 - 60 minutes per day

    progressive relaxation & autogenics meditation

  6. Default Re: How to use the Kasina for anxiety

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    The manual has most of the frequencies listed for the various SS sessions and KBS sessions. More detail on the KBS (Sirius) sessions can be found here.

    Additional Kasina sessions are available on the Session forum here, on SoundCloud here, and at here.
    To download sessions into your Kasina is pretty easy using the Kasina Basic Editor.
    Here are some links to YouTube videos on how to use the Editor.

    You're very welcome, and keep on working with the Kasina. You'll get better results as you use it more. You cannot "over use" it.
    Helpful read.

  7. Default Re: How to use the Kasina for anxiety

    Hmm, for the first time in my life I hear about it and I can not even imagine what it is. Is it grass or pills? The only thing I have used in my life to combat anxiety and depression is Kratom. This is a cool weed that helps to relax and forget about all the problems. I first tried it at 15 years old. I didn’t even know that my father uses weed. After that I started to use it regularly. I even found out that he was buying kratom from and ordered from the same store. He did not know about it and it gave me more adrenaline. Over time, I already started using kratom in tea and the effect was really awesome!

  8. Default Re: How to use the Kasina for anxiety

    Yes, thank you for the detailed description of Kasina's work along with the links. I think there will be more and more worries in this world so it's relevant.

  9. Default Re: How to use the Kasina for anxiety

    thank you for info! very useful! In my case, only antidepressants helped me. It was an unexpected decision but it saved my life. My friend who was in the same situation suggested me to visit this website where I could order quality antidepressants. These guys have nice customer service and thanks to them I ordered pills which I exactly needed. All went good and now I am feeling much better. So if you want, you can check out this site for more info!
    Last edited by holly77; 07-29-2020 at 03:44 AM.

  10. Default Re: How to use the Kasina for anxiety

    Ignore the stigma and look into Ketamine therapy. It is the only thing that has worked for me and after 30 years of being numb and sad, it has opened a whole new world for me. Ketamine is actually what got me to dig out my Kasina and give it another try. I purchased it a few years ago when I had money to play with, but didn't give it enough time. Thank god I hung on to it, because the mixture of the two has provided me with the most incredible, enlightening, and helpful sessions in my life. I abused hallucinogens when I was young and I think I hoped that the Kasina would bring some of that back, these were bad expectations so I didnt continue. In the last 2 months, I have become an advocae for the Kasina, almost a bit obnoxsious to some friends. With the Kasina I am able to experience what I imagine astral projection would feel like, visuals of walking on other planets, and seeing the world clearly. I now know that the Ksina is a valuable tool and I am only scratching the surface of what it can do. I am in the last 25% of my life and I am so grateful that I have found a combination that actually allows me to step outside myself and look at myself objectively and without judgement. Problems seem easy, and the lasting effects are great.

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