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Thread: First time user and have a question about cd content

  1. Default First time user and have a question about cd content


    I got my device two days ago and was pleasantly surprised with it.
    At first I noticed the flashing behind closed eyes without much visuals. The best visuals sofar I got with Rejuvenate and it was great.
    Then I read on this forum about the audiostrobe giving better visuals so I tried the first one in the list and it blew me out of the water giving me visuals from the first ligths on till they went off. Fractals, mandala's also turning in 3d right movement and rotation right of the bat first time with audiostrobe but not with spectrastrobe.
    That was crazy. Rejuvenate gave me good visuals too but not as intense and insane as audiostrobe so I still have to find out my favorites.

    My question is:
    I see that you can buy audiostrobe coded cd's from this website.
    Do they work for the Kasina too?
    I also see websites offering audiostrobe coded cd's, do they work with Kasina too?
    Do I have to convert these audio cd's to MP3 for the Kasina with special programs to keep the light signals in the mp3 file or do they come as mp3 files?

    Could you direct me to somewhere where there is a tutorial on how to get cd contents on the Kasina? I would love to order some audiostrobe cd's from your website.

    There are some audiostrobe files on the device with the same name as in the shop. Are they the same or are those bought in the shop longer or different?

    Thanks for making such a cool product, I am loving it.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: First time user and have a question about cd content

    Hello Lokiban,
    Yes, all AudioStrobe encoded sessions will work great with the Kasina. They will work as onboard mp3 sessions or from an external audio player piped into the AUX jack. A great thing with the Kasina is you can choose the color mapping as well using the ColorSets.

    There are many free programs to rip CDs to mp3. Audiograbber or CDEx are good ones to try. To keep the AudioStrobe encoding you must use low compression which means a high bitrate. Encode the mp3 files at 320kps, CBR (constant bitrate). With newer versions using these settings the light signals will be preserved.

    The AudioStrobe CDs we sell are designed to produce nice visual experiences with patterns, fractals, geometry etc. These differ from the 'entrainment' type sessions. Kasina contains a mix of session types with the Mind Art category being closest to the CDs. The AS files that are contained on the Kasina are samplers from these discs. So they would be one of the songs from the disc to give you an idea of the style.

    Hope this helps. If you need more assistance we are happy to provide more information.

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: First time user and have a question about cd content

    I am also interested in bying additional Audiostrobe programms and have a question - are they "just for fun", like looking at a nice firework show, or do they also target particular herz to help you reach different states of mind? In a previous post Scott wrote that the ones included in the Kasina were just "geometry" demo sessions.
    Last edited by raziela; 10-11-2015 at 10:17 PM.

  4. Default Re: First time user and have a question about cd content

    thank you Scott for the info,
    I just ordered the audio illusions cd and dreams in the mind eye, I am looking forward to that. I love to see the visuals and geometry and audio illusions is amazing by what I experienced on the Kasina.
    I also have Neuroprogrammer 3 and hooked it up to the Kasina and it works like a charm. It is great how it is supported and I am looking forward to create my own sessions.

    I absolutely love the Kasina. The spectrastrobe meditation meditate brought me to a very deep level of meditation hovering near sleep and sometimes almost nodding off. I finished it off with a nice audiostrobe version audio illusions and when I got to bed my inner vision opened up fantastically looking at a lake in all its beauty and details and not losing sight of it.
    If this is what the Kasina does then it is totally amazing and awesome, I enjoy it.

    Thank you for making such cool toys for the mind. I tried ten year ago with some crude glasses and big bulb leds which are nothing compared to what I experience now.
    I couldn't be more happy.

    ps I would love to play existing music on the Kasina with the leds flashing on the rythm of the music. Is this possible? Do you have a tutorial you could link me to?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: First time user and have a question about cd content

    It is awesome to hear about how much you are enjoying the Kasina. The technique that you have discovered where you let yourself get very near sleep is an excellent one. Many great visions are to be found at the borderland of sleep.

    Yes, flashing the lights along with non-encoded music is facilitated by the ColorOrgan mode. It works best with rhythmic music. The Color Organ is described in the manual starting on page 12. A digital copy is here: Press the control pad button UP to access the ColorOrgan modes.

    There really is not that much distinction between 'just for fun' or 'serious' entrainment type sessions. It is common somehow that people try to make these comparisons. You can see many threads about this on the forum.

    But think about it. The brain is a very complex organ, oscillating with ever changing frequencies. All sensory input especially psychoactive inputs like those provided by a mind machine have influence on brainwave patterns.

    Let's think about it this way. 'Entrainment' sessions at the most basic level are like a metronome. A stripped down steady beat. Not necessarily fun to listen to or very interesting at all. However, the point of a metronome is to set a time that you can play music around. A synchronization pulse. It helps to learn how to express yourself on the instrument to play along with the metronome. At the highest levels you can 'improvise' freely around the metronome and may not even need the pulse anymore. I hope you can see how this applies to meditation.

    'Entertainment' type sessions which some people seem to like to think of them, are songs in themselves. They are much more complex and interesting than a metronome pulse. They contain structure and emotional layers, the best ones induce a very important emotion, 'awe'. These sessions are generally more compelling and easily enjoyed right out of the box. Contrast this with the metronome where you need to make your own 'music' for it to be interesting.

    No one would argue that 'songs' don't affect the mind and mood states. In fact, many strong memories and experiences are anchored by them.

    So, in my mind, the distinction is simplistic and superficial at best.

    Hope this discussion is of interest.

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  6. Default Re: First time user and have a question about cd content

    Hello Scott,

    I see there are lots of AudioStrobe cd's availlable for the AVS devices but no SpectraStrobe cd's/music.
    If Spectrastrobe is more advanced then AudioStrobe wouldn't people create content for that?
    Are the only SpectraStrobe files the only ones you get with the Kasina device?

    I created with NP3 an alpha session at 8.5 hz. The visuals I am getting are better then the very deep meditation. I missed that pure alpha meditation in the SpectraStrobe meditations session and played a bit with different color flashes and settings which work great and I am getting the hang of it.
    Meditation with the Kasina is dead easy. I have to do nothing just sit there and listen and watch and I must say that isochronic tones alone are nice but with the visuals it is a sure thing you enter meditative states fast and easy.
    I love this device, my creativity is shooting into outer space and ideas upon ideas enter my mind. Now to only get the skills to fiddle with the lights and create some content myself. Sound and Vision, the ultimate experience.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: First time user and have a question about cd content

    Thank you Scott, what you say makes sense.

    I have the same question with Lokiban actually, there are no extra Spectrastrobe sessions to purchase / download other than the free tracks on soundcloud (@lokiban have a look: My wish as a customer and just a thought for mindplace to consider would be extra Spectrastrobe content in mp3 download format (takes ages for physical products to reach Europe, they might get stuck in customs and it is a waste of resources, whereas the digital download takes seconds) and focus on more intense visuals - mandalas, color and shape variety, anything to make your mind trip - the "awesome song" as you describe it above. Reading other comments in the forum I think that other meditation and mind machine beginners might be expecting that. Spectrastrobe is supposed to be so much more advanced than Audiostrobe and yet in my humble opinion I feel that the audiostrobe sessions "audio illusions" and "dreams in the minds eye" are visually more impressive than "a starlit night" or "patternity", but of course this is how I might personally perceive it.
    Last edited by raziela; 10-12-2015 at 10:22 PM.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: First time user and have a question about cd content


    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: First time user and have a question about cd content

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Other than some sessions I found on soundcloud and the sessions sub-forum, there is not a lot of extra content - especially sessions that focus on stunning visuals rather than entrainment - is there?

  10. #10
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    Default Re: First time user and have a question about cd content

    I haven't counted them, but there has to be dozens (if not hundreds) of sessions between the 2 locations.

    I just cleaned up the Sessions forum so there are only sessions in there. There's 42 posts, each with one or more sessions. Have you had a chance to try them all?

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

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