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Thread: New Kasina Owner. Where to start?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Kln, Deutschland, Germany

    Default New Kasina Owner. Where to start?

    Hey Guys,

    After a month and paying 130$ extra in Customs my Kasina finally arrived at my place. The Kasina for me was an nightly impulse buy because i was flashed by the reviews on amazon and like psychedelic stuff. So now i unpacked it read the manual and tryed out some programs.

    They are nice and relaxing but other then that- i?m a little clueless. I guess the Kasina is a machine for people who are involved in the whole theme and not so much for newbies?

    What i would love is like a getting started guide not on technical site. I get the machine. But i don?t get what it can do for me.

    An Explanation of the possibilities and a beginners Guide to the wonderfull things it can do for you.

    For example something like this:

    In your first week of owning your Kasina try this and that program everyday for a week if you want to improve your concentration....
    If you are not feeling anything maybe try this...
    Maybe you can also point me to some articles that explain the technolegy behind the Kasina and what to do with it

    I hope you understand me

    Yours Maximilian

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: New Kasina Owner. Where to start?

    Hello Maximilian and Welcome to the MindPlace community!

    I always recommend reading this post and thread as a great start to understanding AVS. Have a read, try some of the suggestions and then continue to experiment and ask questions.

    A beginners guide is a good idea, but since everyone is different, it might be hard to create something that works for everyone.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

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