Re: Some sound questions
Technically, the editor is exclusively for the onboard mind machine format KBS. It is the editor for that format. The KBS format is for strictly stimulation based sessions in a simplified style. Being that KBS also takes advantage of the ColorSets for real time color selection, this eases the learning curve. Basically to create a simple session there is no learning curve. But the possibility for complex sessions is still there.
Also, I'm not sure I've discussed it here before, but how many people use or know about disentrainment sessions? These are wide ranging 'brain buster' type sessions. These can help break up your habitual mental patterns, enhance creativity, encourage neuroplasticity etc... I run sessions of this type at least once a week.
The KBS format is super nice for these types of sessions.
The editor was never meant to compete with NP3 or MWS and why should it? Those software programs rule and Transparent is very supportive of MindPlace products. If you want something free then use GNaural which I have made templates for.
Last edited by neuroasis; 09-22-2015 at 05:17 AM.
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