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Thread: Micro SD card question

  1. #1

    Default Micro SD card question

    So, I read the little piece about formatting a 64GB micro SD card. I went ahead and ordered one from Amazon because I wanted to have enough room to load new sessions contributed by some of the talented folks out there. My question is - is it possible to port the content from the supplied 8GB card to a new card with larger capacity so that the Kasina will boot up from the new card? I know there is the operating system which you can update with the latest version but are there hidden files and folders that I need to worry about? Is this even possible at all?

    many thanks,

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Tripping the Light Fantastic
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    Default Re: Micro SD card question

    Hi Brian,
    The OS is stored on internal memory on the Kasina, so no worries about that. Otherwise just mount the SD card to your computer by using a card reader. You can also do so by USB but it is much slower to transfer the whole contents of the card this way. Then you just backup the files to your computer, insert the new card and go through the formatting steps, then copy all the files and folders to this new card. There are no hidden folders. The only utility folder besides the docs and software is the KASINA folder which has a file inside that we use in our software and Transparent software to identify the mounted SD volume.

    That's one of the nice things about the Kasina, it is fully expandable and works just as you would expect when adding files.

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Micro SD card question

    Hi Brian;

    Copying the files is no problem at all. They are just normal files that can be dragged/dropped from one card to the other. The card only has content, no operating system or hidden files.
    There is one file, however, that is important but not clearly obvious as to why it's there. There is a folder on the root of the micro-SD card named KASINA. Inside that folder is a file named Make sure you copy that folder and file over to your new card. This folder and file is used by Transparent Corp software to identify that the Kasina is connected and allows for additional Kasina functions to be enabled in that software. Specifically, Send to Kasina and Play on Kasina functions. (Not sure if that's the exact name of the functions).

    *edit* whoops - Scott beat me to it!

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Micro SD card question

    As always, thanks guys for the help and advice.


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